Memfault State of IoT Report

C# for Embedded ?...

Started by Chris November 4, 2016
<kalvin.news@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some people might argue that C++ would be just fine, but I would argue > that it is very easy to create something that is doing something that you > didn't intend to do. The C++ is such a clever language that I will do > some things behind the scene (like allocate an object from the dynamic > heap although you didn't do it explicitly) unless you are very careful > and know what to do. So, I would rule out the C++ unless you are really competent with it. >
Any language that allows you to do stupid shit isn't clever at all.
> In addition to the suitable programming language you will need an > operating system. Typically in a real-time systems you would need an > operating system that has real-time features. However, in a safety > critical systems you will need an OS that is simple enough to be safely > used in a safety critical systems. >
Actually in Ada, if you implement enough low level stuff you could have the runtime be your minimal OS. Luke

Memfault State of IoT Report