Imagine Conference

Moooore advice

Started by Jannie du Preez November 21, 2007
Hello everyone,

We are just starting off here and need a little advice, It seems that as 
far as a GNU debugger programmer for ARM9 is concerned the OpenOCD 
system is the way to go, for this you need a DLC5 Jtag cable or 
equivalent, How slow is the DLC5 Jtag cable in practise, is it usable or 
will it frustrate me? Does any one have a Gerber file or a eagle board 
layout/Schematic for a DLC5 Jtag PCB. I know there are commercial 
versions available to purchase such as the ARM-USB-Tiny but I am eager 
to get going and live in South Africa where I can find no commercial 
system to work with OpenOCD. We did purchase a KEIL ULINK2 jtag unit but 
the cost of the compiler is forcing us to look at other options. I am 
fairly certain the KEIL UNLINK2 jtag unit will not function with OpenOCD.

Are there any other chips that have enough RAM and ROM to host a Linux 

Any other options I should consider?



In message <fi1uvk$2c08$1@newsreader02.ops.uunet.co.za>, Jannie du Preez 
<me@home.com> writes
>Hello everyone, > >We are just starting off here and need a little advice, It seems that >as far as a GNU debugger programmer for ARM9 is concerned the OpenOCD >system is the way to go, for this you need a DLC5 Jtag cable or >equivalent, How slow is the DLC5 Jtag cable in practise, is it usable >or will it frustrate me? Does any one have a Gerber file or a eagle >board layout/Schematic for a DLC5 Jtag PCB. I know there are commercial >versions available to purchase such as the ARM-USB-Tiny but I am eager >to get going and live in South Africa where I can find no commercial >system to work with OpenOCD. We did purchase a KEIL ULINK2 jtag unit >but the cost of the compiler is forcing us to look at other options. I >am fairly certain the KEIL UNLINK2 jtag unit will not function with OpenOCD. > >Are there any other chips that have enough RAM and ROM to host a Linux >kernel? > >Any other options I should consider?
Segger J-link has a gdb interface. www.segger.com -- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\ Chris Hills Staffs England /\/\/\/\/ /\/\/ chris@phaedsys.org www.phaedsys.org \/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
On Nov 21, 1:54 pm, Jannie du Preez <m...@home.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone, > > We are just starting off here and need a little advice, It seems that as > far as a GNU debugger programmer for ARM9 is concerned the OpenOCD > system is the way to go, for this you need a DLC5 Jtag cable or > equivalent,
You can get a JTAGKey, or the Olimex ARM USB JTAG device, or even a cheap wiggler clone.
> I am eager > to get going and live in South Africa where I can find no commercial > system to work with OpenOCD.
Can you mail order stuff? It's all available for shipping.
> We did purchase a KEIL ULINK2 jtag unit but > the cost of the compiler is forcing us to look at other options. I am > fairly certain the KEIL ULINK2 jtag unit will not function with OpenOCD.
I think that's true. This is odd because the circuit for that device is widely known (at least for the first version of it).
> Are there any other chips that have enough RAM and ROM to host a Linux > kernel?
AVR32. Go look at the Network Gateway board. I seriously doubt if you'll find a better price for a well supported linux board. http://edageek.com/2007/03/26/atmel-avr32-networking/ http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS2837651365.html Eric

Imagine Conference