Imagine Conference


Started by neptunetg July 29, 2005
Can anyone please help me?  I'm having a rather difficult time 
implementing a UART Transmit at 9600 Baud.  I have been trying to 
modify the APP NOTE that waits for a character to be received and then 
echos that character.  I just want to write an ASCII character to the 
UART.  I am using port 1.2 for my output and I don't know if thats 
complicating matters or not.  Any code snippet would be greatly 


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

Send your routine, and also the type of MSP you're using.. 

On Friday 29 July 2005 9:39 am, neptunetg wrote:
>  Can anyone please help me? I'm having a rather difficult time
>  implementing a UART Transmit at 9600 Baud. I have been trying to
>  modify the APP NOTE that waits for a character to be received and then
>  echos that character. I just want to write an ASCII character to the
>  UART. I am using port 1.2 for my output and I don't know if thats
>  complicating matters or not. Any code snippet would be greatly
>  appreciated.
>  Thanks!
>  .
> Msp430   Texas instruments   Hardware
> .

The demo code is below.  I'm using a MSP430F413.  This demo is 
available on TI's website.  The header describes exactly what it 
does.  All I need is the transmit portion of this code, but I'm 
having a pickle of a time getting it extracted and modified.  My 
transmit port is P1.2  .  Basically, I want to put an 8 bit value in 
what they are calling RXTXData, call the routine and send it out the 
port 1.2 at 9600 baud.  Thanks for replying.


;   MSP-FET430P410 Demo - Timer_A, UART 9600 Echo, DCO SMCLK
;   Description: Use Timer_A CCR0 hardware output modes and SCCI 
data latch to
;   implement UART function @ 9600 baud. Software does not directly 
read and
;   write to RX and TX pins, instead proper use of output modes and 
SCCI data
;   latch are demonstrated. Using these hardware features eliminates 
;   latency effects as hardware ensures that input and output bit 
latching and
;   timing are perfectly synchronised with Timer_A regardless of 
;   software activity. In the Mainloop the UART function readies the 
;   receive one character and waits in LPM0 with all activity 
interrupt driven.
;   After a character has been received, the UART receive function 
forces exit
;   from LPM0 in the Mainloop which echo's back the received 
;   ACLK = LFXT1 = 32768Hz, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO = 32 x ACLK 1048576Hz
;   //* An external watch crystal between XIN & XOUT is required for 
ACLK *//	
;                 MSP430F413
;             -----------------
;         /|\|              XIN|-
;          | |                 | 32kHz
;          --|RST          XOUT|-
;            |                 |
;            |    P1.0/CCI0A/TX|-------->
;            |                 | 9600 8N1
;            |    P1.1/CCI0B/RX|<--------
;   M. Buccini
;   Texas Instruments Inc.
;   Feb 2005
;   Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.21A
#include  <msp430x41x.h>

;   CPU Registers Used
#define     RXTXData R4
#define     BitCnt   R5
RXD         EQU     002h                    ; RXD on P1.1
TXD         EQU     001h                    ; TXD on P1.0
;   Conditions for 9600 Baud SW UART, SMCLK = 1048576
Bitime_5    EQU     0055                    ; ~ 0.5 bit length
Bitime      EQU     0109                    ; ~ 9620 baud
            ORG     0E000h                  ;
RESET       mov.w   #300h,SP                ; Initialize stackpointer
SetupWDT    mov.w   #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL  ; Stop Watchdog Timer
SetupFLL    bis.b   #XCAP14PF,&FLL_CTL0     ; Configure load caps
SetupTA     mov.w   #TASSEL1+MC1,&TACTL     ; SMCLK, continous mode
SetupC0     mov.w   #OUT,&CCTL0             ; TXD Idle as Mark
SetupP1_2   bis.b   #TXD+RXD,&P1SEL         ; P1.0/1 TA0 for TXD/RXD 
            bis.b   #TXD,&P1DIR             ; TXD output on P1
            eint                            ; Enable general 
Mainloop    call    #RX_Ready               ; UART ready to RX one 
            bis.w   #LPM0,SR                ; Enter LPM0 Until Byte 
            call    #TX_Byte                ; TX Back RXed Byte 
            jmp     Mainloop                ;
TX_Byte   ; Subroutine Transmits Character from RXTXData Buffer
            mov.w   &TAR,&CCR0              ; Current state of TA 
            add.w   #Bitime,&CCR0           ; Some time till first 
            bis.w   #0100h, RXTXData        ; Add mark stop bit to 
            rla.w   RXTXData                ; Add space start bit
            mov.w   #10,BitCnt              ; Load Bit counter, 
8data + ST/SP
            mov.w   #OUTMOD0+CCIE,&CCTL0    ; TXD = mark = idle
TX_Wait     bit.w   #CCIE,&CCTL0            ; Wait for TX completion
            jnz     TX_Wait                 ;
            ret                             ;
RX_Ready  ; Subroutine Readies UART to Receive Character into 
RXTXData Buffer
            mov.w   #08,BitCnt              ; Load Bit Counter, 8 
data bits
SetupRX     mov.w  
Sync,Neg Edge,cap
            ret                             ;
TA0_ISR  ;  RXTXData Buffer holds UART Data
            add.w   #Bitime,&CCR0           ; Time to next bit
            bit.w   #CCIS0,&CCTL0           ; RX on CCI0B?
            jnz     UART_RX                 ; Jump --> RX
UART_TX     cmp.w   #00h,BitCnt             ;
            jne     TX_Next                 ; Next bit?
            bic.w   #CCIE,&CCTL0            ; All Bits TX or RX, 
Disable Int.
            reti                            ;
TX_Next     bic.w   #OUTMOD2,&CCTL0         ; TX Mark
            rra.w   RXTXData                ; LSB is shifted to carry
            jc      TX_Test                 ; Jump --> bit = 1
TX_Space    bis.w   #OUTMOD2,&CCTL0         ; TX Space
TX_Test     dec.w   BitCnt                  ; All bits sent (or 
            reti                            ;
UART_RX     bit.w   #CAP,&CCTL0             ; Capture mode = start 
bit edge
            jz      RX_Bit                  ; Start bit edge?
RX_Edge     bic.w   #CAP,&CCTL0             ; Switch to compare mode
            add.w   #Bitime_5,&CCR0         ; First databit 1.5 bits 
from edge
            reti                            ;
RX_Bit      bit.w   #SCCI,&CCTL0            ; Get bit waiting in 
receive latch
            rrc.b   RXTXData                ; Store received bit
RX_Test     dec.w   BitCnt                  ; All bits RXed?
            jnz     RX_Next                 ; Next bit?
;>>>>>>>>>> Decode of Received Byte Here 
RX_Comp     bic.w   #CCIE,&CCTL0            ; All bits RXed, disable 
            mov.w   #GIE,0(SP)              ; Decode byte = active 
in Mainloop
RX_Next     reti                            ;
;           Interrupt Vectors
            ORG     0FFFEh                  ; RESET Vector
            DW      RESET                   ;
            ORG     0FFECh                  ; Timer_A0 Vector
            DW      TA0_ISR                 ;

I solved my own problem.  Thanks Micah for helping.

--- In msp430@msp4..., "neptunetg" <neptunetg@y...> wrote:
> The demo code is below.  I'm using a
MSP430F413.  This demo is 
> available on TI's website.  The header describes exactly what it 
> does.  All I need is the transmit portion of this code, but I'm 
> having a pickle of a time getting it extracted and modified.  My 
> transmit port is P1.2  .  Basically, I want to put an 8 bit value 
> what they are calling RXTXData, call the routine
and send it out 
> port 1.2 at 9600 baud.  Thanks for replying.
> Nate
> ;******************************************************************
> **********
> ;   MSP-FET430P410 Demo - Timer_A, UART 9600 Echo, DCO SMCLK
> ;
> ;   Description: Use Timer_A CCR0 hardware output modes and SCCI 
> data latch to
> ;   implement UART function @ 9600 baud. Software does not 
> read and
> ;   write to RX and TX pins, instead proper use of output modes 
> SCCI data
> ;   latch are demonstrated. Using these hardware features 
> ;   latency effects as hardware ensures that input and output bit 
> latching and
> ;   timing are perfectly synchronised with Timer_A regardless of 
> other
> ;   software activity. In the Mainloop the UART function readies 
> UART to
> ;   receive one character and waits in LPM0 with all activity 
> interrupt driven.
> ;   After a character has been received, the UART receive function 
> forces exit
> ;   from LPM0 in the Mainloop which echo's back the received 
> character.
> ;   ACLK = LFXT1 = 32768Hz, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO = 32 x ACLK 
> 1048576Hz
> ;   //* An external watch crystal between XIN & XOUT is required 
> ACLK *//	
> ;
> ;                 MSP430F413
> ;             -----------------
> ;         /|\|              XIN|-
> ;          | |                 | 32kHz
> ;          --|RST          XOUT|-
> ;            |                 |
> ;            |    P1.0/CCI0A/TX|-------->
> ;            |                 | 9600 8N1
> ;            |    P1.1/CCI0B/RX|<--------
> ;
> ;   M. Buccini
> ;   Texas Instruments Inc.
> ;   Feb 2005
> ;   Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.21A
> ;******************************************************************
> **********
> #include  <msp430x41x.h>
> ;   CPU Registers Used
> #define     RXTXData R4
> #define     BitCnt   R5
> ;
> RXD         EQU     002h                    ; RXD on P1.1
> TXD         EQU     001h                    ; TXD on P1.0
>                                             ;
> ;   Conditions for 9600 Baud SW UART, SMCLK = 1048576
> Bitime_5    EQU     0055                    ; ~ 0.5 bit length
> Bitime      EQU     0109                    ; ~ 9620 baud
> ;
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
>             ORG     0E000h                  ;
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
> RESET       mov.w   #300h,SP                ; Initialize 
> SetupWDT    mov.w   #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL
 ; Stop Watchdog Timer
> SetupFLL    bis.b   #XCAP14PF,&FLL_CTL0     ; Configure load caps
> SetupTA     mov.w   #TASSEL1+MC1,&TACTL     ; SMCLK, continous mode
> SetupC0     mov.w   #OUT,&CCTL0             ; TXD Idle as Mark
> SetupP1_2   bis.b   #TXD+RXD,&P1SEL         ; P1.0/1 TA0 for 
> function
>             bis.b   #TXD,&P1DIR             ; TXD output on P1
>             eint                            ; Enable general 
> interrupts
>                                             ;
> Mainloop    call    #RX_Ready               ; UART ready to RX one 
> Byte
>             bis.w   #LPM0,SR                ; Enter LPM0 Until 
> RXed
>             call    #TX_Byte                ; TX Back RXed Byte 
> Received
>             jmp     Mainloop                ;
>                                             ;
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
> TX_Byte   ; Subroutine Transmits Character from RXTXData Buffer
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
>             mov.w   &TAR,&CCR0              ; Current state of TA 
> counter
>             add.w   #Bitime,&CCR0           ; Some time till first 
> bit
>             bis.w   #0100h, RXTXData        ; Add mark stop bit to 
> RXTXData
>             rla.w   RXTXData                ; Add space start bit
>             mov.w   #10,BitCnt              ; Load Bit counter, 
> 8data + ST/SP
>             mov.w   #OUTMOD0+CCIE,&CCTL0    ; TXD = mark = idle
> TX_Wait     bit.w   #CCIE,&CCTL0            ; Wait for TX 
>             jnz     TX_Wait                 ;
>             ret                             ;
>                                             ;
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
> RX_Ready  ; Subroutine Readies UART to Receive Character into 
> RXTXData Buffer
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
>             mov.w   #08,BitCnt              ; Load Bit Counter, 8 
> data bits
> SetupRX     mov.w  
> Sync,Neg Edge,cap
>             ret                             ;
>                                             ;
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
> TA0_ISR  ;  RXTXData Buffer holds UART Data
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
>             add.w   #Bitime,&CCR0           ; Time to next bit
>             bit.w   #CCIS0,&CCTL0           ; RX on CCI0B?
>             jnz     UART_RX                 ; Jump --> RX
> UART_TX     cmp.w   #00h,BitCnt             ;
>             jne     TX_Next                 ; Next bit?
>             bic.w   #CCIE,&CCTL0            ; All Bits TX or RX, 
> Disable Int.
>             reti                            ;
> TX_Next     bic.w   #OUTMOD2,&CCTL0         ; TX Mark
>             rra.w   RXTXData                ; LSB is shifted to 
>             jc      TX_Test                 ; Jump
--> bit = 1
> TX_Space    bis.w   #OUTMOD2,&CCTL0         ; TX Space
> TX_Test     dec.w   BitCnt                  ; All bits sent (or 
> received)?
>             reti                            ;
>                                             ;
> UART_RX     bit.w   #CAP,&CCTL0             ; Capture mode = start 
> bit edge
>             jz      RX_Bit                  ; Start bit edge?
> RX_Edge     bic.w   #CAP,&CCTL0             ; Switch to compare 
>             add.w   #Bitime_5,&CCR0         ;
First databit 1.5 
> from edge
>             reti                            ;
> RX_Bit      bit.w   #SCCI,&CCTL0            ; Get bit waiting in 
> receive latch
>             rrc.b   RXTXData                ; Store received bit
> RX_Test     dec.w   BitCnt                  ; All bits RXed?
>             jnz     RX_Next                 ; Next bit?
> ;>>>>>>>>>> Decode of Received Byte Here 
> RX_Comp     bic.w   #CCIE,&CCTL0            ; All bits RXed, 
> interrupt
>             mov.w   #GIE,0(SP)              ; Decode byte = active 
> in Mainloop
> <<<<<<<<<
> RX_Next     reti                            ;
> ;
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
> ;           Interrupt Vectors
> ;------------------------------
> ----------
>             ORG     0FFFEh                  ; RESET Vector
>             DW      RESET                   ;
>             ORG     0FFECh                  ; Timer_A0 Vector
>             DW      TA0_ISR                 ;

Imagine Conference