
LPC2364 Flash writing issues

Started by Sankar karuppannan November 27, 2008
We are using LPC2364 device in our project. The problem is we are unable to perform Flash write. Please any one can help on this.

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--- In l..., Sankar karuppannan wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using LPC2364 device in our project. The problem is we are
unable to perform Flash write. Please any one can help on this.
> Regards,
> Sankar.K

Maybe you accidently set the code lock word ? They do not program
again until you re-program from the serial port and do a full chip
erase first.

Then again, maybe the proper jumpers aren't in place for
either the serial or JTAG programming methods.


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i just succeeded flash write operations.

i added my flash write/erase commands.
they may not be so general but can give you idea.
i wait any further question.



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* iap.c: IAP API file for NXP LPC23xx/24xx Family Microprocessors


* Copyright(C) 2006, NXP Semiconductor

* M.Riza OZ


* History

* 2006.07.12 ver 1.00 Prelimnary version, first Release




#include "iap.h"

#include "Common/inc/type.h"

#include "Common/inc/target.h"

#include "Common/inc/irq.h"

#include "LPC23xx.h"


unsigned int command[5];

unsigned int result[3];

volatile DWORD buffer[256];

volatile DWORD SectorAddressRange[28][2] = { {0x00000000, 0x00000FFF},

{0x00001000, 0x00001FFF}, {0x00002000, 0x00002FFF}, {0x00003000, 0x00003FFF},

{0x00004000, 0x00004FFF}, {0x00005000, 0x00005FFF}, {0x00006000, 0x00006FFF},

{0x00007000, 0x00007FFF}, {0x00008000, 0x0000FFFF}, {0x00010000, 0x00017FFF},

{0x00018000, 0x0001FFFF}, {0x00020000, 0x00027FFF}, {0x00028000, 0x0002FFFF},

{0x00030000, 0x00037FFF}, {0x00038000, 0x0003FFFF}, {0x00040000, 0x00047FFF},

{0x00048000, 0x0004FFFF}, {0x00050000, 0x00057FFF}, {0x00058000, 0x0005FFFF},

{0x00060000, 0x00067FFF}, {0x00068000, 0x0006FFFF}, {0x00070000, 0x00077FFF},

{0x00078000, 0x00078FFF}, {0x00079000, 0x00079FFF}, {0x0007A000, 0x0007AFFF},

{0x0007B000, 0x0007BFFF}, {0x0007C000, 0x0007CFFF}, {0x0007D000, 0x0007DFFF}};


volatile DWORD SectorAddressRange[28][2] = { {0x00000000, 4096},

{0x00001000, 4096}, {0x00002000, 4096}, {0x00003000, 4096},

{0x00004000, 4096}, {0x00005000, 4096}, {0x00006000, 4096},

{0x00007000, 4096}, {0x00008000, 32768}, {0x00010000, 32768},

{0x00018000, 32768}, {0x00020000, 32768}, {0x00028000, 32768},

{0x00030000, 32768}, {0x00038000, 32768}, {0x00040000, 32768},

{0x00048000, 32768}, {0x00050000, 32768}, {0x00058000, 32768},

{0x00060000, 32768}, {0x00068000, 32768}, {0x00070000, 32768},

{0x00078000, 4096}, {0x00079000, 4096}, {0x0007A000, 4096},

{0x0007B000, 4096}, {0x0007C000, 4096}, {0x0007D000, 4096}};


typedef void (*IAP)(unsigned int*,unsigned int* );

IAP iap_entry =(IAP) IAP_LOCATION;


/*int Find_Sect_No(DWORD Address)


int i, j;

for(i=0; i<29; i++)


for(j=0; j<2; j++)



return i;



} */


int GetPartID ()


command[0] = ReadPartID;

iap_entry (command, result);

if (result[0]==CMD_SUCCESS)


printf("Get Part ID: CMD_SUCCESS\r\n");



return result[0];



int GetBootCodeVersion ()


command[0] = ReadBootCodeVersion;

iap_entry (command, result);

if (result[0]==CMD_SUCCESS)


printf("Get Boot Code Version: CMD_SUCCESS\r\n");



return result[0];



int EraseSector (DWORD start_sect_no, DWORD stop_sect_no, DWORD CCLK_freq)


int status;

//prepare sector 4 wright

// VICIntEnClr = 0xFFFFFFFF;//disable all interrupts




//erase prepared sector

if (status==CMD_SUCCESS)


command[0] = EraseSectors;

command[1] = start_sect_no;

command[2] = stop_sect_no;

command[3] = CCLK_freq;

iap_entry (command, result);

if (result[0]==CMD_SUCCESS)

printf("Erase Sector CMD_SUCCESS\r\n");

else if(result[0]==BUSY)

printf("Erase Sector BUSY\r\n");



else if(result[0]==INVALID_SECTOR)

printf("Erase Sector INVALID_SECTOR\r\n");




// VICIntEnable = 0xFFFFFFFF;//enable all interrupts

return result[0];



int PrepareSector4Write (DWORD start_sect_no, DWORD stop_sect_no)


DWORD temp;

//prepare sector 4 wright

command[0] = PrepareSectors4Write;

command[1] = start_sect_no;

command[2] = stop_sect_no;

iap_entry (command, result);

if (result[0]==CMD_SUCCESS)

printf("Prepare Sector CMD_SUCCESS\r\n");

else if(result[0]==BUSY)

printf("Prepare Sector BUSY\r\n");

else if(result[0]==INVALID_SECTOR)

printf("Prepare Sector INVALID_SECTOR\r\n");



return result[0];



int CopyRAM2Flash (DWORD dest_flash_addr, DWORD source_ram_addr, DWORD byte_count, DWORD CCLK_freq)


int status;

//prepare sector 4 wright

status=PrepareSector4Write(2,2); //sector bulan bir func yazilmali

//erase prepared sector

if (status==CMD_SUCCESS)


command[0] = RAM2Flash;

command[1] = dest_flash_addr;

command[2] = source_ram_addr;

command[3] = byte_count;

command[4] = CCLK_freq;

iap_entry (command, result);

if (result[0]==CMD_SUCCESS)

printf("Flash Write CMD_SUCCESS\r\n");

else if(result[0]==BUSY)

printf("Flash Write BUSY\r\n");



else if(result[0]==SRC_ADDR_ERROR)

printf("Flash Write SRC_ADDR_ERROR\r\n");

else if(result[0]==DST_ADDR_ERROR)

printf("Flash Write DST_ADDR_ERROR\r\n");

else if(result[0]==SRC_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED)

printf("Flash Write SRC_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED\r\n");

else if(result[0]==DST_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED)

printf("Flash Write DST_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED\r\n");

else if(result[0]==COUNT_ERROR)

printf("Flash Write COUNT_ERROR\r\n");




return result[0];



int CheckBlankSector (DWORD start_sect_no, DWORD stop_sect_no)


command[0] = BlankCheckSectors;

command[1] = start_sect_no;

command[2] = stop_sect_no;

iap_entry (command, result);

if (result[0]==CMD_SUCCESS)


printf("Blank Check Sector CMD_SUCCESS\r\n");

//if CMD_SUCCESS comes sector empty


else if (result[0]==BUSY)


printf("Blank Check Sector BUSY\r\n");


else if(result[0]==INVALID_SECTOR)


printf("Blank Check Sector INVALID_SECTOR\r\n");


else if (result[0]==SECTOR_NOT_BLANK)

{//if SECTOR_NOT_BLANK comes sector is not empty

printf("Blank Check Sector SECTOR_NOT_BLANK\r\n");

//address of the first non empty dword location

printf("Offset of the first non blank word location 0x%.8X\r\n",result[1]);

//content of the first non empty data on the sector

printf("Contents of non blank word location 0x%.8X\r\n",result[2]);


return result[0];





* iap.h: Type definition Header file for NXP LPC230x Family

* Microprocessors


* Copyright(C) 2008, VESTEL ELECTRONICS

* M.Riza OZ


* History

* 2008.11.20 ver 1.00 Prelimnary version, first Release



#include "Common/inc/type.h"

#define PrepareSectors4Write 50

#define RAM2Flash 51

#define EraseSectors 52

#define BlankCheckSectors 53

#define ReadPartID 54

#define ReadBootCodeVersion 55

#define Compare 56

#define ReinvokeISP 57

#define CMD_SUCCESS 0 // Command is executed successfully.

#define INVALID_COMMAND 1 // Invalid command.

#define SRC_ADDR_ERROR 2 // Source address is not on a word boundary.

#define DST_ADDR_ERROR 3 // Destination address is not on a correct boundary.

#define SRC_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED 4 // Source address is not mapped in the memory map.

#define DST_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED 5 // Destination address is not mapped in the memory

#define COUNT_ERROR 6 // Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value.

#define INVALID_SECTOR 7 // Sector number is invalid.

#define SECTOR_NOT_BLANK 8 // Sector is not blank.

#define SECTOR_NOT_PREPARED_FOR_WRITE_OPERATION 9 //Command to prepare sector for write operation was not executed.

#define COMPARE_ERROR 10 // Source and destination data is not same.

#define BUSY 11

#define IAP_LOCATION 0x7ffffff1

extern volatile DWORD SectorAddressRange[28][2];

extern unsigned int command[5];

extern unsigned int result[3];

extern volatile DWORD buffer[256];

int CheckBlankSector (DWORD start_sect_no, DWORD stop_sect_no);

int GetBootCodeVersion ();

int GetPartID ();

int EraseSector (DWORD start_sect_no, DWORD stop_sect_no, DWORD CCLK_freq);

int PrepareSector4Write (DWORD start_sect_no, DWORD stop_sect_no);