Imagine Conference

CFP: SEKE-2006

Started by Christos Kloukinas January 13, 2006
Dear colleagues,
   please consider submitting a paper to the 18th International
Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
(SEKE'06) and the subsequent special issue of the International
Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.
   A PDF version of the CFP is available at the conference site for
your convenience.

   We would be grateful to you if you could forward this to people
you feel may be interested in submitting/participating as well.

With kind regards,
   Christos Kloukinas
   SEKE'06 Publicity Chair
           |                                                |
           |  SEKE'2006 - 18th International Conference on  |
           | Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering |
           |                                                |
           |      http://www.ksi.edu/seke/seke06.html       |
           |                                                |
           |Hotel Sofitel, San Francisco Bay, July 5-7, 2006|
           |                                                |
           | Paper submission deadline:      March 1, 2006  |

              Organized by the Knowledge Systems Institute


The Eighteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'06) will be held in Hotel Sofitel, San
Francisco Bay, USA, July 5-7, 2006. The conference aims at bringing
together experts in software engineering and knowledge engineering
to discuss on relevant results in either software engineering or
knowledge engineering or both. Special emphasis will be put on the
transference of methods between both domains. Solicited topics
include, but are not limited to:

* Adaptive Systems
* AI Approaches to Software Engineering
* Automated Reasoning
* Automated Software Design and Synthesis
* Automated Software Specification
* Component-Based Software Engineering
* Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
* Databases
* Design Methods
* Education and Training
* Electronic Commerce
* Formal Methods
* Human-Computer Interaction
* Industrial Applications
* Integrity, Security, and Fault Tolerance
* Knowledge Acquisition
* Knowledge-Based and Expert Systems
* Knowledge Representation and Retrieval
* Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques
* Knowledge Visualization
* Learning Software Organization
* Measurement and Empirical Software Engineering
* Meta-CASE
* Mobile Data Accesses
* Multimedia and Hypermedia Software Engineering
* Object-Oriented Technology
* Ontologies and Methodologies
* Patterns and Frameworks
* Process and Workflow Management
* Programming Languages and Software Engineering
* Program Understanding
* Reflection and Metadata Approaches
* Reliability
* Requirements Engineering
* Reverse Engineering
* Soft Computing
* Software Architecture
* Software Domain Modeling and Meta-Modeling
* Software Engineering Decision Support
* Software Maintenance and Evolution
* Software Process Modeling
* Software Quality
* Software Reuse
* System Applications and Experience
* Tutoring, Help, Documentation Systems
* Uncertainty Knowledge Management
* Validation and Verification
* Web-Based Knowledge Management
* Web-Based Tools, Systems, and Environments
* Web and Data Mining


Submissions that address research and development on the above and
other related topics are strongly encouraged. The scientific quality
of contributed papers will be ensured by a rigorous revision process
that will involve all members of the Program Committees.
A selection of the best papers in software engineering and knowledge
engineering will be published in a Special Issue of the
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering.  Papers must be written in English. An electronic
version (Postscript, PDF, or MS Word format) of the full paper
should be submitted using the following URL:

             (Please use Internet Explorer as the browser)

Manuscript must include a 200-word abstract and no more than 6 pages
of IEEE double column text (include figures and references).
Workshop papers should be submitted to the workshops directly.

For any questions, please contact:

SEKE'2006 Conference Secretariat
Knowledge Systems Institute,
3420 Main Street, Skokie, IL 60076 USA
Tel: 847-679-3135, Fax: 847-679-3166
E-mail: seke@ksi.edu


Paper submission:               March 1, 2006
Notification of decision:       April 15, 2006
Camera-ready copy:              May 1, 2006


SEKE'2006 invites proposals for workshops in specialized topic
areas. Workshops proposed so far include the following. You can
contact the organizer of a workshop to join as a PC member for that

* Knowledge Systems for Bio Applications
   Workshop Chair: Christine W. Chan,
   University of Regina (christine.chan@uregina.ca)

* Evaluation and Evolution of Component Composition
   Workshop Chair: Jerry Gao,
   San Jose State University (gaojerry@hotmail.com)

* Agent-Oriented Software Development Methodology
   Workshop Chair: Hong Zhu,
   Oxford Brookes University (hzhu@brookes.ac.uk)


Before the conference, there will be the July 4th celebration in San
Francisco and everywhere.


Shi Kuo Chang, Knowledge Systems Institute, USA


Kang Zhang, University of Texas at Dallas, USA


George Spanoudakis, City University, UK
Giuseppe Visaggio, University of Bari, Italy


Christos Kloukinas, City University, UK


Silvia Teresita Acuna,  Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Anneliese Andrews       University of Denver, USA
Juan Carlos Augusto     University of Ulster, UK
Doo-Hwan Bae            KAIST, Korea
Maria T. Baldassarre    University of Bari, Italy
Luciano Barezi          Politechnico di Milano, Italy
Alessandro Bianchi      University of Bari, Italy
Danilo Caivano          University of Bari, Italy
Gerardo Canfora         University of Sannio, Italy
Joao W. Cangussu        University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Giovanni Cantone        University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Christine W. Chan       University of Regina, Canada
W.K. Chan               Hong Kong Univ of Science and Tech., China
Ned Chapin              INforSci Inc, USA
William Chu             Tung Hai University, Taiwan
Panos Constantopoulos   Athens Univ of Economics & Business, Greece
Maria F. Costabile      University of Bari, Italy
Kendra Cooper           University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Jin Song Dong           National University of Singapore, Singapore
Jing Dong               University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Yi Deng                 Florida International University, USA
Carlo Ghezzi            Politechnico di Milano Technical Univ, Italy
Holger Giese            Universitaet Paderborn, Germany
Des Greer               Queens University Belfast, UK
Paul Grunbacher         Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Peter In                Korea University, Korea
Dehua Ju                ASTI Shangai, China
Natalia Juristo         Madrid Technological University, Spain
Gabor Karsai            Vanderbilt University, USA
Huimin Lin              Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Jian Lu                 Nanjing University, China
Zhongyu (Joan) Lu       The University of Huddersfield, UK
Michael R. Lyu          Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Neil Maiden             City University, UK
Antonio Mana            University of Malaga, Spain
Hong Mei                Beijing University, China
Sandro Morasca          Universita degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy
Ana M. Moreno           Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Elisabetta Di Nitto     Politecnico de Milano, Italy
Mehmet Orgun            Macquarie University, Australia
Massimiliano Di Penta   Universiy of Sannio, Italy
Mario Piattini          University Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Guenther Ruhe           University of Calgary, Canada
Walt Scacchi            University of California Irvine, USA
Yidong Shen             Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Nenad Stankovic         Univ of Aizu, Japan
Kurt Stirewalt          Michigan State University, USA
Giancarlo Succi         University of Bolzano, Italy
Genny Tortora           University of Salerno, Italy
Jeffrey Tsai            University of California Irvine, USA
T. H. Tse               University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Sira Vegas              Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Guido Wirtz             Bamberg University, Germany
Claes Wohlin            Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Eric Wong               University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Baowen Xu               Southeast University, China
Hongji Yang             De Montfort University, UK
Huiqun Yu               East China Univ of Science and Tech., China
Du Zhang                California State University, USA
Hong Zhu                Oxford Brookes University, UK
Eugenio Zimeo           Universiy of Sannio, Italy
Andrea Zisman           City University, UK

      For further information, please visit the conference site:
   Dr Christos Kloukinas        http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/%7Ekloukin
   Computing Dep, City U., Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB, U.K.
                 +44 20 7040 8848 (office) / 0244 (fax)

Imagine Conference