
AT91RM9200 boot code conversion: ADS assembly to gcc assembly

Started by shuwn yuan March 15, 2006
hi all,

I am using AT91RM9200 board. I have some sample code in ADS compiler &
assembler. But because I a using Embest IDE with GNU build tools, I have
to convert the assembly file to gcc assembly. I have done the conversion
of the file below, but fail. Anyone knows what I have done wrong here?

1. /* original file for ADS assembler */

;-         ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support  -  ROUSSET  -
; The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
; kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
; limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
; fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
; intellectual property rights of others.
;- File source          : cstartup_boot.arm
;- Object               : Generic CStartup
;- Compilation flag     : None
;- 1.0 16/03/01 	ODi, HI  : Creation ARM ADS
;- ARM Core Mode and Status Bits

ARM_MODE_USER           EQU     0x10
ARM_MODE_FIQ            EQU     0x11
ARM_MODE_IRQ            EQU     0x12
ARM_MODE_SVC            EQU     0x13
ARM_MODE_ABORT          EQU     0x17
ARM_MODE_UNDEF          EQU     0x1B
ARM_MODE_SYS            EQU     0x1F

I_BIT                   EQU     0x80
F_BIT                   EQU     0x40
T_BIT                   EQU     0x20

;- Stack Area Definition
IRQ_STACK_SIZE         EQU      0x04
FIQ_STACK_SIZE         EQU      0x04
ABT_STACK_SIZE         EQU      0x04
UND_STACK_SIZE         EQU      0x04
SVC_STACK_SIZE         EQU      0x04
USER_STACK_SIZE        EQU      0x100

		AREA        |C$$stack|, DATA
;- IRQ stack definition                              
AT91_IRQ_Stack_End    DCD   0x55AA55AA
                     SPACE (IRQ_STACK_SIZE - 4)
AT91_IRQ_Stack_Begin  EQU   (AT91_IRQ_Stack_End + (IRQ_STACK_SIZE - 4))

;- FIQ stack definition
AT91_FIQ_Stack_End   DCD   0x55AA55AA
                    SPACE (FIQ_STACK_SIZE - 4)
AT91_FIQ_Stack_Begin EQU   (AT91_FIQ_Stack_End + (FIQ_STACK_SIZE - 4))

;- ABORT stack definition
AT91_ABT_Stack_End   DCD   0x55AA55AA
                    SPACE (ABT_STACK_SIZE - 4)
AT91_ABT_Stack_Begin EQU   (AT91_ABT_Stack_End + (ABT_STACK_SIZE - 4))

;- UNDEF stack definition
AT91_UND_Stack_End   DCD   0x55AA55AA
                    SPACE (UND_STACK_SIZE - 4)
AT91_UND_Stack_Begin EQU   (AT91_UND_Stack_End + (UND_STACK_SIZE - 4))

;- SVC stack definition
AT91_SVC_Stack_End   DCD   0x55AA55AA
                    SPACE (SVC_STACK_SIZE-4)
AT91_SVC_Stack_Begin EQU   (AT91_SVC_Stack_End + (SVC_STACK_SIZE-4))

;- USER and SYSTEM stack definition
AT91_USER_Stack_End   DCD   0x55AA55AA
                      SPACE (USER_STACK_SIZE-4)
AT91_USER_Stack_Begin EQU   (AT91_USER_Stack_End + (USER_STACK_SIZE-4))

	EXPORT AT91_IRQ_Stack_End
	EXPORT AT91_IRQ_Stack_Begin
	EXPORT AT91_FIQ_Stack_End
	EXPORT AT91_FIQ_Stack_Begin
	EXPORT AT91_ABT_Stack_End
	EXPORT AT91_ABT_Stack_Begin
	EXPORT AT91_UND_Stack_End
	EXPORT AT91_UND_Stack_Begin
	EXPORT AT91_SVC_Stack_End
	EXPORT AT91_SVC_Stack_Begin
	EXPORT AT91_USER_Stack_Begin

;- Area Definition
;- Must be defined as function to put first in the code as it must be
;- at offset 0 of the flash EBI_CSR0, ie. at address 0 before remap.
                AREA        reset, CODE, READONLY

;	IMPORT __use_no_semihosting_swi
;- Define the entry point


;- Exception vectors ( before Remap )
;- These vectors are read at address 0.
;- They absolutely requires to be in relative addresssing mode in order to

;- guarantee a valid jump. For the moment, all are just looping (what may
;- dangerous in a final system). If an exception occurs before remap, this

;- would result in an infinite loop. 
                B           InitReset       	; reset
                B           undefvec        	; Undefined Instruction
                B           swivec          	; Software Interrupt
                B           pabtvec         	; Prefetch Abort
                B           dabtvec         	; Data Abort
                B           rsvdvec         	; reserved
                ldr         pc, [pc,#-0xF20]    ; IRQ : read the AIC
                B           fiqvec          	; FIQ

;- The reset handler

;- Low level Init is performed in a C function: AT91F_LowLevelInit (APMC,
AIC, EBI, ....)
;- Init Stack Pointer to a valid memory area before calling

	IMPORT     AT91F_LowLevelInit
	ldr       r1, = AT91_SVC_Stack_Begin
	bic       r1, r1, #3                  ; Insure word alignement
	mov       sp, r1                      ; Init stack SYS

	ldr       r0, = AT91F_LowLevelInit
	mov       lr, pc
	bx        r0

;- Setup the stack for each mode
;- The processor will remain in the last initialized mode.

;- Load the stack base addresses
	add     r0, pc,#-(8+.-StackData)  ; @ where to read values (relative)
	ldmia   r0, {r1-r6}

;- Set up Supervisor Mode and set SVC Mode Stack
	msr     cpsr_c, #ARM_MODE_SVC:OR:I_BIT:OR:F_BIT
	bic     r1, r1, #3                  ; Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r1                      ; Init stack SYS
;- Set up Interrupt Mode and set IRQ Mode Stack
	bic     r2, r2, #3                  ; Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r2                      ; Init stack IRQ

;- Set up Fast Interrupt Mode and set FIQ Mode Stack
	bic     r3, r3, #3                  ; Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r3                      ; Init stack FIQ

;- Set up Abort Mode and set Abort Mode Stack
	bic     r4, r4, #3                  ; Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r4                      ; Init stack Abort

;- Set up Undefined Instruction Mode and set Undef Mode Stack
	bic     r5, r5, #3                  ; Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r5                      ; Init stack Undef

;- Set up user Mode and set Undef Mode Stack
	bic     r6, r6, #3                  ; Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r6                      ; Init stack Undef

	b       EndInitStack
	DCD     AT91_SVC_Stack_Begin
	DCD     AT91_IRQ_Stack_Begin
	DCD     AT91_FIQ_Stack_Begin
	DCD     AT91_ABT_Stack_Begin
	DCD     AT91_UND_Stack_Begin
	DCD     AT91_USER_Stack_Begin	

;- Initialise C variables
;- Following labels are automatically generated by the linker. 
;- RO: Read-only = the code
;- RW: Read Write = the data pre-initialized and zero-initialized.
;- ZI: Zero-Initialized.
;- Pre-initialization values are located after the code area in the
;- Zero-initialized datas are mapped after the pre-initialized.
;- Note on the Data position : 
;- If using the ARMSDT, when no -rw-base option is used for the linker,
;- data area is mapped after the code. You can map the data either in
;- SRAM ( -rw-base=0x40 or 0x34) or in external SRAM ( -rw-base=0x2000000
;- Note also that to improve the code density, the pre_initialized data
;- be limited to a minimum.

	add     r2, pc,#-(8+.-CInitData)  ; @ where to read values (relative)
	ldmia   r2, {r0, r1, r3, r4}
	cmp         r0, r1                  ; Check that they are different
	beq         EndRW
	cmp         r1, r3                  ; Copy init data
	ldrcc       r2, [r0], #4
	strcc       r2, [r1], #4
	bcc         LoopRW

	mov         r2, #0
	cmp         r3, r4                  ; Zero init
	strcc       r2, [r3], #4
	bcc         LoopZI
	b           EndInitC
 	IMPORT      |Image$$RO$$Limit|      ; End of ROM code (=start of ROM
	IMPORT      |Image$$RW$$Base|       ; Base of RAM to initialise
	IMPORT      |Image$$ZI$$Base|       ; Base and limit of area
	IMPORT      |Image$$ZI$$Limit|      ; Top of zero init segment
	DCD     |Image$$RO$$Limit|      ; End of ROM code (=start of ROM data)
 	DCD     |Image$$RW$$Base|       ; Base of RAM to initialise
 	DCD     |Image$$ZI$$Base|       ; Base and limit of area
 	DCD     |Image$$ZI$$Limit|      ; Top of zero init segment

;- Branch on C code Main function (with interworking)
;- Branch must be performed by an interworking call as either an ARM or
;- main C function must be supported. This makes the code not position-
;- independant. A Branch with link would generate errors 
	IMPORT      main
	EXPORT    _main
	EXPORT    __main
	ldr       r0, =main
	mov       lr, pc
	bx        r0

;- Loop for ever
;- End of application. Normally, never occur.
;- Could jump on Software Reset ( B 0x0 ).
	b           End

2. /* my conversion into gcc assembly */

@-         ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support  -  ROUSSET  -
@ The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
@ kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
@ limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
@ fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
@ intellectual property rights of others.
@- File source          : cstartup_boot.arm
@- Object               : Generic CStartup
@- Compilation flag     : None
@- 1.0 16/03/01 	ODi, HI  : Creation ARM ADS
@- ARM Core Mode and Status Bits

equ ARM_MODE_USER           ,      0x10
equ ARM_MODE_FIQ            ,      0x11
equ ARM_MODE_IRQ            ,      0x12
equ ARM_MODE_SVC            ,      0x13
equ ARM_MODE_ABORT          ,      0x17
equ ARM_MODE_UNDEF          ,      0x1B
equ ARM_MODE_SYS            ,      0x1F

equ I_BIT                   ,      0x80
equ F_BIT                   ,      0x40
equ T_BIT                   ,      0x20

@- Stack Area Definition
equ IRQ_STACK_SIZE         ,       0x04
equ FIQ_STACK_SIZE         ,       0x04
equ ABT_STACK_SIZE         ,       0x04
equ UND_STACK_SIZE         ,       0x04
equ SVC_STACK_SIZE         ,       0x04
equ USER_STACK_SIZE        ,       0x100

@- IRQ stack definition                              
AT91_IRQ_Stack_End:    .word   0x55AA55AA
                     .space (IRQ_STACK_SIZE - 4)
equ AT91_IRQ_Stack_Begin  ,    (AT91_IRQ_Stack_End + (IRQ_STACK_SIZE -

@- FIQ stack definition
AT91_FIQ_Stack_End:   .word   0x55AA55AA
                    .space (FIQ_STACK_SIZE - 4)
equ AT91_FIQ_Stack_Begin ,    (AT91_FIQ_Stack_End + (FIQ_STACK_SIZE -

@- ABORT stack definition
AT91_ABT_Stack_End:   .word   0x55AA55AA
                    .space (ABT_STACK_SIZE - 4)
equ AT91_ABT_Stack_Begin ,    (AT91_ABT_Stack_End + (ABT_STACK_SIZE -

@- UNDEF stack definition
AT91_UND_Stack_End:   .word   0x55AA55AA
                    .space (UND_STACK_SIZE - 4)
equ AT91_UND_Stack_Begin ,    (AT91_UND_Stack_End + (UND_STACK_SIZE -

@- SVC stack definition
AT91_SVC_Stack_End:   .word   0x55AA55AA
                    .space (SVC_STACK_SIZE-4)
equ AT91_SVC_Stack_Begin ,    (AT91_SVC_Stack_End + (SVC_STACK_SIZE-4))

@- USER and SYSTEM stack definition
AT91_USER_Stack_End:   .word   0x55AA55AA
                      .space (USER_STACK_SIZE-4)
equ AT91_USER_Stack_Begin ,    (AT91_USER_Stack_End +

	.global AT91_IRQ_Stack_End
	.global AT91_IRQ_Stack_Begin
	.global AT91_FIQ_Stack_End
	.global AT91_FIQ_Stack_Begin
	.global AT91_ABT_Stack_End
	.global AT91_ABT_Stack_Begin
	.global AT91_UND_Stack_End
	.global AT91_UND_Stack_Begin
	.global AT91_SVC_Stack_End
	.global AT91_SVC_Stack_Begin
	.global AT91_USER_Stack_End
	.global AT91_USER_Stack_Begin

@- Area Definition
@- Must be defined as function to put first in the code as it must be
@- at offset 0 of the flash EBI_CSR0, ie. at address 0 before remap.

@	.extern __use_no_semihosting_swi
@- Define the entry point

	.global	__ENTRY

@- Exception vectors ( before Remap )
@- These vectors are read at address 0.
@- They absolutely requires to be in relative addresssing mode in order to

@- guarantee a valid jump. For the moment, all are just looping (what may
@- dangerous in a final system). If an exception occurs before remap, this

@- would result in an infinite loop. 
                B           InitReset       	@ reset
                B           undefvec        	@ Undefined Instruction
                B           swivec          	@ Software Interrupt
                B           pabtvec         	@ Prefetch Abort
                B           dabtvec         	@ Data Abort
                B           rsvdvec         	@ reserved
                ldr         pc, [pc,#-0xF20]    @ IRQ : read the AIC
                B           fiqvec          	@ FIQ

@- The reset handler

@- Low level Init is performed in a C function: AT91F_LowLevelInit (APMC,
AIC, EBI, ....)
@- Init Stack Pointer to a valid memory area before calling

	.extern     AT91F_LowLevelInit
	ldr       r1, = AT91_SVC_Stack_Begin
	bic       r1, r1, #3                  @ Insure word alignement
	mov       sp, r1                      @ Init stack SYS

	ldr       r0, = AT91F_LowLevelInit
	mov       lr, pc
	bx        r0

@- Setup the stack for each mode
@- The processor will remain in the last initialized mode.

@- Load the stack base addresses
	add     r0, pc,#-(8+.-StackData)  @ @ where to read values (relative)
	ldmia   r0, {r1-r6}

@- Set up Supervisor Mode and set SVC Mode Stack
	msr     cpsr_c, #ARM_MODE_SVC | I_BIT | F_BIT
	bic     r1, r1, #3                  @ Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r1                      @ Init stack SYS
@- Set up Interrupt Mode and set IRQ Mode Stack
	msr     CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_IRQ | I_BIT | F_BIT
	bic     r2, r2, #3                  @ Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r2                      @ Init stack IRQ

@- Set up Fast Interrupt Mode and set FIQ Mode Stack
	msr     CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_FIQ | I_BIT | F_BIT
	bic     r3, r3, #3                  @ Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r3                      @ Init stack FIQ

@- Set up Abort Mode and set Abort Mode Stack
	msr     CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_ABORT | I_BIT | F_BIT
	bic     r4, r4, #3                  @ Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r4                      @ Init stack Abort

@- Set up Undefined Instruction Mode and set Undef Mode Stack
	msr     CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_UNDEF | I_BIT | F_BIT
	bic     r5, r5, #3                  @ Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r5                      @ Init stack Undef

@- Set up user Mode and set Undef Mode Stack
	msr     CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_USER | F_BIT
	bic     r6, r6, #3                  @ Insure word alignement
	mov     sp, r6                      @ Init stack Undef

	b       EndInitStack
	.word     AT91_SVC_Stack_Begin
	.word     AT91_IRQ_Stack_Begin
	.word     AT91_FIQ_Stack_Begin
	.word     AT91_ABT_Stack_Begin
	.word     AT91_UND_Stack_Begin
	.word     AT91_USER_Stack_Begin	

@- Initialise C variables
@- Following labels are automatically generated by the linker. 
@- RO: Read-only = the code
@- RW: Read Write = the data pre-initialized and zero-initialized.
@- ZI: Zero-Initialized.
@- Pre-initialization values are located after the code area in the
@- Zero-initialized datas are mapped after the pre-initialized.
@- Note on the Data position : 
@- If using the ARMSDT, when no -rw-base option is used for the linker,
@- data area is mapped after the code. You can map the data either in
@- SRAM ( -rw-base=0x40 or 0x34) or in external SRAM ( -rw-base=0x2000000
@- Note also that to improve the code density, the pre_initialized data
@- be limited to a minimum.

	add     r2, pc,#-(8+.-CInitData)  @ @ where to read values (relative)
	ldmia   r2, {r0, r1, r3, r4}
	cmp         r0, r1                  @ Check that they are different
	beq         EndRW
	cmp         r1, r3                  @ Copy init data
	ldrcc       r2, [r0], #4
	strcc       r2, [r1], #4
	bcc         LoopRW

	mov         r2, #0
	cmp         r3, r4                  @ Zero init
	strcc       r2, [r3], #4
	bcc         LoopZI
	b           EndInitC
@ 	.extern      |Image\\RO\\Limit|      @ End of ROM code (=start of ROM
@	.extern      |Image\\RW\\Base|       @ Base of RAM to initialise
@	.extern      |Image\\ZI\\Base|       @ Base and limit of area
@	.extern      |Image\\ZI\\Limit|      @ Top of zero init segment
@	.word     |Image\\RO\\Limit|      @ End of ROM code (=start of ROM
@ 	.word     |Image\\RW\\Base|       @ Base of RAM to initialise
@ 	.word     |Image\\ZI\\Base|       @ Base and limit of area
@ 	.word     |Image\\ZI\\Limit|      @ Top of zero init segment


@- Branch on C code Main function (with interworking)
@- Branch must be performed by an interworking call as either an ARM or
@- main C function must be supported. This makes the code not position-
@- independant. A Branch with link would generate errors 
	.extern      main
	.global    _main
	.global    __main
	ldr       r0, =main
	mov       lr, pc
	bx        r0

@- Loop for ever
@- End of application. Normally, never occur.
@- Could jump on Software Reset ( B 0x0 ).
	b           End

Anyone know how to convert something like this: 
"IMPORT      |Image$$ZI$$Limit|" 
into gcc assembly? I don't know how to convert them, so I mask out them in
my new gcc assembly.

Besides this, anything done wrong above? I heard about linker script, do I
need to build one?

Please help, thanks :-)

shuwn yuan wrote:
> Anyone know how to convert something like this: > "IMPORT |Image$$ZI$$Limit|" > into gcc assembly? I don't know how to convert them, so I mask out them in > my new gcc assembly.
> Besides this, anything done wrong above? I heard about linker script, do I > need to build one?
Yes. Define you Image$$* constants there. Vadim