
C.f.Industrial Pres., Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2007

Started by Dirk Craeynest December 4, 2006

                   Call for Industrial Presentations

                    12th International Conference on
            Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2007

                 25 - 29 June 2007, Geneva, Switzerland


                  Organized, on behalf of Ada-Europe,
                    by Ecole d'Ing�nieurs de Gen�ve
                     in cooperation with ACM SIGAda

                  *** CfIP in HTML/PDF on web site ***


General Information
The 12th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies
(Ada-Europe 2007) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland. Following
the usual style, the conference will span a full week, including a
three-day technical program and vendor exhibitions from Tuesday to
Thursday, along with parallel workshops and tutorials on Monday and

Call for Presentations
In addition to the usual call for papers, and considering the success
achieved in the previous conferences, we are having a call for
presentations primarily aimed at industrialists who have valuable
experience to report but who do not wish to write a complete paper.

This separate call for presentations is made for Experience Reports
from Industrial Projects and/or Experiments, Case Studies and
Comparative Assessments, Management Approaches, Qualitative and
Quantitative Metrics and Experience Reports on Education and Training
Activities, with bearing on any of the conference topics.

See below for further details.

10 January 2007: Submission of presentation proposals
31 January 2007: Notification to authors
 8     May 2007: Presentation material required
25-29 June 2007: Conference

Submission of Presentations
Presenters are invited to submit a one-page overview of the proposed
presentation to Dominik Madon (dominik.madon@hesge.ch) by January 10th
2007. The Industrial Committee will review the proposals.

The authors of selected presentations shall prepare their final
presentation, together with a short abstract (max 10 lines), by 8th May
2007; they should aim at a 20 minutes talk.  The authors of accepted
presentations will also be invited to derive articles from them, for
publication in the Ada User Journal.

Commercial exhibitions will span the three days of the main conference.
Vendors and providers of software products and services should contact
the Exhibition Chair Neville Rowden (neville.rowden@siemens.com) as
soon as possible for further information and for allowing suitable
planning of the exhibition space and time.

Conference Topics
In the last decade the conference has established itself as an
international forum for providers and practitioners of, and researchers
into, reliable software technologies.  The conference presentations
will illustrate current work in the theory and practice of the design,
development and maintenance of long-lived, high-quality software
systems for a variety of application domains.  The program will allow
ample time for keynotes, Q&A sessions, panel discussions and social
events.  Participants will include practitioners and researchers from
industry, academia and government organizations interested in
furthering the development of reliable software technologies.
To mark the completion of the technical work for the Ada language
standard revision process, contributions that present and discuss
the potential of the revised language are particularly sought after.

For papers, tutorials, and workshop proposals, the topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:

- Methods and Techniques for Software Development and Maintenance:
  Requirements Engineering, Object-Oriented Technologies, Formal
  Methods, Re-engineering and Reverse Engineering, Reuse, Software
  Management Issues

- Software Architectures: Patterns for Software Design and Composition,
  Frameworks, Architecture-Centered Development, Component and Class
  Libraries, Component-Based Design

- Enabling Technology: CASE Tools, Software Development Environments
  and Project Browsers, Compilers, Debuggers and Run-time Systems

- Software Quality: Quality Management and Assurance, Risk Analysis,
  Program Analysis, Verification, Validation, Testing of Software

- Critical Systems: Real-Time, Distribution, Fault Tolerance,
  Information Technology, Safety, Security

- Distributed Systems: Reliability, Security, Trust and Safety in
  Large Scale Distributed Platforms

- Mainstream and Emerging Applications: Multimedia and Communications,
  Manufacturing, Robotics, Avionics, Space, Health Care, Transportation

- Ada Language and Technology: Programming Techniques, Object-Oriented,
  Concurrent, Distributed Programming, Bindings and Libraries,
  Evaluation & Comparative Assessments, Critical Review of Language
  Enhancements, Novel Support Technology, HW/SW platforms

- Experience Reports: Experience Reports, Case Studies and Comparative
  Assessments, Management Approaches, Qualitative and Quantitative
  Metrics, Experience Reports on Education and Training Activities with
  bearing on any of the conference topics

Organizing Committee
Conference Chair
  Nabil Abdennadher,
  University of Applied Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland

Industrial Committee Chair
  Dominik Madon
  University of Applied Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland

Industrial Committee Members (preliminary list)
  Bouali Amar, Esterel Technologies
  Chapman Rod, Praxis HIS
  Denker Peter, Parasoft GmbH
  Devuns Olivier, Aonix
  Gasperoni Franco, AdaCore
  Leroy Pascal, IBM Rational
  Str�hle Rei, Saab Systems
  Thom Francis, Artisan Software
  Abdennadher Nabil, Conference Chair
  Pl�dereder Erhad, Ada-Europe (President)
  Craeynest Dirk, Ada-Europe (Vice-President)

Conference Organization
Conference Chair
  Nabil Abdennadher,
  University of Applied Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland

Program Co-chairs
  Nabil Abdennadher
  University of Applied Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland

  Fabrice Kordon
  University Pierre & Marie Curie, France

Tutorial Chair
  Dominik Madon
  University of Applied Sciences, Geneva, Western Switzerland

Exhibition Chair
  Neville Rowden, Siemens Switzerland

Publicity Co-chairs
  Ahlan Marriott, White-elephant, Switzerland

  Dirk Craeynest, Aubay Belgium & K.U.Leuven, Belgium

Local Chair
  R�gis Boesch, University of Applied Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland


Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Please circulate widely.

Dirk.Craeynest@cs.kuleuven.be, Ada-Europe'2007 Publicity Co-chair

*** 12th Intl.Conf.on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2007
*** June 25-29, 2007 * Geneva, Switzerland * http://www.ada-europe.org