
DMA transfer of ADC sequnce

Started by ingarf2002 November 5, 2004


I'm trying to setup a repeating DMA transfer of a ADC repeating 
sequnce to an array. When I run this code and exit from my setup 
function the controller dies on me. Seems like it jumps all over the 

I'm using the following setup code:

void InitADC(void)
memset(ADCmemory, 0, sizeof(ADCmemory));

// ADC setup	
P6SEL = 0x07;      // (A0-A2 = P6.0-P6.2)
ADC12CTL0|=SHT0_8; // set sample and hold timings
ADC12CTL0|C12ON;// Turn on ADC12
ADC12CTL0|=MSC;	   // Enable sequence
ADC12CTL1|=SHP;    // Set sample and hold pulse mode
ADC12CTL1|C12SSEL_0;	// Set ADC12OSC source
ADC12CTL1|C12DIV_5;	// set clock divider=8
ADC12CTL1|=CONSEQ_1;	// Set repeat sequence mode
ADC12MCTL0 = SREF_1 + INCH_0;	// ADC memory 0 channel 0
ADC12MCTL1 = SREF_1 + INCH_1;	// ADC memory 1 channel 1
ADC12MCTL2 = SREF_1 + INCH_2;	// ADC memory 2 channel 2
ADC12MCTL3 = SREF_1 + INCH_10 + EOS; // ADC memory 3 channel 10, EOS
ADC12IFG = 0x00;  // Clear IF
ADC12CTL0|=ENC;			// enable conversion	

DMA0SA = ADC12MEM0_;   // Src address = ADC12 module
DMA0DA = (int)ADCmemory; // Dst address = RAM array
DMA0SZ = sizeof(ADC12MEM0_)*4; // Size in words (4 samples)
DMACTL0 = DMA0TSEL_6;   // ADC12IFGx triggers DMA0

// Block xfer, both src and dst increment, enable interrupt and DMA

ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC;	// Start conversion	

And I use the following DMA ISR
// DMA interrupt service routine
interrupt[DACDMA_VECTOR] void DACDMA_ISR (void)
ADC12IFG = 0x00;  // Clear ADCIFG to prepare for next trigger
DMA0CTL &= ~DMAIFG;  // Clear DMA0 interrupt flag
_BIC_SR_IRQ(LPM0_bits); // Exit LPM0 on reti

I have found out that if I leave out the bit to start the conversion 
the code keeps running, but I'm not able to find out why it crashes 
when I do start the conversion...

Any tips?

Ingar F Pedersen

Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430