The 2024 Embedded Online Conference

Xilinx Virtex5 ILOGIC LOCations

Started by SCO December 24, 2007

I have generated a DDR2 SDRAM interface with MIG2.0. It gave me a nice
project but I have to change the pin locations. After I make the
necessary changes I see that I have to tweak the ILOGIC, IODELAY
element locations also. They have location names like
INST "*/gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce" LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y302";
INST "*/gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce" LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y302";
INST "*/gen_dqs[1].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce" LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y300";
INST "*/gen_dqs[1].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce" LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y300";
in the ucf file. I have to change these locations appropriately
because otherwise I get routing problems.

Where can I find information about these locations? I searched
the .pdf files on the Xilinx website but couldn't find anything about
this. What does X0Y302 mean? Why X0Y302? ...

Thank you very much for your answers in advance.

The 2024 Embedded Online Conference