
Argh. ATmega128 users, please help?

Started by larwe April 16, 2006
Stef wrote:

> > This is a two-layer board. The area in question has shortest possible > > traces to xtal and from xtal to caps, and a solid ground on the other > > end of the caps. The solder side of the board is solid copper pour. > > > But there are also traces on the solder side I presume? Have you pre-
Yes, but none in the area of the xtal. It's pressed up close against the side of the micro, and it happens that there are no other traces running on that side of the board in the area. Certainly nothing runs underneath it.
> routed your ground to be sure of short connections, or do you rely on > the copper pour?
The general algorithm I followed to lay out this board was: * place components with mechanical interference considerations * place regulator and amplifier on big ground islands (thermal considerations) * place other major components to minimize total trace length * route power (+12, +5, +3.3, Vref) and ground * place ground pour where I felt it was needed, and put a keepout around the polygon so the autorouter won't play games with me. * place bypass caps, etc * hand-route some of the critical stuff (this xtal, for instance), stuff that's really easy (bus from chip A to chip B, physically adjacent) and stuff that the autorouter wouldn't be able to guess properly (bypass caps, for instance) * autoroute the remainder of the lines
> And then there is other weird stuff like someone dropped a hair on the > film, causing some PCB's to have a short. (happened just a few weeks ago)
Argh, I don't even want to think about this!!
Richard H. wrote:

> If fuse high byte = 0x99, that means CKOPT is the default - unprogrammed > (i.e., counter-intuitively, set to 1). CKOPT=1 has a maximum supported > clock frequency of 8MHz.
WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! (in advance) I read this datasheet backwards, forwards, upside-down, and in the original Norwegian with Swedish subtitles (well, no, not really). I didn't glean this information from my readings. Unfortunately I can't test it until I get back home, so I will be on tenterhooks all day. I will buy a new keyboard on the way home so that if this turns out to be the problem, I can break the old one with my head. Thank you for pointing this out!
larwe wrote:

> > If fuse high byte = 0x99, that means CKOPT is the default - unprogrammed >
> Thank you for pointing this out!
Hmm. Well, I'm tired so I'm going to bed... but this wasn't it. In fact, programming that fuse has killed the board, I can't talk to it over JTAG any more :(
larwe wrote:
> assumptions and basically losing hair apace. My circuit is based around > an ATmega128, running at 16MHz off an ext xtal. The prototype board
Well, hmm. I took a look on a scope at work and I'm seeing oscillation at exactly the right frequency, with a 554mV p-p amplitude (462mV to 1.016V). That's with the 997F fuse settings. AVR Studio's fuse dialog is designed to cause confusion regarding the CKOPT setting.
Larwe... this question is asked fairly often on avrfreaks.net.....
please come read some messages there....

BobG wrote:
> Larwe... this question is asked fairly often on avrfreaks.net..... > please come read some messages there....
I spent several hours searching through the forums here. I didn't find anything that seemed even vaguely relevant. Plenty of people asking about problems with programming, but mostly centered around difficulty talking to the programmer.
larwe wrote:
> larwe wrote: > >>assumptions and basically losing hair apace. My circuit is based around >>an ATmega128, running at 16MHz off an ext xtal. The prototype board > > Well, hmm. I took a look on a scope at work and I'm seeing oscillation > at exactly the right frequency, with a 554mV p-p amplitude (462mV to > 1.016V). That's with the 997F fuse settings. > > AVR Studio's fuse dialog is designed to cause confusion regarding the > CKOPT setting.
Hmmm... maybe the UI is wrong? I'll be a broken record and point out that this scope reading means CKOPT is set to a value that does not support >8MHz operation. The CKOPT value that supports 16MHz would yield a rail-to-rail swing on the xtal. (FWIW, on a Mega128L @ 3.3v & 8MHz, IIRC the low-power osc mode was like a 1.5v swing.) Now, no knowing why changing CKOPT didn't fix your other ailments. Perhaps it caused some damage? Richard
Richard H. wrote:

> that this scope reading means CKOPT is set to a value that does not > support >8MHz operation. The CKOPT value that supports 16MHz would > yield a rail-to-rail swing on the xtal.
Oh yes, I realize this.
> Now, no knowing why changing CKOPT didn't fix your other ailments. > Perhaps it caused some damage?
I think the problem is that when I tried to set CKOPT correctly, it wiped the other fuses. At the bottom of all this, I think the underlying problem is that JTAG programming is really unreliable on these new parts. I asked the customer to change the setting on CKOPT, and he said the values read back didn't match what I would expect (89FF FF).
I spent several hours searching through the forums here.
By 'here' do you mean comp arch embedded?, or do you mean 'there'

BobG wrote:

> I spent several hours searching through the forums here. > ============================================= > By 'here' do you mean comp arch embedded?, or do you mean 'there' > (avrfreaks.net)?