
MSP430 compiler recommendations

Started by edgershwin July 6, 2005
karldalen wrote:

>--- In msp430@msp4..., "Paul Curtis"
<plc@r...> wrote:
>>Hi Karl, 
>>Swedish history?  Doesn't that start with ABBA?  ;-)
>Most non sweeds tend to believe that ,yes! ;-)
>Then comes , meatballs,, Bjorn Borg and free sex! :-)
>>I've only ever been to Linking.
>Well, thats a start too!
The swedes used to be one of the great military powers of Europe, and 
were a major Naval Power, until they sank their flag ship, they then 
became famous, long before ABBA, for selling modified tanks as family 
cars, for designing a military tank without aturret, so the gun couldn't 
traverse, and for damnded good beer. They were also famous for one of 
the great lines from Btirish comedy "Hi, I'm Inga from Sveden".
never heard of them as famous for meatballs, I thought that was mexicans 
and Italians, I that Bjorn had been assimilated by the Borg long ago, 
and in the 60's when I was an evil child, the brits, and danes were more 
into free sex than the swedes I knew.



Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430