Imagine Conference

MSP430F2011 - Timer UART?

Started by Milind Gupta October 29, 2006
I have been looking at the specifications of the MSP430F2011 controller. On the TI webpage it says that it has a Timer UART interface. But I can't seem to find in the user guide, how I can use the Timer for the UART function? Can anybody help me with this a bit... Thanks.


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

On 2006-10-29, Milind Gupta wrote:

>I have been looking at the specifications of the MSP430F2011
>controller. On the TI webpage it says that it has a Timer UART
>interface. But I can't seem to find in the user guide, how I
>can use the Timer for the UART function? Can anybody help me
>with this a bit... Thanks.

The whole "timer UART" thing is pure marketing bullshit.

It's just a normal counter/timer with normal capture features.
You do a SW UART with it the same way you do for any other
timer/counter. There's an app note somewhere with example
code, but there's nothing special about it:

To receive:

1) Capture a falling edge on the input pin and assume that's
the leading edge of the start bit.

2) Set the timer to capture the pin value 1.5 bit times from
the time captured in step 1.

3) Re-set the timer to catput the pin value 1.0 bit times from
the previous capture.

[repeat step 3) 7-9 times]

4) Goto 1)

Transmitting is left as an exercise for the reader...
Grant Edwards

Imagine Conference