
CS8900 question

Started by Adib Taraben September 26, 2006
In our new project we want to use cs8900 in the 8bit mode with a 16bit 
uC (infineon C166).

We would like to use this chip, because this is on the Keil Eval board 
and widely used.

Now I am reading the chip has some issues. The interrupt stops suddenly. 
And that there are some workarounds.

So is there a reliable driver library for this chip?
Should I better use an other? Which?

Any comments?

On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 23:39:20 +0200, Adib Taraben
<taraben.a@st-innovation.com> wrote:

>In our new project we want to use cs8900 in the 8bit mode with a 16bit >uC (infineon C166). > >We would like to use this chip, because this is on the Keil Eval board >and widely used. > >Now I am reading the chip has some issues. The interrupt stops suddenly. >And that there are some workarounds. > >So is there a reliable driver library for this chip? >Should I better use an other? Which?
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On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 23:39:20 +0200, Adib Taraben
<taraben.a@st-innovation.com> wrote:

>In our new project we want to use cs8900 in the 8bit mode with a 16bit >uC (infineon C166). > >We would like to use this chip, because this is on the Keil Eval board >and widely used. > >Now I am reading the chip has some issues. The interrupt stops suddenly. >And that there are some workarounds. > >So is there a reliable driver library for this chip? >Should I better use an other? Which? > >Any comments? > >Adib.
From what I know, the issue with lost interrupts applies only to 8 bit mode of operation. You either poll the chip in a loop, or then switch to using 16 bit mode of operation. Apart from this I would not be aware of any other issues. Actually I'm using this chip in 16 bit mode in one of my designs using a renesas M16C which is quite similar to the C166 you use so doing this seems feasable to me. To get an idea of how to use the chip I recommend takeing a close look at the slaa137 application note from TI. You find it here: http://focus.ti.com/docs/apps/catalog/resources/appnoteabstract.jhtml?abstractName=slaa137a If memory serves, the app note uses the chip in 8 bit mode but apart from this said app note should give you a quick start into the topic. I also found the datasheet and some aditionally available information from crystal quite instructive :-) HTH Markus