Imagine Conference

CAN example software for AN10438

Started by Danish Ali April 29, 2006
I've just come across the Philips application note AN10438
"Philips LPC2000 CAN Driver", 02 March 2006.

It describes "a project under KEIL uVision3, which is a live demo
based on the LPC2000 CAN driver routines supplied as "C" source code."

>From what I can see, the driver is much more complete than the
AllCAN / FullCAN / BlinkyCAN examples available for download here.

Please tell me how to obtain the software described in
the application note. Has anyone here seen it? (It might be
commercial / supplied with a certain toolset or prototype board).

Reference is made to "CAN Controller HwAPI Driver for the SJA2020"
but I can't find that either. From what I can see, the SJA2020 is similar
to an LPC22xx (arm7, on-board flash, external memory bus), but
please don't hijack my question with comments as to why it is
not marketed as such.

I hope someone can provide a pointer to the software.
- Danish

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

you can the sources zip here:

http://www.standard ics.nxp.com/ support/document s/microcontrolle
rs/zip/code.demo.can. driver.lpc2000. zip

--- In l..., "Danish Ali" wrote:
> I've just come across the Philips application note AN10438
> "Philips LPC2000 CAN Driver", 02 March 2006.
> It describes "a project under KEIL uVision3, which is a live demo
> based on the LPC2000 CAN driver routines supplied as "C" source
> From what I can see, the driver is much more complete than the
> AllCAN / FullCAN / BlinkyCAN examples available for download here.
> Please tell me how to obtain the software described in
> the application note. Has anyone here seen it? (It might be
> commercial / supplied with a certain toolset or prototype board).
> Reference is made to "CAN Controller HwAPI Driver for the SJA2020"
> but I can't find that either. From what I can see, the SJA2020 is
> to an LPC22xx (arm7, on-board flash, external memory bus), but
> please don't hijack my question with comments as to why it is
> not marketed as such.
> I hope someone can provide a pointer to the software.
> - Danish

Imagine Conference