
Call For Presentation: LSM '08 Conference on free software for Embedded Systems

Started by Patrice Kadionik February 9, 2008
Dear all;

The LSM/RMLL '08 meeting (Libre Software Meeting - Rencontres Mondiales 
du Logiciel Libre) is organized at Mont de Marsan, FRANCE during the 1st 
to 5th july 2008.

The embedded systems are increasingly present in our life. The embedded 
system community usually used commercial software solutions with 
royalties to reverse each time a system is sold. Since few years, a 
reversal of tendency has appeared with the use of free software for 
embedded systems. That is made possible by the adaptation of the Linux 
kernel to the constraints of a typical embedded system (no MMU, small 
memory footprint, filesystem in FLASH memory...) and its port on various 
types of processors. The purpose of this session is to give the state of 
the art of free software for embedded systems.

Like last year, a special Embedded Session is schedulded on free 
software for Embedded Systems in the main System theme.

You are welcome to participate.
You'll find informations here http://rmll.info/ and especially here:

If you are interested to participate, you may simply email me the title
of your presentation with an abstract. The dead line for submission is
fixed to 15th june 2008.

Sincerely Yours;

Patrice Kadionik. F6KQH / F4CUQ

+"Tout doit etre aussi simple que possible, pas seulement plus simple" +
+ Patrice Kadionik             http://www.enseirb.fr/~kadionik         +
+ IMS Laboratory               http://www.ims-bordeaux.fr/             +
+ ENSEIRB                      http://www.enseirb.fr                   +
+ PO BOX 99                    fax   : +33               +
+ 33402 TALENCE Cedex          voice : +33               +
+ FRANCE                       mailto:patrice.kadionik@ims-bordeaux.fr +