Dear lpc2000 Group,
I have setup an interupt fonction with the timer0 of an lpc2124
witch work fine. The callback fonction is use on each timer0
interupt. When I try to had a second timer interupt callback
fonction it doesnt work. Is anybody can help me to solve my error
The code for init timer0 is:
void Init_Timer0(void)
REG(TIMER0_MR0) = 14740000;
REG(TIMER0_MCR) = 0x03;
REG(VICIntEnable) = 0x10;
The code for the callback timer0 fonction is:
void TimerInterrupt0(void)
The startup code to handle timer0 interupt is:
ldr r1, =do_timer0
str r1, [r0]
ldr r1, =do_timer0
str r1, [r0]
mov r1, #0x24
str r1, [r0]
stmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
mrs r12, spsr
stmfd r13!, {r12}
msr cpsr_c, #0x93
stmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
msr cpsr_c, #0x13
bl TimerInterrupt0
msr cpsr_c, #0x93
ldmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
msr cpsr_c, #0x92
ldmfd r13!, {r12}
msr spsr_cxsf, r12
ldmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
stmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
mov r1, #0xff
str r1, [r0]
ldmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
subs pc, lr, #0x4
/////This work fine but not if I add this code///
Code for init timer1 is:
void Init_Timer1(void)
REG(TIMER1_MR0) = 14740000;
REG(TIMER1_MCR) = 0x03;
REG(VICIntEnable) = 0x10;
The code for the callback timer1 fonction is:
void TimerInterrupt1(void)
The startup code to handle timer1 interupt is:
ldr r1, =do_timer1
str r1, [r0]
ldr r1, =do_timer1
str r1, [r0]
mov r1, #0x24
str r1, [r0]
stmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
mrs r12, spsr
stmfd r13!, {r12}
msr cpsr_c, #0x93
stmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
msr cpsr_c, #0x13
bl TimerInterrupt1
msr cpsr_c, #0x93
ldmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
msr cpsr_c, #0x92
ldmfd r13!, {r12}
msr spsr_cxsf, r12
ldmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
stmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
mov r1, #0xff
str r1, [r0]
ldmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
subs pc, lr, #0x4
With this code my second callback fonction is never call,
like if I was using the same interrupt.
Thank you for any suggest or correction.
How to setup a second timer interupt callback function?
Started by ●July 5, 2006
Reply by ●July 5, 20062006-07-05
In void TimerInterrupt1(void) are you clearing the wrong interrupt flag?
All that assembly code seems like the long way around but I don't know
what platform you are using.
For GCC, the interrupt handler prototype is:
void T0ISR(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt));
The handler itself might look like:
void T0ISR(void) // interrupt handler - see timer.h
T0IR = 0x01;
VICVectAddr = 0xFF;
And the initialization might look like:
void T0_init(void)
T0TC = 0; // clear the timer count
T0PR = 1; // prescale divide by 2
T0MR0 = 7500; // divide by 7500
T0MCR = 0x03; // interrupt on match, reset on match
T0TCR = 0x01; // start the timer
VICVectCntl3 = 0x00000024; // set priority 3 for Timer 0
VICVectAddr3 = (unsigned long) T0ISR;
VICIntEnable = 0x00000010; // enable interrupt
T0EMR = 0x30; // toggle external match pin
--- In l..., "cyril_dunand" wrote:
> Dear lpc2000 Group,
> I have setup an interupt fonction with the timer0 of an lpc2124
> witch work fine. The callback fonction is use on each timer0
> interupt. When I try to had a second timer interupt callback
> fonction it doesnt work. Is anybody can help me to solve my error
> code.
> The code for init timer0 is:
> void Init_Timer0(void)
> {
> REG(TIMER0_TCR) = 2;
> REG(TIMER0_PR) = 0;
> REG(TIMER0_MR0) = 14740000;
> REG(TIMER0_MCR) = 0x03;
> REG(TIMER0_IR) = 0xFF;
> REG(TIMER0_TCR) = 1;
> REG(VICIntEnable) = 0x10;
> }
> The code for the callback timer0 fonction is:
> void TimerInterrupt0(void)
> {
> REG(TIMER0_IR) = 0xFF;
> myfunction();
> }
> The startup code to handle timer0 interupt is:
> ldr r0, =VIC_ADDR0_REG_ADDR
> ldr r1, =do_timer0
> str r1, [r0]
> ldr r0, =VEC_ADDR_REG_ADDR
> ldr r1, =do_timer0
> str r1, [r0]
> ldr r0, =VIC_CTRL0_REG_ADDR
> mov r1, #0x24
> str r1, [r0]
> do_timer0:
> stmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
> mrs r12, spsr
> stmfd r13!, {r12}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x93
> stmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x13
> bl TimerInterrupt0
> msr cpsr_c, #0x93
> ldmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x92
> ldmfd r13!, {r12}
> msr spsr_cxsf, r12
> ldmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
> stmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
> ldr r0, =VEC_ADDR_REG_ADDR
> mov r1, #0xff
> str r1, [r0]
> ldmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
> subs pc, lr, #0x4
> /////This work fine but not if I add this code///
> Code for init timer1 is:
> void Init_Timer1(void)
> {
> REG(TIMER1_TCR) = 2;
> REG(TIMER1_PR) = 0;
> REG(TIMER1_MR0) = 14740000;
> REG(TIMER1_MCR) = 0x03;
> REG(TIMER1_IR) = 0xFF;
> REG(TIMER1_TCR) = 1;
> REG(VICIntEnable) = 0x10;
> }
> The code for the callback timer1 fonction is:
> void TimerInterrupt1(void)
> {
> REG(TIMER0_IR) = 0xFF;
> myfunction1();
> }
> The startup code to handle timer1 interupt is:
> ldr r0, =VIC_ADDR1_REG_ADDR
> ldr r1, =do_timer1
> str r1, [r0]
> ldr r0, =VEC_ADDR_REG_ADDR
> ldr r1, =do_timer1
> str r1, [r0]
> ldr r0, =VIC_CTRL1_REG_ADDR
> mov r1, #0x24
> str r1, [r0]
> do_timer1:
> stmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
> mrs r12, spsr
> stmfd r13!, {r12}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x93
> stmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x13
> bl TimerInterrupt1
> msr cpsr_c, #0x93
> ldmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x92
> ldmfd r13!, {r12}
> msr spsr_cxsf, r12
> ldmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
> stmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
> ldr r0, =VEC_ADDR_REG_ADDR
> mov r1, #0xff
> str r1, [r0]
> ldmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
> subs pc, lr, #0x4
> With this code my second callback fonction is never call,
> like if I was using the same interrupt.
> Thank you for any suggest or correction.
> Reguards
> Cyril
All that assembly code seems like the long way around but I don't know
what platform you are using.
For GCC, the interrupt handler prototype is:
void T0ISR(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt));
The handler itself might look like:
void T0ISR(void) // interrupt handler - see timer.h
T0IR = 0x01;
VICVectAddr = 0xFF;
And the initialization might look like:
void T0_init(void)
T0TC = 0; // clear the timer count
T0PR = 1; // prescale divide by 2
T0MR0 = 7500; // divide by 7500
T0MCR = 0x03; // interrupt on match, reset on match
T0TCR = 0x01; // start the timer
VICVectCntl3 = 0x00000024; // set priority 3 for Timer 0
VICVectAddr3 = (unsigned long) T0ISR;
VICIntEnable = 0x00000010; // enable interrupt
T0EMR = 0x30; // toggle external match pin
--- In l..., "cyril_dunand" wrote:
> Dear lpc2000 Group,
> I have setup an interupt fonction with the timer0 of an lpc2124
> witch work fine. The callback fonction is use on each timer0
> interupt. When I try to had a second timer interupt callback
> fonction it doesnt work. Is anybody can help me to solve my error
> code.
> The code for init timer0 is:
> void Init_Timer0(void)
> {
> REG(TIMER0_TCR) = 2;
> REG(TIMER0_PR) = 0;
> REG(TIMER0_MR0) = 14740000;
> REG(TIMER0_MCR) = 0x03;
> REG(TIMER0_IR) = 0xFF;
> REG(TIMER0_TCR) = 1;
> REG(VICIntEnable) = 0x10;
> }
> The code for the callback timer0 fonction is:
> void TimerInterrupt0(void)
> {
> REG(TIMER0_IR) = 0xFF;
> myfunction();
> }
> The startup code to handle timer0 interupt is:
> ldr r0, =VIC_ADDR0_REG_ADDR
> ldr r1, =do_timer0
> str r1, [r0]
> ldr r0, =VEC_ADDR_REG_ADDR
> ldr r1, =do_timer0
> str r1, [r0]
> ldr r0, =VIC_CTRL0_REG_ADDR
> mov r1, #0x24
> str r1, [r0]
> do_timer0:
> stmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
> mrs r12, spsr
> stmfd r13!, {r12}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x93
> stmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x13
> bl TimerInterrupt0
> msr cpsr_c, #0x93
> ldmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x92
> ldmfd r13!, {r12}
> msr spsr_cxsf, r12
> ldmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
> stmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
> ldr r0, =VEC_ADDR_REG_ADDR
> mov r1, #0xff
> str r1, [r0]
> ldmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
> subs pc, lr, #0x4
> /////This work fine but not if I add this code///
> Code for init timer1 is:
> void Init_Timer1(void)
> {
> REG(TIMER1_TCR) = 2;
> REG(TIMER1_PR) = 0;
> REG(TIMER1_MR0) = 14740000;
> REG(TIMER1_MCR) = 0x03;
> REG(TIMER1_IR) = 0xFF;
> REG(TIMER1_TCR) = 1;
> REG(VICIntEnable) = 0x10;
> }
> The code for the callback timer1 fonction is:
> void TimerInterrupt1(void)
> {
> REG(TIMER0_IR) = 0xFF;
> myfunction1();
> }
> The startup code to handle timer1 interupt is:
> ldr r0, =VIC_ADDR1_REG_ADDR
> ldr r1, =do_timer1
> str r1, [r0]
> ldr r0, =VEC_ADDR_REG_ADDR
> ldr r1, =do_timer1
> str r1, [r0]
> ldr r0, =VIC_CTRL1_REG_ADDR
> mov r1, #0x24
> str r1, [r0]
> do_timer1:
> stmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
> mrs r12, spsr
> stmfd r13!, {r12}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x93
> stmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x13
> bl TimerInterrupt1
> msr cpsr_c, #0x93
> ldmfd r13!, {r0-r3, r14}
> msr cpsr_c, #0x92
> ldmfd r13!, {r12}
> msr spsr_cxsf, r12
> ldmfd r13!, {r12, r14}
> stmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
> ldr r0, =VEC_ADDR_REG_ADDR
> mov r1, #0xff
> str r1, [r0]
> ldmfd r13!, {r0-r1}
> subs pc, lr, #0x4
> With this code my second callback fonction is never call,
> like if I was using the same interrupt.
> Thank you for any suggest or correction.
> Reguards
> Cyril