Hello All, I started a project which uses a PIC16F876 and a RTC DS1305 from Dallas. There is no problem to read and write the registers. My only problem is the interruption . I connected the INT0 for the RTC to the RB0 pin of the PIC (I used a 5k pull-up resitor). I configured correctly (I think ) the registers to activate a interrupt every second . When I test my program, it appears that the INT0 goes low once. No matter what I try, the signal does not go high again in order to give the next interruption. By the way , the datasheet is not very clear (to me) what I have to do to let the signal go high. Your help is welcome. Thanks for reading, Georges.
Dallas RTC 1305 and interrupts
Started by ●September 11, 2004
Reply by ●September 11, 20042004-09-11
On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 09:50:40 +0200, "Georges Konstantinidis" <georges_konstantinidis@hotmail.com> wrote:>Hello All, >I started a project which uses a PIC16F876 and a RTC DS1305 from Dallas. >There is no problem to read and write the registers. My only problem is the >interruption . I connected the INT0 for the RTC to the RB0 pin of the PIC (I >used a 5k pull-up resitor). I configured correctly (I think ) the registers >to activate a interrupt every second . When I test my program, it appears >that the INT0 goes low once. No matter what I try, the signal does not go >high again in order to give the next interruption. By the way , the >datasheet is not very clear (to me) what I have to do to let the signal go >high. Your help is welcome.The first thing to try is to read any available status bits from the DS1305. If this does not clear the interrupt, then writing to the specific status bit should clear the interrupt status. The above is just generic suggestions - I have not gone through the DS1305 datasheet for a more specific suggestion. Regards Anton Erasmus