Imagine Conference

example CRT.s, Makefile and Linkerfile for developingC++ software on Eclipse

Started by Noman Mahmood April 8, 2012
Sorry I forgot to change the Subject in previous Email.

Could anyone send me a sample gnu toolset(CRT.s, Makefile and
Linkerfile)for developingC++ software on Eclipse for lpc2106
board(Olimex LPC2106) or any LPC2106 board asI can change the board
specific modules to suit my board. I have the right file for C
development not for C++.

Thank you in advance.

Best Wishes!

Best Wishes!

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

Check out this tutorial, it might help you:
Or get it in pdf here

Bernardo Marques.

On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Noman Mahmood wrote:

> **
> Sorry I forgot to change the Subject in previous Email.
> Could anyone send me a sample gnu toolset(CRT.s, Makefile and
> Linkerfile)for developingC++ software on Eclipse for lpc2106
> board(Olimex LPC2106) or any LPC2106 board asI can change the board
> specific modules to suit my board. I have the right file for C
> development not for C++.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best Wishes!
> Noman
> Best Wishes!
> Noman

Hi Marques:
Thanks for the information. Much obliged.

Best Wishes!
From: Bernardo Marques
To: l...
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2012 5:15:38 AM
Subject: Re: [lpc2000] example CRT.s, Makefile and Linkerfile for developingC++ software on Eclipse

Check out this tutorial, it might help you:
Or get it in pdf here

Bernardo Marques.

On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Noman Mahmood wrote:

> **
> Sorry I forgot to change the Subject in previous Email.
> Could anyone send me a sample gnu toolset(CRT.s, Makefile and
> Linkerfile)for developingC++ software on Eclipse for lpc2106
> board(Olimex LPC2106) or any LPC2106 board asI can change the board
> specific modules to suit my board. I have the right file for C
> development not for C++.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best Wishes!
> Noman
> Best Wishes!
> Noman

Imagine Conference