Imagine Conference


Started by mel88y February 10, 2007

I am using the MSP430F2013 chip amd was wondering wut the biggest
difference was for using the ACLK and the MCLK for the sampling
frequency of the SD16. At the moment, I am using the ACLK, but all
the sample codes that I have seen use the MCLK. What is the speed of
the MCLK? Is it set with the DCO? Does using ACLK slow my actual
chip? Is that why when I'm debugging, my code seems to run so slow.

// Set Auxillary Clock ACLK2768Hz watch crystal divide by 64 (approx 510Hz sampling)



Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

Both ACLK and MCLK are "programmable" under the control of BCS
registers (and P2 registers). If you did not change these registers,
the power-on/reset default value of them make MCLKCLK/1=~1.1MHz
and ACLK=LFXT1CLK/1. If you have a watch crystal across XIN and XOUT
(and it is working) then LFXT1CLK=0.032MHz. Otherwise ACLK will be
triggered by noise and kind of random at a very low frequency
(~0.002MHz with my eZ430-F2013 running on the USB port of my desktop
can we connect a 4MHZ crystal to XIN/XOUT
Unlike most other members of the MSP430 family, F2013 can only use
low frequency crystals.

No, you cannot use 4 MHz crystal with F2013.
i am talking about msp430f133

that is can i connect 4Mhz crystal to XIN/XOUT
> that is can i connect 4Mhz crystal to XIN/XOUT

Yes you can, just make sure you set the HS bit properly.
I prefer to use such crystals on XT2 though - if you need the SMCLK signal, XT1 cannot provide it,
only XT2 can...

Best Regards,

Imagine Conference