Hi All. I'm wondering how people debug MSP430-based systems that have external watchdogs, e.g. one that will hit the MSP430 with an NMI if the external watchdog (chip) isn't hit by the MSP430 within the watchdog timeout period. Is it feasible to single-step, etc? Do you need to have special "while debugging" code that differs from production code? Do people simply disable / disconnect the watchdog when debugging? I'd like to hear how people deal with this sort of thing ... Thanks, --Andrew

Debugging with external watchdog?
Started by ●January 20, 2006
Reply by ●January 20, 20062006-01-20
Hi Andrew,
aekalman wrote:
> Do people simply disable / disconnect the watchdog when debugging?
Exactly what I do. Reset pin from WDT is connected over three resistors.
Some ASCII art:
. Vcc
. |
. 47k
. |
. |
If WDT_DIS is left floating all works OK. However, if WDT_DIS is
connected to Vcc, reset can only be applied from MCU_RESET pin, like via
JTAG. WDT_DIS is connected to Vcc by attaching a debug-connector to the
board. Has worked great so far. This is necessary to disable a OD output
watchdog which can not be disabled in any other way, like time-window
WDT/SVS TPS3813 by TI.
Indrek Rebane
Borthwick-Pignon OÜ, R&D
Riia 185, 51014 Tartu, Estonia
Phone: +372 7 302 641, Fax: +372 7 383 041
Reply by ●January 20, 20062006-01-20
Hello Andrew, > > Is it feasible to single-step, etc? > With the external watchdog running, not really. > > Do people simply disable / disconnect the watchdog when debugging? > 'tis how I used to do it. > I'd like to hear how people deal with this sort of thing ... > If you use a circuit such as the CD4060 where you can hang a large cap across the oscillator to make it slow you can test at lower speed. But not really in single step with interruptions. After all, this little circuit can't know how long that will take or whether the phone will ring during that time ;-) Regards, Joerg http://www.analogconsultants.com/