Hello all. I would like to know how can I design the hardware of my embedded system. Right now I just have an idea of a project, a processos family that I probably will use, and a few perifericals that would be present. I would like to know how can I build the hardware of this system, what metodology and tools to use. I would like to build a system with those hardwar pieces (Microcontroller + Periferials), test it, and then start working on the software for my hardware design. I have looked at tools like RealView for ARM development. It looks like that with this tool I can work from the point I am right now to develop the hardware and software of a embedded system. Other tool that I have checked is Proteus VSM. Are those the correct tools to work with. Are there any free or open tools that I could use? I don't know if I made myself clear with my above explanation. Basicly I would like to assembly my microcontroller and periphericals in a system, to build and then test my hardware design. Then, I also would like to build the software for this hardware. I have some experience with the software design, but no experience at all with the hardware design, so I need more help in this part. Thank you very much for any help, I really need it! If you need any futher information in order to help me, please let me know. Felipe Uderman

Design Hardware for Embedded Systems
Started by ●July 10, 2007
Reply by ●July 10, 20072007-07-10
Uderman wrote:> Hello all. > > I would like to know how can I design the hardware of my embedded > system. Right now I just have an idea of a project, a processos family > that I probably will use, and a few perifericals that would be > present. I would like to know how can I build the hardware of this > system, what metodology and tools to use. > > I would like to build a system with those hardwar pieces > (Microcontroller + Periferials), test it, and then start working on > the software for my hardware design. > > I have looked at tools like RealView for ARM development. It looks > like that with this tool I can work from the point I am right now to > develop the hardware and software of a embedded system. Other tool > that I have checked is Proteus VSM. Are those the correct tools to > work with. Are there any free or open tools that I could use? > > I don't know if I made myself clear with my above explanation. Basicly > I would like to assembly my microcontroller and periphericals in a > system, to build and then test my hardware design. Then, I also would > like to build the software for this hardware. I have some experience > with the software design, but no experience at all with the hardware > design, so I need more help in this part. > > Thank you very much for any help, I really need it! If you need any > futher information in order to help me, please let me know. > > Felipe Uderman >Asking what tools to use to design your hardware is almost like asking what tools you need to use to install nails in your house. The correct answer to the nails question is "hammer", but having one won't help you drive nails if you don't already know how to do it -- you learn to drive nails by watching someone else do it, and once you've done that you know you need a hammer. I suggest that you start reading electronics hobbyist magazines. There aren't too many left, but I know that Nuts & Volts, Circuit Cellar, QST (from the American Radio Relay League) and QEX (same) will all educate you in all the steps if you diligently read articles for six months or so. Building kits will also help. Buying evaluation boards is a good way to get a working embeddable sub-system; with one in hand all you have to do is add the parts of the circuit that are unique to your problem and proceed. Once you've done that then you can start thinking about acquiring schematic capture and PC layout tools to design a PC board, and soldering irons and hand tools and all the other things you need to assemble one, and all the wrenches, pliers, cutters and whatnot you need to put the thing in a case or otherwise mount it in your system. -- Tim Wescott Wescott Design Services http://www.wescottdesign.com Do you need to implement control loops in software? "Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems" gives you just what it says. See details at http://www.wescottdesign.com/actfes/actfes.html
Reply by ●July 10, 20072007-07-10
Uderman wrote:> Hello all. > > I would like to know how can I design the hardware of my embedded > system. Right now I just have an idea of a project, a processos family > that I probably will use, and a few perifericals that would be > present. I would like to know how can I build the hardware of this > system, what metodology and tools to use.[%X]> Thank you very much for any help, I really need it! If you need any > futher information in order to help me, please let me know.Before you go arbitrarily selecting a processor chip and other peripheral items there are a few steps to accomplish first. Tim Wescott covered a few good ideas for you to follow through with. Whether as a hobbyist or as an engineer in training the project needs a goal so that you know when you have achieved what you set out to do. Once you have defined the main goal, there will be a number of sub-goals that you need to achieve along the way. The books at this link:- <http://www.ganssle.com/book.htm> will certainly give you some guidance on the way to approach the design and programming of embedded systems. Jack has also reviewed a number of books on the topic and probing around his site would lead you to a long list of useful books. If the answers you get seem non-specific then it is because your original question was rather non-specific. None of the experts here claim to be practitioners in any form of telepathy so we are left waiting for what you have in mind. Be specific about your goals and questions and we may be able to assist more. -- ******************************************************************** Paul E. Bennett ....................<email://peb@amleth.demon.co.uk> Forth based HIDECS Consultancy .....<http://www.amleth.demon.co.uk/> Mob: +44 (0)7811-639972 Tel: +44 (0)1235-811095 Going Forth Safely ..... EBA. www.electric-boat-association.org.uk.. ********************************************************************
Reply by ●July 11, 20072007-07-11
On Jul 11, 4:28 am, Uderman <felipe.uder...@gmail.com> wrote:> Hello all. > > I would like to know how can I design the hardware of my embedded > system. Right now I just have an idea of a project, a processos family > that I probably will use, and a few perifericals that would be > present. I would like to know how can I build the hardware of this > system, what metodology and tools to use. > > I would like to build a system with those hardwar pieces > (Microcontroller + Periferials), test it, and then start working on > the software for my hardware design. > > I have looked at tools like RealView for ARM development. It looks > like that with this tool I can work from the point I am right now to > develop the hardware and software of a embedded system. Other tool > that I have checked is Proteus VSM. Are those the correct tools to > work with. Are there any free or open tools that I could use? > > I don't know if I made myself clear with my above explanation. Basicly > I would like to assembly my microcontroller and periphericals in a > system, to build and then test my hardware design. Then, I also would > like to build the software for this hardware. I have some experience > with the software design, but no experience at all with the hardware > design, so I need more help in this part. > > Thank you very much for any help, I really need it! If you need any > futher information in order to help me, please let me know. > > Felipe UdermanHello Felipe, I would recommend you a teaching platform for embedded systems: http://www.armkits.com/Product/university.asp The University of Guelph has a teaching course for this platform, you can download the teaching ebook from here: http://www.soe.uoguelph.ca/webfiles/rmuresan/EmbeddedSystemsAndLabsForARM-V1.1.pdf Linda
Reply by ●July 11, 20072007-07-11
"Uderman" <felipe.uderman@gmail.com> wrote in message news:1184099296.768234.186690@q75g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...> Hello all. > > I would like to know how can I design the hardware of my embedded > system. Right now I just have an idea of a project, a processos family > that I probably will use, and a few perifericals that would be > present. I would like to know how can I build the hardware of this > system, what metodology and tools to use. > > I would like to build a system with those hardwar pieces > (Microcontroller + Periferials), test it, and then start working on > the software for my hardware design. > > I have looked at tools like RealView for ARM development. It looks > like that with this tool I can work from the point I am right now to > develop the hardware and software of a embedded system. Other tool > that I have checked is Proteus VSM. Are those the correct tools to > work with. Are there any free or open tools that I could use? > > I don't know if I made myself clear with my above explanation. Basicly > I would like to assembly my microcontroller and periphericals in a > system, to build and then test my hardware design. Then, I also would > like to build the software for this hardware. I have some experience > with the software design, but no experience at all with the hardware > design, so I need more help in this part. > > Thank you very much for any help, I really need it! If you need any > futher information in order to help me, please let me know.In addition to the good advice given by Tim and Paul I would suggest thaqt you might want to consider buying a development kit which loosely fits what might be in the final product. This will let you develop your software without wondering if your bugs are really hardware problems. There are loads of them out there and the range in price wildly. I've used expensive kits from LogicPD for LCD development, cheaper ones from Hitex for initial forays into ARM processors and very cheap ones from TI for tinkering with USB.
Reply by ●July 11, 20072007-07-11
On 10/07/2007 Uderman wrote:> Hello all. > > I would like to know how can I design the hardware of my embedded > system. Right now I just have an idea of a project, a processos family > that I probably will use, and a few perifericals that would be > present. I would like to know how can I build the hardware of this > system, what metodology and tools to use. > > I would like to build a system with those hardwar pieces > (Microcontroller + Periferials), test it, and then start working on > the software for my hardware design. > > I have looked at tools like RealView for ARM development. It looks > like that with this tool I can work from the point I am right now to > develop the hardware and software of a embedded system. Other tool > that I have checked is Proteus VSM. Are those the correct tools to > work with. Are there any free or open tools that I could use? > > I don't know if I made myself clear with my above explanation. Basicly > I would like to assembly my microcontroller and periphericals in a > system, to build and then test my hardware design. Then, I also would > like to build the software for this hardware. I have some experience > with the software design, but no experience at all with the hardware > design, so I need more help in this part. > > Thank you very much for any help, I really need it! If you need any > futher information in order to help me, please let me know. > > Felipe UdermanFurther to the good advice from Tim; if you're in Europe you should subscribe to Elektor magazine. Personally I would suggest the Atmel STK500 development kit, which together with Atmel's free AVR Studio software will give you a great starting point. There's also a mountain of public domain projects to look at here: http://www.avrfreaks.net/ -- John B
Reply by ●August 18, 20072007-08-18
On 11 jul, 13:47, "John B" <spamj_baraclo...@blockerzetnet.co.uk> wrote:> On 10/07/2007Udermanwrote: > > Hello all. > > > I would like to know how can I design the hardware of my embedded > > system. Right now I just have an idea of a project, a processos family > > that I probably will use, and a few perifericals that would be > > present. I would like to know how can I build the hardware of this > > system, what metodology and tools to use. > > > I would like to build a system with those hardwar pieces > > (Microcontroller + Periferials), test it, and then start working on > > the software for my hardware design. > > > I have looked at tools like RealView for ARM development. It looks > > like that with this tool I can work from the point I am right now to > > develop the hardware and software of a embedded system. Other tool > > that I have checked is Proteus VSM. Are those the correct tools to > > work with. Are there any free or open tools that I could use? > > > I don't know if I made myself clear with my above explanation. Basicly > > I would like to assembly my microcontroller and periphericals in a > > system, to build and then test my hardware design. Then, I also would > > like to build the software for this hardware. I have some experience > > with the software design, but no experience at all with the hardware > > design, so I need more help in this part. > > > Thank you very much for any help, I really need it! If you need any > > futher information in order to help me, please let me know. > > > FelipeUderman > > Further to the good advice from Tim; if you're in Europe you should > subscribe to Elektor magazine. > > Personally I would suggest the Atmel STK500 development kit, which > together with Atmel's free AVR Studio software will give you a great > starting point. There's also a mountain of public domain projects to > look at here: > > http://www.avrfreaks.net/ > > -- > John BThank you for all your adivices, it really helped me understando the size of my problem :), And sorry about my late response, life is a bit messy right now, so many things to do, and I forgot this topic here. Yes, it is a long road, but also interesting. I have subscribe to the Circuit Cellar Magazine, but will just receive my frist number by mid september. I also bought an ARM development Kit, Philips LPC213, and a few books. I am also trying to contact people at open hardware projects, as it is a very good way of learning and contributing. Peace, Felipe Uderman