Imagine Conference

Bootloader on LPC2294

Started by elta...@gmail.com June 25, 2007
It is my first time in RTOS world i am try to load uClinux on my development board (LPC-E2294) the problem that faced me that i can't load any bootloader on my board , i tried to load (u-boot & blob) but 2 solution was failed
Which bootloader that can i use ? and how to load it in my board?

Thanks in advance

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

e...@gmail.com wrote:
> Dears,
> It is my first time in RTOS world i am try to load uClinux on my
> development board (LPC-E2294) the problem that faced me that i can't
> load any bootloader on my board , i tried to load (u-boot & blob) but
> 2 solution was failed
> Which bootloader that can i use ? and how to load it in my board?

This is really off topic. The particulars of setting up a system to
boot linux is somewhat involved. The task that a bootloader must perform
to boot linux is this:

1. Condition the clock of the CPU so you are up to speed.

2. Setup the RAM controller so that memory is now available. Condition
other hardware such as LCD controller, IR keyboards, etc.

3. Copy the linux image to the "correct" place in RAM. (usually 0xc0028000)

4. build a list of ATAGs (0xc0020000), put the address of the ATAG list
into R0.

5. put the ARCH number into R1.

6. Jump to 0xc0028000 to run the kernel.

On smaller systems, this process is usually done with a custom written
code. However, there are other bootloaders aside from blob and uboot,
apex comes to mind. However, on the Zipit (an EP7312 system), the boot
is written entirely in assembler.

Try looking at http://www.uclinux.org for mailing lists which deal
primarily with uClinux.


Tom Walsh - WN3L - Embedded Systems Consultant
http://openhardware.net http://cyberiansoftware.com http://openzipit.org
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