Imagine Conference

MSP430449 module port function

Started by zaleksa June 1, 2005
  Hi everyone,

  Do anyone know how I can select module port function on MSP430449 at 
port P1, pins P1.1, P1.3, P1.4, P1.5? I want to select TA0 on P1.1! I 
tried with P1SEL and P!DIR, but I always get third function of the pin 
(for P1.1 I get MCLK).

  P1.1/TA0/MCLK - I want TA0
  P1.3/TBOutH/SVSOut - I want TBOutH
  P1.5/TACLK/ACLK - I want TACLK


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

You cannot use the output mode of TA0 on P1.1. If you study the pin 
descriptions in the device data sheet you will see (although it isn't 
exactly crystal clear) that the configuration of a pin depends upon 2 
things. PnSEL, PnDIR. In addition, when PnSEL is '1' the function on
pin is also dependant upon t5he direction control pin. If the pin is 
ascribed two different special functions one of them will be active in 
output mode of the pin, and the other active in the input mode of the 
pin. Thgus P1.1 may act as an output for MCLK, oe as an Input for TA0.


zaleksa wrote:

>  Hi everyone,
>  Do anyone know how I can select module port function on MSP430449 at 
>port P1, pins P1.1, P1.3, P1.4, P1.5? I want to select TA0 on P1.1! I 
>tried with P1SEL and P!DIR, but I always get third function of the pin 
>(for P1.1 I get MCLK).
>  P1.0/TA0
>  P1.1/TA0/MCLK - I want TA0
>  P1.2/TA1
>  P1.3/TBOutH/SVSOut - I want TBOutH
>  P1.4/TBCLK/SMCLK - I want TBCLK
>  P1.5/TACLK/ACLK - I want TACLK
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