Hi! I am building a simple monitoring system, that would read data from few sensors and display them on a colour 320x240 LCD. As far as the microcontroller goes, I'll probably go with ARM9 or ARM7. Do you have any suggestions about the development board and LCD. I've been looking at Densitron, but they don't offer LCDs with built-in controllers. I've also looked at NXP LH7952x but I can't seem to find any dev boards based on it. One more thing, if I can order the components from Europe that would be great. Thanks in advance!
Which development board and LCD?
Started by ●September 22, 2008
Reply by ●September 22, 20082008-09-22
"abcd12" <a_b_c_d_1_2@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:XoWdneu_2uaaVErVnZ2dnUVZ_tCdnZ2d@giganews.com...> Hi! > > I am building a simple monitoring system, that would read data from few > sensors and display them on a colour 320x240 LCD. As far as the > microcontroller goes, I'll probably go with ARM9 or ARM7. Do you have any > suggestions about the development board and LCD. I've been looking at > Densitron, but they don't offer LCDs with built-in controllers. I've also > looked at NXP LH7952x but I can't seem to find any dev boards based on it. > One more thing, if I can order the components from Europe that would be > great. > > Thanks in advance! > >You should be able to find boards based on Atmel SAM7 or SAM9 cores that meet your needs. The Atmel board can be pricey, so you might look for boards using their chips rather then their dev boards. Scott
Reply by ●September 22, 20082008-09-22
abcd12 wrote:> Hi! > > I am building a simple monitoring system, that would read data from few > sensors and display them on a colour 320x240 LCD. As far as the > microcontroller goes, I'll probably go with ARM9 or ARM7. Do you have any > suggestions about the development board and LCD. I've been looking at > Densitron, but they don't offer LCDs with built-in controllers. I've also > looked at NXP LH7952x but I can't seem to find any dev boards based on it. > One more thing, if I can order the components from Europe that would be > great. > > Thanks in advance! > >Hi! Look at: LPC2148 (or bigger) Education Board: http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/education/edu_2148.php Udvidelsesportene kan f.eks. anvendes til: http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/education/edu_lcd.php Citat: "...240 x 128 pixel monochrome graphical LCD..." http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/education/edu_expansion.php Citat: "... � 128x128 color LCD (interface via SPI bus) with backlight control � 3-axis accelerometer (MMA7260 from Freescale) � 10M Ethernet interface (ENC28J60 from Microchip, interface via SPI bus) � Joystick switch � 2 push buttons � 16 LEDs controlled via I2C (PCA9532) � uSD/transflash connector (interface via SPI bus) � Full-signal RS232 modem � Interface to GPS module (A1035-C from Tyco Electonics). Note that GPS module is not included. ..." - This ARM platform might be interesting - also has GSM, GPRS later 3G: http://www.openmoko.com/products-index.html http://www.openmoko.org/ http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Main_Page It is also possible to buy a auxiliary debug-board. /Glenn
Reply by ●September 23, 20082008-09-23
Glenn M�ller-Holst wrote:> abcd12 wrote: >> Hi! >> >> I am building a simple monitoring system, that would read data from few >> sensors and display them on a colour 320x240 LCD. As far as the >> microcontroller goes, I'll probably go with ARM9 or ARM7. Do you have any >> suggestions about the development board and LCD. I've been looking at >> Densitron, but they don't offer LCDs with built-in controllers. I've also >> looked at NXP LH7952x but I can't seem to find any dev boards based on >> it. >> One more thing, if I can order the components from Europe that would be >> great. >> >> Thanks in advance! >> >> > > Hi! > > Look at: > > > LPC2148 (or bigger) Education Board: > http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/education/edu_2148.php... Hi! Here is a "bigger" boards: http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/uclinux/ e.g.: LPC2478 OEM Board and QVGA OEM Base Board with touch panel: http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/uclinux/oem_lpc2478.php /Glenn
Reply by ●September 23, 20082008-09-23
abcd12 wrote:> Hi! > > I am building a simple monitoring system, that would read data from few > sensors and display them on a colour 320x240 LCD. As far as the > microcontroller goes, I'll probably go with ARM9 or ARM7. Do you have any > suggestions about the development board and LCD. I've been looking at > Densitron, but they don't offer LCDs with built-in controllers. I've also > looked at NXP LH7952x but I can't seem to find any dev boards based on it. > One more thing, if I can order the components from Europe that would be > great. > > Thanks in advance!How about an intelligent LCD screen with an inbuilt microcontroller you can use for your I/O applications? Uses 4DGL programming language. 4DGL allows the user to take complete control of all available resources on that hardware platform such as the Serial Port, Graphics LCD or AMOLED Display, �SD memory card, I/O pins, etc. This eliminates the need for an external host controller/processor to drive the �LCD-3202X-P1T module via serial commands. It provides the user complete control over the hardware module allowing them to quickly develop powerful applications. http://www.dontronics-shop.com/4d-micro-lcd-320-32-p1t-32-qvga-touch-screen-lcd.html Cheers Don... -- Don McKenzie Site Map: http://www.dontronics.com/sitemap E-Mail Contact Page: http://www.dontronics.com/email USB to 4 Relays. Many other modules available. http://www.dontronics-shop.com/super4-usb-relay-module.html
Reply by ●September 23, 20082008-09-23
>Hi! > >I am building a simple monitoring system, that would read data from few >sensors and display them on a colour 320x240 LCD. As far as the >microcontroller goes, I'll probably go with ARM9 or ARM7. Do you haveany>suggestions about the development board and LCD. I've been looking at >Densitron, but they don't offer LCDs with built-in controllers. I'vealso>looked at NXP LH7952x but I can't seem to find any dev boards based onit.>One more thing, if I can order the components from Europe that would be >great. > >Thanks in advance! > > >http://www.developmentboard.net, the best place for ARM kits and LCD
Reply by ●September 24, 20082008-09-24
Glenn M�ller-Holst wrote:> abcd12 wrote: >> Hi! >> >> I am building a simple monitoring system, that would read data from few >> sensors and display them on a colour 320x240 LCD. As far as the >> microcontroller goes, I'll probably go with ARM9 or ARM7. Do you have any >> suggestions about the development board and LCD. I've been looking at >> Densitron, but they don't offer LCDs with built-in controllers. I've also >> looked at NXP LH7952x but I can't seem to find any dev boards based on >> it. >> One more thing, if I can order the components from Europe that would be >> great. >> >> Thanks in advance! >> >> > > Hi!...> This ARM platform might be interesting - also has GSM, GPRS later 3G: > http://www.openmoko.com/products-index.html > http://www.openmoko.org/ > http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Main_Page > > It is also possible to buy a auxiliary debug-board. > > /Glenn >More about Openmoko Neo Freerunner: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo_FreeRunner Quote: "... * Very high resolution touch screen (1.7" x 2.27" - 43mm x 58mm) 480x640 pixels * 128MB SDRAM memory * 256 MB integrated flash memory (expandable with microSD or microSDHC card) * uSD slot supporting up to 8GB SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity) cards (Supported microSD cards; installation) * Internal GPS module * Bluetooth * 802.11 b/g WiFi * 400Mhz ARM processor * 2 3D accelerometers that orient the phone's screen -- for example, switching to landscape mode automatically * 2 LEDs illuminating the two buttons on the rim of the case (one bicolor [blue|orange] behind the power button, 1 unicolor [red] behind the aux button) * Tri-band GSM and GPRS * USB Host function with 500mA power, allowing you to power USB devices for short periods (will drain the FreeRunner battery faster) ..." GTA02 Hardware Component Selection: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo_FreeRunner_GTA02_Hardware#GTA02_Hardware_Component_Selection http://downloads.openmoko.org/CAD/ CAD program (stp-format): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro/ENGINEER /Glenn
Reply by ●September 24, 20082008-09-24
Glenn M�ller-Holst wrote:> Glenn M�ller-Holst wrote: >> abcd12 wrote: >>> Hi! >>> >>> I am building a simple monitoring system, that would read data from few >>> sensors and display them on a colour 320x240 LCD. As far as the >>> microcontroller goes, I'll probably go with ARM9 or ARM7. Do you have >>> any >>> suggestions about the development board and LCD. I've been looking at >>> Densitron, but they don't offer LCDs with built-in controllers. I've >>> also >>> looked at NXP LH7952x but I can't seem to find any dev boards based >>> on it. >>> One more thing, if I can order the components from Europe that would be >>> great. >>> >>> Thanks in advance! >>> >>> >> >> Hi! > ... >> This ARM platform might be interesting - also has GSM, GPRS later 3G: >> http://www.openmoko.com/products-index.html >> http://www.openmoko.org/ >> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Main_Page >> >> It is also possible to buy a auxiliary debug-board. >> >> /Glenn >> > > More about Openmoko Neo Freerunner:... Schematics: http://downloads.openmoko.org/schematics/GTA02/ /Glenn
Reply by ●September 26, 20082008-09-26
Reply by ●September 27, 20082008-09-27
I have one more question. If I decide to go with this <a href="http://www.powertip.com.tw/products_2.php?product_id=1171146423&area_idbk=1171141494">LCD</a>(it has an integrated controller-HX8615), do you think that an <a href="http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardDiecimila">Arduino board</a> would be suitable? How much work does it take to connect the LCD to such a board? I've also been considering µVGA-PICASO-MD1 controller. Do you think it would be better suited for the job? If I understand correctly, in the latter case I can get an LCD without IC. Thanks, Luke