Imagine Conference

Wiggler JTAG problem

Started by Johan April 10, 2004

Being a little green with LPC2106 debugging, I need some help.

I have the Olimex LPC2106 dev. board and it appears to function fine
with the Philips ISP software, also the supplied test program in
flash works fine.

Now am trying to get my (home made) Wiggler to work with it, but keep
getting a message from OcdLibRemote to the effect that the "cable is
not connected". The DBGSEL jumper is inserted (i.e., pin 27 pulled
high) and the board seems to have NTRST pulled high as well (NC on
the Wiggler interface).

When connecting this same JTAG debug hardware to my EB40A, it works
just fine. So, I guess it must be something with the LPC2106 or
perhaps circuit loading thats different?

Scoping the RST line, the EB40A comes nicely out of reset under
control of OcdLibRemote, but all I see for the Olimex board is a
brief blip on the RST line.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks much.


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

----- Original Message -----
From: "Johan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 12:03 AM
Subject: [lpc2000] Wiggler JTAG problem > Greetings,
> Being a little green with LPC2106 debugging, I need some help.
> I have the Olimex LPC2106 dev. board and it appears to function fine
> with the Philips ISP software, also the supplied test program in
> flash works fine.
> Now am trying to get my (home made) Wiggler to work with it, but keep
> getting a message from OcdLibRemote to the effect that the "cable is
> not connected". The DBGSEL jumper is inserted (i.e., pin 27 pulled
> high) and the board seems to have NTRST pulled high as well (NC on
> the Wiggler interface).
> When connecting this same JTAG debug hardware to my EB40A, it works
> just fine. So, I guess it must be something with the LPC2106 or
> perhaps circuit loading thats different?
> Scoping the RST line, the EB40A comes nicely out of reset under
> control of OcdLibRemote, but all I see for the Olimex board is a
> brief blip on the RST line.

Have you tried it with OCD Commander? That is what I used for getting my
interface working.


--- Leon Heller <> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Johan" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 12:03 AM
> Subject: [lpc2000] Wiggler JTAG problem > > Greetings,
> >
> > Being a little green with LPC2106 debugging, I
> need some help.
> >
> > I have the Olimex LPC2106 dev. board and it
> appears to function fine
> > with the Philips ISP software, also the supplied
> test program in
> > flash works fine.
> >
> > Now am trying to get my (home made) Wiggler to
> work with it, but keep
> > getting a message from OcdLibRemote to the effect
> that the "cable is
> > not connected". The DBGSEL jumper is inserted
> (i.e., pin 27 pulled
> > high) and the board seems to have NTRST pulled
> high as well (NC on
> > the Wiggler interface).
> >
> > When connecting this same JTAG debug hardware to
> my EB40A, it works
> > just fine. So, I guess it must be something with
> the LPC2106 or
> > perhaps circuit loading thats different?
> >
> > Scoping the RST line, the EB40A comes nicely out
> of reset under
> > control of OcdLibRemote, but all I see for the
> Olimex board is a
> > brief blip on the RST line.
> Have you tried it with OCD Commander? That is what I
> used for getting my
> interface working.
> Leon

Thanks for the suggestion Leon --- OCD Commander seem
to work OK with my JTAG debug hardware.

I suspect a hardware initialization issue with
OCDLibRemote and the LPC210x. It is possible to do
device initialization when OCDLibRemote starts up that
may solve this initialization issue, not sure exactly
how yet.

Has anyone been successful in using the LPC2106 with a
WIGGLER using OcdLibRemote?



At 05:00 PM 4/12/04 -0700, you wrote:
>Has anyone been successful in using the LPC2106 with a
>WIGGLER using OcdLibRemote?

I have, although it sometimes takes me a couple of tries to connect
successfully. Usually if I'm having a real problem connecting it's because
I either didn't set dbgsel correctly for I forgot to plug the cable into
the printer port :)

Robert " 'Freedom' has no meaning of itself. There are always restrictions,
be they legal, genetic, or physical. If you don't believe me, try to
chew a radio signal. "

Kelvin Throop, III

--- Robert Adsett
<> wrote:
> At 05:00 PM 4/12/04 -0700, you wrote:
> >Has anyone been successful in using the LPC2106
> with a
> >WIGGLER using OcdLibRemote?
> I have, although it sometimes takes me a couple of
> tries to connect
> successfully. Usually if I'm having a real problem
> connecting it's because
> I either didn't set dbgsel correctly for I forgot to
> plug the cable into
> the printer port :)
> Robert > " 'Freedom' has no meaning of itself. There are
> always restrictions,
> be they legal, genetic, or physical. If you don't
> believe me, try to
> chew a radio signal. "
> Kelvin Throop, III
Thanks Robert --- at least I know that it can work
like that.

One other tidbit I learned along the way ... even with
the target not being powered up, the Wiggler interface
provides a weak power source to the target via the LPT
cable, guess trough leakage along pullups etc. This
weak power source is enough to get the LPC2106 locked
up in a bad state -- it is doubtful whether it will
never get into debug state like that.

The solution is to be careful about the order you
power up and connect things up. Start out by having
the Wiggler disconnected from the LPT cable, then
connect up the target. Next power up the target to
supply power to the Wiggler, and finally connect the
LPT cable. This way the LPC2106 is in a good state and
ready for the JTAG-debug session.

Johan Forrer

Imagine Conference