
LPC2148 - Crossworks

Started by mgiaco82 April 14, 2006
Hello i want to use crossworks for arm with a lpc2148 board from
embedded artists.

1) Can I use this compiler for lpc2148 because i found no
informations on the website. And i also found no sample code for
lpc2148 on the sample files.

2) Is difficult to rewrite the sample programs from Phillips (Keil
bundle or ARM bundle) to Crossworks? What must i look for.

3) Is the tasking libary from rowley the same as an operating system
like ucos-ii.

4) Is there any port for ucos-ii for rowley crossworks?

5) Is there any sample code for the embedded artist lpc2148 board
and rowley

thanks alot

mathias g.

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

> 1) Can I use this compiler for lpc2148 because i found no
> informations on the website. And i also found no sample code for
> lpc2148 on the sample files.

Yes. You can use the compiler for any LPC chip, for any ARM7 for that

When creating a new solution I suggest choosing a target chip that has the
same memory map as the LPC2148 (LPC2138 looks like a good candidate from a
quick scan of the Philips WEB site, and is an option in CrossWorks), then
the project should have the startup code and linker setting you need
> 2) Is difficult to rewrite the sample programs from Phillips (Keil
> bundle or ARM bundle) to Crossworks? What must i look for.

Slightly different syntax required for:
+ ARM/THUMB interworking,
+ declaration of interrupt service routines
+ intrinsic functions.

Generally it is straight forward.

> 3) Is the tasking libary from rowley the same as an operating system
> like ucos-ii.

Have not used it but looks similar:
> 4) Is there any port for ucos-ii for rowley crossworks?

Just use a GCC port, it will work with CrossWorks. I think there is also an
LPC2148 FreeRTOS.org port in the files section of this group.


*Now for ARM CORTEX M3!*
--- In l..., "FreeRTOS Info" wrote:
> > 1) Can I use this compiler for lpc2148 because i found no
> > informations on the website. And i also found no sample code for
> > lpc2148 on the sample files.
> Yes. You can use the compiler for any LPC chip, for any ARM7 for
> matter.
> When creating a new solution I suggest choosing a target chip that
has the
> same memory map as the LPC2148 (LPC2138 looks like a good candidate
from a
> quick scan of the Philips WEB site, and is an option in
CrossWorks), then
> the project should have the startup code and linker setting you
> automatically.
> > 2) Is difficult to rewrite the sample programs from Phillips (Keil
> > bundle or ARM bundle) to Crossworks? What must i look for.
> Slightly different syntax required for:
> + ARM/THUMB interworking,
> + declaration of interrupt service routines
> + intrinsic functions.
> Generally it is straight forward.
> > 3) Is the tasking libary from rowley the same as an operating
> > like ucos-ii.
> Have not used it but looks similar:
> http://www.rowley.co.uk/documentation/arm/ctl.htm
> > 4) Is there any port for ucos-ii for rowley crossworks?
> Just use a GCC port, it will work with CrossWorks. I think there
is also an
> LPC2148 FreeRTOS.org port in the files section of this group.
> Regards,
> Richard.
> http://www.FreeRTOS.org
> *Now for ARM CORTEX M3!*
Thanks, Today I will start with Crossworks. What do you mean with
ARM/THUMB interworking ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "mgiaco82"
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:59 AM
Subject: [lpc2000] Re: LPC2148 - Crossworks
> --- In l..., "FreeRTOS Info" wrote:
>> > 1) Can I use this compiler for lpc2148 because i found no
>> > informations on the website. And i also found no sample code for
>> > lpc2148 on the sample files.
>> Yes. You can use the compiler for any LPC chip, for any ARM7 for
> that
>> matter.
>> When creating a new solution I suggest choosing a target chip that
> has the
>> same memory map as the LPC2148 (LPC2138 looks like a good candidate
> from a
>> quick scan of the Philips WEB site, and is an option in
> CrossWorks), then
>> the project should have the startup code and linker setting you
> need
>> automatically.
>> > 2) Is difficult to rewrite the sample programs from Phillips (Keil
>> > bundle or ARM bundle) to Crossworks? What must i look for.
>> Slightly different syntax required for:
>> + ARM/THUMB interworking,
>> + declaration of interrupt service routines
>> + intrinsic functions.
>> Generally it is straight forward.
>> > 3) Is the tasking libary from rowley the same as an operating
> system
>> > like ucos-ii.
>> Have not used it but looks similar:
>> http://www.rowley.co.uk/documentation/arm/ctl.htm
>> > 4) Is there any port for ucos-ii for rowley crossworks?
>> Just use a GCC port, it will work with CrossWorks. I think there
> is also an
>> LPC2148 FreeRTOS.org port in the files section of this group.
>> Regards,
>> Richard.
>> http://www.FreeRTOS.org
>> *Now for ARM CORTEX M3!*
> Thanks, Today I will start with Crossworks. What do you mean with
> ARM/THUMB interworking ?

Mixing ARM and Thumb code.

Leon Heller, G1HSM
[This E-mail has been scanned for viruses but it is your responsibility
to maintain up to date anti virus software on the device that you are
currently using to read this email. ]
Send an email to Rowley tech support and they will send the update for the LPC2148. Embedded Artists have a lot of examples for their board on their website - once you register.

----- Original Message -----
From: mgiaco82
To: l...
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 1:42 AM
Subject: [lpc2000] LPC2148 - Crossworks
Hello i want to use crossworks for arm with a lpc2148 board from
embedded artists.

1) Can I use this compiler for lpc2148 because i found no
informations on the website. And i also found no sample code for
lpc2148 on the sample files.

2) Is difficult to rewrite the sample programs from Phillips (Keil
bundle or ARM bundle) to Crossworks? What must i look for.

3) Is the tasking libary from rowley the same as an operating system
like ucos-ii.

4) Is there any port for ucos-ii for rowley crossworks?

5) Is there any sample code for the embedded artist lpc2148 board
and rowley

thanks alot

mathias g.

SPONSORED LINKS Microcontrollers Microprocessor Intel microprocessors
--- In l..., "Dewayne" wrote:
> Embedded Artists have a lot of examples for their board on their
website - once you register.

I think the Embedded Artists USB examples require the use of their
closed source RTOS. Is this true?

EA looks like a hot company and they have a lot of cool new boards. If
they had open source USB code that would add a lot of value to their

@Eric: Sorry I have not used USB till now. So I can't give you any

Thanks for the information.

Yes, there are a lot of examples on the EA page. But they are coded
for the GCC and I have some problems concerning that fact.

In the UART Lib as an example they use:

cpsr = disableIRQ(); // disable global interrupts
U0IER &= ~UIER_ETBEI; // disable TX interrupts
restoreIRQ(cpsr); // restore global interrupts

but in Crossworks I cant find the function disableIRQ with returns
the cpsr and I also cant find the function restoreIRQ(xxx).

When using the functions from the winarm example-pages with
crossworks, it doesnt work.

How can I port the code for crossworks?

Thanks for your help!


--- In l..., "mgiaco82" wrote:
> @Eric: Sorry I have not used USB till now. So I can't give you any
> information.
> Thanks for the information.
> Yes, there are a lot of examples on the EA page. But they are coded
> for the GCC and I have some problems concerning that fact.
> In the UART Lib as an example they use:
> cpsr = disableIRQ(); // disable global interrupts
> U0IER &= ~UIER_ETBEI; // disable TX interrupts
> restoreIRQ(cpsr); // restore global interrupts
> but in Crossworks I cant find the function disableIRQ with returns
> the cpsr and I also cant find the function restoreIRQ(xxx).
> When using the functions from the winarm example-pages with
> crossworks, it doesnt work.
> How can I port the code from GCC to Crossworks-ARM?
> Thanks for your help!
> Mathias