
Xilinx EDK inferred dual port BRAM unconnected clkb

Started by Unknown May 23, 2008
As part of an edk peripheral i have inferred 2 dual port BRAMs which
synthesise and simulate correctly

For both BRAMs
port a is controlled by the microblaze
port b is controlled by fsm

BRAM 1 is used for PLB to peripheral communication
in this case the input to port b data_in is never used or assigned

BRAM 2 is used for peripheral to PLB communication
in this case the input to port b *data_out* is never used or assigned

when i import the peripheral into edk  during MAP it gives me the
following error

ERROR:LIT:459 - DATA_WIDTH_B is set to 36 for RAMB16BWER symbol
   R_LOGIC_I/Inst_pipeline_simulator/Mram_IP2Pipe_BRAM".  This
requires CLKB,
   REGCEB, ENB, RSTB and WEB[0-3] to be connected.
Errors found during logical drc.

Following this error back i noticed when xst is inferring one of the
BRAMS it doesn't connect clkb

    | ram_type           | Block

    | Port
    |     aspect ratio   | 512-word x 20-bit
    |     mode           | write-first
    |     clkA           | connected to signal <clk>
    |     enA            | connected to signal <read_wrapper_en>
    |     weA            | connected to signal <read_wrapper_we>
    |     addrA          | connected to signal <read_wrapper_add>
    |     diA            | connected to signal <read_wrapper_din>
    |     doA            | connected to signal <read_wrapper_dout>

    | optimisation       | speed

    | Port
    |     aspect ratio   | 512-word x 20-bit
    |     mode           | write-first
    |     weB            | connected to signal <delta_val>
    |     addrB          | connected to signal <runCnt>
    |     diB            | connected to signal <delta_x>

    | optimisation       | speed


So my question

Why does xst not connect clkb to the port b of the second BRAM?