Hello everyone, We are just starting off here and need a little advice, It seems that as far as a GNU debugger programmer for ARM9 is concerned the OpenOCD system is the way to go, for this you need a DLC5 Jtag cable or equivalent, How slow is the DLC5 Jtag cable in practise, is it usable or will it frustrate me? Does any one have a Gerber file or a eagle board layout/Schematic for a DLC5 Jtag PCB. I know there are commercial versions available to purchase such as the ARM-USB-Tiny but I am eager to get going and live in South Africa where I can find no commercial system to work with OpenOCD. We did purchase a KEIL ULINK2 jtag unit but the cost of the compiler is forcing us to look at other options. I am fairly certain the KEIL UNLINK2 jtag unit will not function with OpenOCD. Are there any other chips that have enough RAM and ROM to host a Linux kernel? Any other options I should consider? Thanks Jannie

Moooore advice
Started by ●November 21, 2007
Reply by ●November 24, 20072007-11-24
In message <fi1uvk$2c08$1@newsreader02.ops.uunet.co.za>, Jannie du Preez <me@home.com> writes>Hello everyone, > >We are just starting off here and need a little advice, It seems that >as far as a GNU debugger programmer for ARM9 is concerned the OpenOCD >system is the way to go, for this you need a DLC5 Jtag cable or >equivalent, How slow is the DLC5 Jtag cable in practise, is it usable >or will it frustrate me? Does any one have a Gerber file or a eagle >board layout/Schematic for a DLC5 Jtag PCB. I know there are commercial >versions available to purchase such as the ARM-USB-Tiny but I am eager >to get going and live in South Africa where I can find no commercial >system to work with OpenOCD. We did purchase a KEIL ULINK2 jtag unit >but the cost of the compiler is forcing us to look at other options. I >am fairly certain the KEIL UNLINK2 jtag unit will not function with OpenOCD. > >Are there any other chips that have enough RAM and ROM to host a Linux >kernel? > >Any other options I should consider?Segger J-link has a gdb interface. www.segger.com -- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\ Chris Hills Staffs England /\/\/\/\/ /\/\/ chris@phaedsys.org www.phaedsys.org \/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
Reply by ●November 26, 20072007-11-26
On Nov 21, 1:54 pm, Jannie du Preez <m...@home.com> wrote:> Hello everyone, > > We are just starting off here and need a little advice, It seems that as > far as a GNU debugger programmer for ARM9 is concerned the OpenOCD > system is the way to go, for this you need a DLC5 Jtag cable or > equivalent,You can get a JTAGKey, or the Olimex ARM USB JTAG device, or even a cheap wiggler clone.> I am eager > to get going and live in South Africa where I can find no commercial > system to work with OpenOCD.Can you mail order stuff? It's all available for shipping.> We did purchase a KEIL ULINK2 jtag unit but > the cost of the compiler is forcing us to look at other options. I am > fairly certain the KEIL ULINK2 jtag unit will not function with OpenOCD.I think that's true. This is odd because the circuit for that device is widely known (at least for the first version of it).> Are there any other chips that have enough RAM and ROM to host a Linux > kernel?AVR32. Go look at the Network Gateway board. I seriously doubt if you'll find a better price for a well supported linux board. http://edageek.com/2007/03/26/atmel-avr32-networking/ http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS2837651365.html Eric