
IAR 3.42 or similar

Started by felipe_kunert September 27, 2007

This is my first POST at the group and I'm have some doubts. I'm
woorking with MSP430F149 and MSP430F2012. I use IAR Workbench 3.42 but
this last one is an Evaluation Copy. I don't intend to purchase a
Licence, however I need a tool to work with those MSPs. My project
contains more than 4Kb. I need some sugestions of you!


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

>I need some sugestions of you!

Suggestions about what?
How to obtain a license for IAR without paying for it?
Or about 'free' software?

1.) Try to program in assembler, there's no limit in code-Size in
IAR eval or kick-start
2.) Use the free 8KB IDE - Code Composer Essentials from TI
3.) google for mspgcc

--- In m..., "felipe_kunert"
> Folks!
> This is my first POST at the group and I'm have some doubts. I'm
> woorking with MSP430F149 and MSP430F2012. I use IAR Workbench 3.42
> this last one is an Evaluation Copy. I don't intend to purchase a
> Licence, however I need a tool to work with those MSPs. My project
> contains more than 4Kb. I need some sugestions of you!
> Thanks!!
This is my first post to the group as well....

I am not a tools expert but I have used a lot of them... PSoC
SX Assembler, CodeWarrior (shudder!), IAR, Visual C++, WhiteSmiths,
Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, front panel switches... going back 25 years.
the past several years, embedded development had become tedious for
because the tools were either very primitive or way blown out of
proportion to the job.

For instance, CodeWarrior brings a level of complexity and busy
to embedded development that makes Microsoft VC++ look pretty
reasonable. And, its buggy (that should start a war!). On the other
hand, I have gotten use to some of the niceties of rich IDE's.

To the point. I tried Code Composer for the MSP430 but I found it to
be much to
complicated.... After all this is just a 16-bit controller with 32K

When I started using IAR on the MSP430, it was fun again. The tools
most of the things I need to get the job done but they typically work
in a very straight forward manner.

I was appalled at paying $2,800 for a compiler for a single processor
but after three consecutive Evaluation copies (IAR was very generous
about that), I caved in.

The IAR Workbench is not perfect but it works and it doesn't annoy me.

--- In m..., "felipe_kunert"
> Folks!
> This is my first POST at the group and I'm have some doubts. I'm
> woorking with MSP430F149 and MSP430F2012. I use IAR Workbench 3.42
> this last one is an Evaluation Copy. I don't intend to purchase a
> Licence, however I need a tool to work with those MSPs. My project
> contains more than 4Kb. I need some sugestions of you!
> Thanks!!