Archive-name: vxworks-faq/index Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 2005/07/29 Version: 1.53 URL: Copyright: (c) 1999 - 2005 Johan Borkhuis Maintainer: Johan Borkhuis <> This is the index of the FAQ for the newsgroup comp.os.vxworks. The FAQ itself can be found at Original charter of comp.os.vxworks: comp.os.vxworks will be a forum for discussion of topics related to the VxWorks real-time operating system and development environment. Current and prospective users of VxWorks will be able to discuss technical problems, report experiences with various hardware components, share code, report bugs and fixes, and exchange any information of interest to the VxWorks user community. Relevant new product announcements may be made by commercial participants, subject to a limit - e.g. 1/month - on the frequency of such posts. Contents of the FAQ: 0. Introduction and Getting Started 0.1 Introduction 0.2 Books 0.3 Links 1. Tool problems 1.1 Compiler and Linker 1.2 Debugger 1.3 FTP 1.4 Host tools 1.5 Installation 1.6 Make 1.7 Project facility 1.7.1 Hierarchical projects 1.7.2 Super projects 1.8 Target Server 1.9 Target Shell 1.10 Telnet 1.11 Tornado 1.11.1 Tornado (General) 1.11.2 Tornado (Windows) 1.11.3 Migration 1.12 Version Control 1.13 Visual Studio integration 1.14 Windsh 1.15 WindView 2. Changes/additions to be made to BSP's 2.1 Different BSP's 2.2 Processor specific issues 2.2.1 Power PC 2.2.2 I960 2.2.3 MIPS 2.2.4 ARM 2.3 Bootstrap 2.4 Adding component to your VxWorks configuration 2.5 VME problems 2.6 VxWorks environment 2.6.1 usrSerial.c 2.6.2 prj_vxworks.tcl 2.7 PCI problems 3. File System problems 3.1 Dos file system 3.2 Flash File system 3.3 Floppy-disk File system 3.4 RAM-disk File system 3.5 General file system questions 4. Network 4.1 Configuration problems 4.2 ARP 4.3 DHCP 4.4 FTP and TFTP 4.5 PPP 4.5.1 PPP on Windows 95 4.5.2 PPP on Windows NT 4.5.3 PPP on Solaris 4.6 Sockets 4.7 Telnet 4.8 Other network related questions 5. VxWorks Questions 5.1 C++ issues 5.2 Communication problems 5.3 Interrupts 5.4 LoadModule problems 5.4A malloc and other memory issues 5.5 pthreads 5.6 Reboot 5.7 Semaphores 5.8 Simulator (VxSim) 5.9 Task related items 5.10 Time/timer related items 5.11 Wind Web Server related items 5.12 Zinc/windML related items 5.13 Other items 5.14 VxWorks AE issues 6. Extra information 6.1 Hard delay 6.2 Memory leaks 6.3 Corba engines 6.4 Web servers 6.5 NTP usage 6.6 Performace / Benchmarks 6.7 SNMP 6.8 Lint 6.9 Encryption 6.10 AI languages 9. Links 9.1 VxWorks introduction links and help pages 9.2 Extensions to VxWorks 9.3 Other links 9.4 Some FTP sites Overall question index Overall Sources index Change history -- o o o o o o o . . . ___J_o_h_a_n___B_o_r_k_h_u_i_s___ o _____ || | .][__n_n_|DD[ ====_____ | | >(________|__|_[_________]_|______________________________| _/oo OOOOO oo` ooo ooo 'o!o!o o!o!o` == VxWorks-FAQ: ==
[comp.os.vxworks] FAQ - index
Started by ●July 20, 2006