
New ARM Cortex Microcontroller Product Family from STMicroelectronics

Started by Bill Giovino June 18, 2007
> > But that was not the original topic. The original topic was the > relative merits of having single cycle access to Flash (program) > memory. You had said that it was not as fast as using a FIFO and I > have been trying to dispute that since. You have been talking about a > lot of irrelevant topics since.
You can't, because it is not faster to have single cycle access if your MHz is low. We ARE comparing a 50 MHz chip to a 66 MHz chip. If we assume each jump is followed by 4 instructions, then * it will take 5 clocks @ 50 MHz for the CM3: 50/5 = 10 * It will take 6 clocks @ 66 MHz for the AVR32: 66/6 = 11 The AVR32 is faster, even with 1 waitstate on the first access... -- Best Regards, Ulf Samuelsson This is intended to be my personal opinion which may, or may not be shared by my employer Atmel Nordic AB