Imagine Conference

UART Initialization

Started by Glenn Richmond February 12, 2003
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to set up the USART on my MSP430 as a UART... The initialization
& putchar code is shown below. Hoever, after initializing the UART, the TX
line is just held high... I thought this might be something to do with the
order that I reset the SWRST bit, but i tried that, but still nothing
happens on the TX line.. the ACLK is definately oscillating, as i've got a
PWM outputting on another pin that uses the same clock source...

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why the UART isn't getting
initialised properly?

void COMM_uart0_init(void)
     // USART Settings:
     // UART function, Idle line multiprocessor Protocol,
     UCTL0 &=~ SWRST;               // reset SWRST bit
     UCTL0 = CHAR;                  // 8-bit, 1 stop, no parity 
     UBR00 = 0xD0;                  // 9600 baud (CLK 526,628hz div 9600 54)	
     UBR10 = 0x00;                     
     UMCTL0 = 0x92;                 // modulation is 11110111 for 526.628khz
     UTCTL0 = 0x00;                 // external 526k clock on pin P3.3 is
     URCTL0 = 0x00;    
     ME2 |= URXE0+UTXE0;            // enable USART transmit and Rx
     IE1 |= URXIE0+UTXIE0;          // Enable Tx and Rx interrupt.

my putchar function is as follows:

void putchar(UCHAR byte)
  // wait until UTXIFG0 flag is set to 1, indicating 
  // that another byte can be put in the buffer..
  while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));
  // Put byte into buffer to be transmitted...
  U0TXBUF = byte;  



Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

Hi Glenn.

Remember to set the serial port pins to the correct modes to allow the UART 
to use them. The port SEL mask must be set high for both pins and the port 
direction controls must be set to output (1) for Tx and input (0) for Rx.

This example is for the MSP430F449; other cpus use different port pins:


#define SER_RX0_MASK       0x20  // P2.5 - RS232-0 Rx i/p
#define SER_TX0_MASK       0x10  // P2.4 - RS232-0 Tx o/p

  P2SEL |= (SER_RX0_MASK|SER_TX0_MASK);   // P2.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD
  P2DIR |= (SER_TX0_MASK);                // P2.4 output direction

Regards, Hugh

 >> Hi everyone,

I'm trying to set up the USART on my MSP430 as a UART... The initialization
& putchar code is shown below. Hoever, after initializing the UART, the TX
line is just held high... I thought this might be something to do with the
order that I reset the SWRST bit, but i tried that, but still nothing
happens on the TX line.. the ACLK is definately oscillating, as i've got a
PWM outputting on another pin that uses the same clock source...

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why the UART isn't getting
initialised properly?

void COMM_uart0_init(void)
      // USART Settings:
      // UART function, Idle line multiprocessor Protocol,
      UCTL0 &=~ SWRST;               // reset SWRST bit
      UCTL0 = CHAR;                  // 8-bit, 1 stop, no parity
      UBR00 = 0xD0;                  // 9600 baud (CLK 526,628hz div 9600 54)
      UBR10 = 0x00;
      UMCTL0 = 0x92;                 // modulation is 11110111 for 526.628khz
      UTCTL0 = 0x00;                 // external 526k clock on pin P3.3 is
      URCTL0 = 0x00;
      ME2 |= URXE0+UTXE0;            // enable USART transmit and Rx
      IE1 |= URXIE0+UTXIE0;          // Enable Tx and Rx interrupt.

my putchar function is as follows:

void putchar(UCHAR byte)
   // wait until UTXIFG0 flag is set to 1, indicating
   // that another byte can be put in the buffer..
   while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));
   // Put byte into buffer to be transmitted...
   U0TXBUF = byte;



I forgot to add that also you have to transmit the first character to 
initiate the interrupt for subsequent characters. That is until you 
transmit a character, you won't get a transmit character buffer empty 

Using your code you must do the following (just this once) before waiting 
for the interrupt stuff to start working:

   U0TXBUF = byte;

Regards, Hugh

Hi Glenn.

Remember to set the serial port pins to the correct modes to allow the
UART to use them. The port SEL mask must be set high for both pins and
the port direction controls must be set to output (1) for Tx and input
(0) for Rx.

This example is for the MSP430F449; other cpus use different port pins:


#define SER_RX0_MASK       0x20  // P2.5 - RS232-0 Rx i/p
#define SER_TX0_MASK       0x10  // P2.4 - RS232-0 Tx o/p

  P2SEL |= (SER_RX0_MASK|SER_TX0_MASK);   // P2.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD
  P2DIR |= (SER_TX0_MASK);                // P2.4 output direction

Regards, Hugh

 >> Hi everyone,

I'm trying to set up the USART on my MSP430 as a UART... The initialization
& putchar code is shown below. Hoever, after initializing the UART, the TX
line is just held high... I thought this might be something to do with the
order that I reset the SWRST bit, but i tried that, but still nothing
happens on the TX line.. the ACLK is definately oscillating, as i've got a
PWM outputting on another pin that uses the same clock source...

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why the UART isn't getting
initialised properly?

void COMM_uart0_init(void)
      // USART Settings:
      // UART function, Idle line multiprocessor Protocol,
      UCTL0 &=~ SWRST;               // reset SWRST bit
      UCTL0 = CHAR;                  // 8-bit, 1 stop, no parity
      UBR00 = 0xD0;                  // 9600 baud (CLK 526,628hz div 9600 54)
      UBR10 = 0x00;
      UMCTL0 = 0x92;                 // modulation is 11110111 for 526.628khz
      UTCTL0 = 0x00;                 // external 526k clock on pin P3.3 is
      URCTL0 = 0x00;
      ME2 |= URXE0+UTXE0;            // enable USART transmit and Rx
      IE1 |= URXIE0+UTXIE0;          // Enable Tx and Rx interrupt.

my putchar function is as follows:

void putchar(UCHAR byte)
   // wait until UTXIFG0 flag is set to 1, indicating
   // that another byte can be put in the buffer..
   while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));
   // Put byte into buffer to be transmitted...
   U0TXBUF = byte;



    Actually, you can just do "UCSR1B |= (1 << UDRIE1);",
which means when
you're doing interrupt I/O, you don't have to special case your
routine to see if you've already got data outgoing already or not.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Hugh Molesworth [mailto:nzbackpackers@nzba...]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 17:55
  To: msp430@msp4...
  Subject: Re: [msp430] UART Initialization

  I forgot to add that also you have to transmit the first character to
  initiate the interrupt for subsequent characters. That is until you
  transmit a character, you won't get a transmit character buffer empty

  Using your code you must do the following (just this once) before waiting
  for the interrupt stuff to start working:

     U0TXBUF = byte;

  Regards, Hugh

   [ snip ]

ok, thanks Hugh...

i forgot to mention that I set up the ports in a different
an updated version of the UART initialization:

the baud rate is 38400, running off an 8MHz external XTAL... i don't think
it could be wrong values in any of the baud rate registers, because even if
i had them wrong, i'd get some sort of waveform on the output... at the
moment, the pin just gets held high... the first character gets put into the
TX buffer, the the next putbyte gets stuck waiting for:

while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));

Note that i haven't enabled interrupts in this version, though it
affect the flag getting set... it's as if the character just doesn't
sent out of the UART?

void usart0_init()
//Clock sourceLK
//Desired baud8400
//Actual  baud8392
 UCTL0 &=~ SWRST; // reset SWRST bit
 UCTL0 = 0x10;    //CHAR0, 8-bit mode..
 // Select ACLK as source for UART...
 // UART receive status...
 // Divider for clock of 38400
 // 8000000/38400 = 208.33
 // 208 DEC = 0x00D0 HEX
 // Modulation: 0x92
 // Selected 8-bit character mode...
 P3SEL |= 0x30; //BIT5+BIT4;       // Pin P3.5 and P3.4 and P3.3 used by
USART module
 P3DIR |= 0x10; // BIT4;            // Pin P3.4 is output

-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Molesworth [mailto:nzbackpackers@nzba...]
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2003 11:55 a.m.
To: msp430@msp4...
Subject: Re: [msp430] UART Initialization

I forgot to add that also you have to transmit the first character to 
initiate the interrupt for subsequent characters. That is until you 
transmit a character, you won't get a transmit character buffer empty 

Using your code you must do the following (just this once) before waiting 
for the interrupt stuff to start working:

   U0TXBUF = byte;

Regards, Hugh

Hi Glenn.

Remember to set the serial port pins to the correct modes to allow the
UART to use them. The port SEL mask must be set high for both pins and
the port direction controls must be set to output (1) for Tx and input
(0) for Rx.

This example is for the MSP430F449; other cpus use different port pins:


#define SER_RX0_MASK       0x20  // P2.5 - RS232-0 Rx i/p
#define SER_TX0_MASK       0x10  // P2.4 - RS232-0 Tx o/p

  P2SEL |= (SER_RX0_MASK|SER_TX0_MASK);   // P2.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD
  P2DIR |= (SER_TX0_MASK);                // P2.4 output direction

Regards, Hugh

 >> Hi everyone,

I'm trying to set up the USART on my MSP430 as a UART... The initialization
& putchar code is shown below. Hoever, after initializing the UART, the TX
line is just held high... I thought this might be something to do with the
order that I reset the SWRST bit, but i tried that, but still nothing
happens on the TX line.. the ACLK is definately oscillating, as i've got a
PWM outputting on another pin that uses the same clock source...

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why the UART isn't getting
initialised properly?

void COMM_uart0_init(void)
      // USART Settings:
      // UART function, Idle line multiprocessor Protocol,
      UCTL0 &=~ SWRST;               // reset SWRST bit
      UCTL0 = CHAR;                  // 8-bit, 1 stop, no parity
      UBR00 = 0xD0;                  // 9600 baud (CLK 526,628hz div 9600 54)
      UBR10 = 0x00;
      UMCTL0 = 0x92;                 // modulation is 11110111 for
      UTCTL0 = 0x00;                 // external 526k clock on pin P3.3 is
      URCTL0 = 0x00;
      ME2 |= URXE0+UTXE0;            // enable USART transmit and Rx
      IE1 |= URXIE0+UTXIE0;          // Enable Tx and Rx interrupt.

my putchar function is as follows:

void putchar(UCHAR byte)
   // wait until UTXIFG0 flag is set to 1, indicating
   // that another byte can be put in the buffer..
   while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));
   // Put byte into buffer to be transmitted...
   U0TXBUF = byte;






  I see you're using IFG2 instead of IFG1. Try this instead:

   while (!(IFG1 & UTXIFG0));

Good luck! Hugh

 >>ok, thanks Hugh...

i forgot to mention that I set up the ports in a different
an updated version of the UART initialization:

the baud rate is 38400, running off an 8MHz external XTAL... i don't think
it could be wrong values in any of the baud rate registers, because even if
i had them wrong, i'd get some sort of waveform on the output... at the
moment, the pin just gets held high... the first character gets put into the
TX buffer, the the next putbyte gets stuck waiting for:

while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));

Note that i haven't enabled interrupts in this version, though it
affect the flag getting set... it's as if the character just doesn't
sent out of the UART?

void usart0_init()
//Clock sourceLK
//Desired baud8400
//Actual  baud8392
UCTL0 &=~ SWRST; // reset SWRST bit
UCTL0 = 0x10;    //CHAR0, 8-bit mode..
// Select ACLK as source for UART...
// UART receive status...
// Divider for clock of 38400
// 8000000/38400 = 208.33
// 208 DEC = 0x00D0 HEX
// Modulation: 0x92
// Selected 8-bit character mode...
P3SEL |= 0x30; //BIT5+BIT4;       // Pin P3.5 and P3.4 and P3.3 used by
USART module
P3DIR |= 0x10; // BIT4;            // Pin P3.4 is output

sorry, i should have specified the device.... msp430f1222

the UTXIFG0 register is in IFG2...

-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Molesworth [mailto:nzbackpackers@nzba...]
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2003 12:39 p.m.
To: msp430@msp4...
Subject: RE: [msp430] UART Initialization

  I see you're using IFG2 instead of IFG1. Try this instead:

   while (!(IFG1 & UTXIFG0));

Good luck! Hugh

 >>ok, thanks Hugh...

i forgot to mention that I set up the ports in a different
an updated version of the UART initialization:

the baud rate is 38400, running off an 8MHz external XTAL... i don't think
it could be wrong values in any of the baud rate registers, because even if
i had them wrong, i'd get some sort of waveform on the output... at the
moment, the pin just gets held high... the first character gets put into the
TX buffer, the the next putbyte gets stuck waiting for:

while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));

Note that i haven't enabled interrupts in this version, though it
affect the flag getting set... it's as if the character just doesn't
sent out of the UART?

void usart0_init()
//Clock sourceLK
//Desired baud8400
//Actual  baud8392
UCTL0 &=~ SWRST; // reset SWRST bit
UCTL0 = 0x10;    //CHAR0, 8-bit mode..
// Select ACLK as source for UART...
// UART receive status...
// Divider for clock of 38400
// 8000000/38400 = 208.33
// 208 DEC = 0x00D0 HEX
// Modulation: 0x92
// Selected 8-bit character mode...
P3SEL |= 0x30; //BIT5+BIT4;       // Pin P3.5 and P3.4 and P3.3 used by
USART module
P3DIR |= 0x10; // BIT4;            // Pin P3.4 is output




The plot thickens ...

With the x1xxx family you have to enable UTXE0 & URXE0 which on the 1222 is 
in ME2, so I believe.

Try ME2 |= (UTXE0|URXE0);

Regards, HUgh
 >sorry, i should have specified the device.... msp430f1222

i forgot to mention that I set up the ports in a different
an updated version of the UART initialization:

the baud rate is 38400, running off an 8MHz external XTAL... i don't think
it could be wrong values in any of the baud rate registers, because even if
i had them wrong, i'd get some sort of waveform on the output... at the
moment, the pin just gets held high... the first character gets put into the
TX buffer, the the next putbyte gets stuck waiting for:

while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));

Note that i haven't enabled interrupts in this version, though it
affect the flag getting set... it's as if the character just doesn't
sent out of the UART?

void usart0_init()
//Clock sourceLK
//Desired baud8400
//Actual  baud8392
UCTL0 &=~ SWRST; // reset SWRST bit
UCTL0 = 0x10;    //CHAR0, 8-bit mode..
// Select ACLK as source for UART...
// UART receive status...
// Divider for clock of 38400
// 8000000/38400 = 208.33
// 208 DEC = 0x00D0 HEX
// Modulation: 0x92
// Selected 8-bit character mode...
P3SEL |= 0x30; //BIT5+BIT4;       // Pin P3.5 and P3.4 and P3.3 used by
USART module
P3DIR |= 0x10; // BIT4;            // Pin P3.4 is output

Oops, forgot to put that part in... had it in the first one, but not the
second... anyway, after enabling the TX & RX, the putbyte routine no longer
gets stuck waiting for the TX buffer to be cleared... this suggests that the
byte is now getting sent out of the UART... however, still nothing on the
CRO... the line is still being held high, with no UART activity at all...

To test this, i set the uart up with a TX interrupt... the interrupt never
gets entered.. i have enabled global interrupts, and have enabled the
specific RX/TX interrupts with:

// Enable TX & RX interrupt...

and the ISR is:

// UART0 TX Interrupt vector.
// Doesn't do anything, just seeing if it is entered...
interrupt [UART0TX_VECTOR ] void UART0_TX(void)
    int i;
    for (i=0;i<64;i++)

It never reaches a break-point in the ISR on the i++ line... i'm a bit
on this one...
Anyway, thanks for your help on this one Hugh.

ps. I think the AVR is easier to work with than this one? Also, the new
Mega169 does have an in-built LCD port (a comment from a previous post)...

-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Molesworth [mailto:nzbackpackers@nzba...]
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2003 1:10 p.m.
To: msp430@msp4...
Subject: RE: [msp430] UART Initialization

The plot thickens ...

With the x1xxx family you have to enable UTXE0 & URXE0 which on the 1222 is 
in ME2, so I believe.

Try ME2 |= (UTXE0|URXE0);

Regards, HUgh
 >sorry, i should have specified the device.... msp430f1222

i forgot to mention that I set up the ports in a different
an updated version of the UART initialization:

the baud rate is 38400, running off an 8MHz external XTAL... i don't think
it could be wrong values in any of the baud rate registers, because even if
i had them wrong, i'd get some sort of waveform on the output... at the
moment, the pin just gets held high... the first character gets put into the
TX buffer, the the next putbyte gets stuck waiting for:

while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));

Note that i haven't enabled interrupts in this version, though it
affect the flag getting set... it's as if the character just doesn't
sent out of the UART?

void usart0_init()
//Clock sourceLK
//Desired baud8400
//Actual  baud8392
UCTL0 &=~ SWRST; // reset SWRST bit
UCTL0 = 0x10;    //CHAR0, 8-bit mode..
// Select ACLK as source for UART...
// UART receive status...
// Divider for clock of 38400
// 8000000/38400 = 208.33
// 208 DEC = 0x00D0 HEX
// Modulation: 0x92
// Selected 8-bit character mode...
P3SEL |= 0x30; //BIT5+BIT4;       // Pin P3.5 and P3.4 and P3.3 used by
USART module
P3DIR |= 0x10; // BIT4;            // Pin P3.4 is output




ok, got the UART working... ended up using some example code from the TI
website... i must have changed something in it before that stuffed up the
initialization... but thanks for all your help on that one Hugh...

-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Richmond 
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2003 2:46 p.m.
To: 'msp430@'msp...'
Subject: RE: [msp430] UART Initialization

Oops, forgot to put that part in... had it in the first one, but not the
second... anyway, after enabling the TX & RX, the putbyte routine no longer
gets stuck waiting for the TX buffer to be cleared... this suggests that the
byte is now getting sent out of the UART... however, still nothing on the
CRO... the line is still being held high, with no UART activity at all...

To test this, i set the uart up with a TX interrupt... the interrupt never
gets entered.. i have enabled global interrupts, and have enabled the
specific RX/TX interrupts with:

// Enable TX & RX interrupt...

and the ISR is:

// UART0 TX Interrupt vector.
// Doesn't do anything, just seeing if it is entered...
interrupt [UART0TX_VECTOR ] void UART0_TX(void)
    int i;
    for (i=0;i<64;i++)

It never reaches a break-point in the ISR on the i++ line... i'm a bit
on this one...
Anyway, thanks for your help on this one Hugh.

ps. I think the AVR is easier to work with than this one? Also, the new
Mega169 does have an in-built LCD port (a comment from a previous post)...

-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Molesworth [mailto:nzbackpackers@nzba...]
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2003 1:10 p.m.
To: msp430@msp4...
Subject: RE: [msp430] UART Initialization

The plot thickens ...

With the x1xxx family you have to enable UTXE0 & URXE0 which on the 1222 is 
in ME2, so I believe.

Try ME2 |= (UTXE0|URXE0);

Regards, HUgh
 >sorry, i should have specified the device.... msp430f1222

i forgot to mention that I set up the ports in a different
an updated version of the UART initialization:

the baud rate is 38400, running off an 8MHz external XTAL... i don't think
it could be wrong values in any of the baud rate registers, because even if
i had them wrong, i'd get some sort of waveform on the output... at the
moment, the pin just gets held high... the first character gets put into the
TX buffer, the the next putbyte gets stuck waiting for:

while (!(IFG2 & UTXIFG0));

Note that i haven't enabled interrupts in this version, though it
affect the flag getting set... it's as if the character just doesn't
sent out of the UART?

void usart0_init()
//Clock sourceLK
//Desired baud8400
//Actual  baud8392
UCTL0 &=~ SWRST; // reset SWRST bit
UCTL0 = 0x10;    //CHAR0, 8-bit mode..
// Select ACLK as source for UART...
// UART receive status...
// Divider for clock of 38400
// 8000000/38400 = 208.33
// 208 DEC = 0x00D0 HEX
// Modulation: 0x92
// Selected 8-bit character mode...
P3SEL |= 0x30; //BIT5+BIT4;       // Pin P3.5 and P3.4 and P3.3 used by
USART module
P3DIR |= 0x10; // BIT4;            // Pin P3.4 is output







Imagine Conference