----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Participation *** PROGRAM SUMMARY *** 25th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2021) 7-10 June 2021, Virtual Event www.ada-europe.org/conference2021 Organized by University of Cantabria and Ada-Europe in cooperation with ACM SIGAda, SIGPLAN, SIGBED and the Ada Resource Association (ARA) #AEiC2021 #AdaEurope #AdaProgramming ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *** General Information The 25th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2021), initially scheduled to take place in Santander, Spain, will be held online from the 7th to the 10th of June 2021, using the underline.io conference platform. The conference program includes parallel tutorials on Monday 7th, and a technical program and vendor exhibition from Tuesday to Thursday. The conference also includes breaks and virtual social events that will allow networking among the participants. *** Overview of the Week Monday 7th - Welcome Social Event - 5 Parallel Tutorials - Ice-Breaking Social Event Tuesday 8th - Ice-Breaking Social Event and Opening - Techn. Session 1: Scheduling and mixed-criticality systems - Keynote 1 - Techn. Session 2: Software modeling - Social Event Wednesday 9th - Welcome Social Event - Techn. Session 3: Autonomous systems - Work-in-Progress Session - Keynote 2 - Techn. Session 4: Ada issues and Ravenscar - Social Event Thursday 10th - Welcome Social Event - Techn. Session 5: Validation and verification tools - Techn. Session 6: Emerging applications with reliability requirements - Keynote 3 - Techn. Session 7: Safety challenges - Best Presentation Award, Closing Session and Party The program runs between 12:30 and 18:30 CEST, to allow participation from different time zones. For full details and up-to-date information, see the conference web page: http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2021 *** Keynote Talks In each of the three main conference days, a keynote will be delivered to address hot topics of relevance in the conference scope, with ample time for questions and answers. The keynotes will be: - �ngel Conde, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence team leader at IKERLAN (Spain), who will present his work on "Software reliability in the Big Data era with an industry-minded focus". - Alfons Crespo, who is with the Institute of Automation and Industrial Informatics of the Universitat Polit�cnica de Val�ncia (Spain), will give an answer to the question "Why hypervisor-based approach is the best alternative for mixed-criticality systems". - Tucker Taft, who is Director of Language Research at AdaCore (USA), will talk on "A sampling of Ada 2022". *** Technical Sessions Given the current sanitary situation and the need to resort to a virtual format for the conference, we will all experience the advantages and benefits of exploring new formats. The technical sessions are designed with the flipped-conference concept, where the audience can access the pre-recorded presentation materials in advance and the live sessions are devoted to short presentations of the highlights of each contribution, allowing ample time for questions and answers with the presenter. The recorded materials will also be available for some time after their sessions. The technical sessions include papers submitted to the journal track that are heading towards final acceptance and open-access publication, together with industrial, invited and vendor presentations. *** Work-in-Progress Session The Work-in-Progress session contains contributions of evolving and early-stage ideas, or new research directions. They are presented in a special session consisting of a round of very short presentations of the highlights of each contribution, followed by a poster session in the same virtual space where the breaks are held. *** Exhibition From Tuesday to Thursday the conference platform will provide access to virtual booths where participants will be able to find information on the conference exhibitors and chat with them or request meetings. The virtual break lounge where the breaks and social events will take place will also have a space for meeting with the exhibitors. *** Tutorials Five four-hour parallel tutorials are offered on Monday 7th: - TU-1: Programming mobile robots with ROS2 and the RCLAda Ada client library, by Alejandro R. Mosteo - TU-2: Introduction to the development of safety critical software, by Jean-Pierre Rosen - TU-3: Parallel programming with Ada and OpenMP, by Sara Royuela, S. Tucker Taft, Luis Miguel Pinho - TU-4: Timing verification from UML & MARTE design models: techniques & tools, by Laurent Rioux, Julio Medina and Shuai Li - TU-5: Programming shared memory computers, by Jan Verschelde *** Social Program The virtual conference platform will offer a space under the gather.town environment to allow informal and lively gathering of the participants. This space may have different areas, such as rooms, tables, and corners where a participant can approach to talk though videoconferencing with participants in the same virtual area. This facility will be used for the breaks, poster session, exhibition and social events. Particular themes for some of the social events will be announced in the conference platform and in the web page. *** Further Information Participation for the full event, including tutorials, is free for Ada-Europe members and only 60 EUR for all others. Registration is required for all. The conference web page will shortly give full and up-to-date details on the program, the registration process and the virtual platform: http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2021 *** AEiC 2021 Sponsors - AdaCore: https://www.adacore.com/ - Ellidiss: https://www.ellidiss.com/ - PTC: http://www.ptc.com/developer-tools - Universidad de Cantabria: https://web.unican.es/en/ - Vector: https://www.vector.com/at/en/ The conference is supported and sponsored by - Ada-Europe: http://www.ada-europe.org/ and organized in cooperation with - ACM SIGAda: http://www.sigada.org/ - ACM SIGBED: https://sigbed.org/ - ACM SIGPLAN: http://www.sigplan.org/ - ARA: https://www.adaic.org/community/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. Please circulate widely. Dirk Craeynest, AEiC 2021 Publicity Chair (aka Ada-Europe 2021) Dirk.Craeynest@cs.kuleuven.be (V4.5)

Ada-Europe Int.Conf. Reliable Software Technologies, AEiC 2021
Started by ●April 27, 2021