
Linux on ARM7TDMI

Started by ameysk August 20, 2007
Hi All,
I'm in my last year of Electronics Engineering, and am doing a project on
VoIP using ARM. My group and I are currently looking for ARM boards, and
have recently shifted focus from ARM9 to ARM7 for want of money.
Can I port RT- or Embedded Linux on ARM7TDMI(the one architecture easily
available in India)? What're the requirements?
Awaiting answers,

"ameysk" <sk.amey@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Hi All, > I'm in my last year of Electronics Engineering, and am doing a project on > VoIP using ARM. My group and I are currently looking for ARM boards, and > have recently shifted focus from ARM9 to ARM7 for want of money. > Can I port RT- or Embedded Linux on ARM7TDMI(the one architecture easily > available in India)? What're the requirements? > Awaiting answers, > Thanks. >
You are in your last year and they haven't shown you how to use Google yet? See here: http://www.nxp.com/acrobat_download/applicationnotes/AN10389_1.pdf (took 12 seconds to find using Google) I think uCLinux is your only option due to lack of MMU. -- Regards, Richard. + http://www.FreeRTOS.org A free real time kernel for 8, 16 and 32bit systems. + http://www.SafeRTOS.com An IEC 61508 certified real time kernel for safety related systems.
"ameysk" <sk.amey@gmail.com> skrev i meddelandet 
> Hi All, > I'm in my last year of Electronics Engineering, and am doing a project on > VoIP using ARM. My group and I are currently looking for ARM boards, and > have recently shifted focus from ARM9 to ARM7 for want of money. > Can I port RT- or Embedded Linux on ARM7TDMI(the one architecture easily > available in India)? What're the requirements? > Awaiting answers, > Thanks. >
Or, you can switch to an AVR32, which runs full Linux and do have the DSP performance to do VoIP... The Network Gateway development kit will cost less than $100 and there is a University program, so if your teachers apply for participating in http://www.atmel.no/ -> University program there a good chance that you get a number of kits for free. There will be discounts if kits are bought for special projects. Running uClinux is no good idea. There are some discussion threads about why things like "busybox" won't run properly on uClinux. -- Best Regards, Ulf Samuelsson This is intended to be my personal opinion which may, or may not be shared by my employer Atmel Nordic AB