Memfault Beyond the Launch

ARM-JTAG (Wiggler compatible)

Started by Isamoung November 10, 2005
>I don't think people purchase CrossWorks because they chose a
>CrossConnect. I might be wrong.

You'd know more than me about this, but in my recent research of these
devices your CrossConnect keeps coming up.

And you're the only USB and commercial suite vendor that can support
linux. Even if your number of linux users isn't that great, I think
linux support makes people think well of your company. You've got an
understanding of cross platform tools, and people like to know that
they aren't required to use Microsoft Windows forever.

I personally like Microsoft because they've been very good to me. The
company has changed a lot, but they still have a negative impression
in many people's minds...


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

--- In lpc2000@lpc2..., "Stephen Pelc" <stephen@m...> wrote:

> MPE's JTAG Widget has a completely open and documented API. It
> will work for any O/S (including Linux) that supports the FTDI
> chips. See:
> http://www.mpeforth.com/jtagwidget.htm

This looks like overkill if we just want a USB JTAG device?

Is there any open source JTAG-specific drivers, for gdb or any other

I am impressed by any open JTAG API, and especially those for USB
devices, and your support for Forth on Arm is also attractive. I used
to be into Forth years ago but I would be dating myself if I told you
any more than that :-)


Memfault Beyond the Launch