
Overclcok AtmegaL

Started by eeh January 29, 2006

I am going to overclock Atmega16L to 12MHz. I can do that when the JTAG
header is attached. However, when it is detached, the program seems to
be not working. I have tried to shut down the power of the emulator and
it still works when the JTAG header is attached. I do not understand
why this strange case happens. Could anyone talk to me why this
happens? As I need to use 3.3V, I need to use Atemga16L.

eeh wrote:

> I am going to overclock Atmega16L to 12MHz. I can do that when the JTAG
You are so 3L33T. RaDiCaL To THe MaX, DuDe.
> it still works when the JTAG header is attached. I do not understand
The JTAG might be holding down reset a bit longer than normal. Remove JTAG, power up, use wire to reset device. Does it work?
larwe wrote:
> eeh wrote: > > > I am going to overclock Atmega16L to 12MHz. I can do that when the JTAG > > You are so 3L33T. RaDiCaL To THe MaX, DuDe.
Yeap, considering that they are plenty of Atmega16* at 16MHz, and cheaper than 8MHz as well. If you overclock a 16MHz part to 32MHz, that might be intereresting.
> The JTAG might be holding down reset a bit longer than normal. > > Remove JTAG, power up, use wire to reset device. Does it work?
I add RC at the reset pin which are 1M Ohm and 0.1uF respectively. But it has no improvement and is stll not working.
And I hot plug the USB cable after reset.

Don't do it. Use a faster processor instead

"eeh" <eehobbyist@yahoo.com.hk> wrote in message 
> Hi, > > I am going to overclock Atmega16L to 12MHz. I can do that when the JTAG > header is attached. However, when it is detached, the program seems to > be not working. I have tried to shut down the power of the emulator and > it still works when the JTAG header is attached. I do not understand > why this strange case happens. Could anyone talk to me why this > happens? As I need to use 3.3V, I need to use Atemga16L. >
OK after adding 10uF decoupling cap at 3.3.V supply

i suggest you run a test over the complete temperature range.

It might run overclocked at 25 degrees ,but may fail in a hot summer.
Bad practice if you want a stable sytem.


"eeh" <eehobbyist@yahoo.com.hk> wrote in message
> OK after adding 10uF decoupling cap at 3.3.V supply >
What size cap did you have there before? And another question - what sort 
of power supply are you using - better stated maybe, how long are the 
wires that bring power to microcontroller?

Neccessary filtering for a power supply always seems questionable.


eeh <eehobbyist@yahoo.com.hk> wrote:
> OK after adding 10uF decoupling cap at 3.3.V supply
Hul Tytus wrote:
> What size cap did you have there before? And another question - what sort > of power supply are you using - better stated maybe, how long are the > wires that bring power to microcontroller? > > Neccessary filtering for a power supply always seems questionable. > > Hul
Before that I used only two 0.1uF at the regulator. The board is small which is about 3 inches x 2 inches. The power supply is dc supply (5V) and the voltage passes a HT7533 linear regulator.