
Re: Porting SimpliciTI to Code Composer Essential

Started by dasgnudas April 1, 2008
Hello MSP430 Developers,

are there any new issues regarding this topic?
I tried to change and run the example code available for IAR to CCE,
but except a bunch of linker errors and unreferenced identifiers
nothing worked out...

Can someone help me/us out or provide further informations?

Best regrads,

--- In m..., Meuse Nogueira wrote:
> Dear MSP430 group,
> I am working in a Sensor Network applying the low
> power and low cost Texas platform (msp430
> microntroller + CC1100 transiver +SimpliTI protocol),
> and a made an investment on the CodeComposer
> Profissinal. Unfortunately, the SimpliciTI package is
> being avalaible from Texas only on IAR IDE. Anyone
> knows some SimpliciTI package to CodeComposer
> Essential? Or even, how to porting from IAR to Code
> Composer? I am thank you for any suggestion.
> Best regards,
> Meuse
> --------
> Prof. Meuse Nogueira de Oliveira Junior, PhD
> Department Chief
> Department Of Electro-Electronic and Information Systems (DAES)
> at Federal Center of Technological Education of Pernambuco State
(CEFET-PE) - Brazil
> --------

Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

I have ported SimpliciTI 1.0.3 to Code Composer Essential. There are
no tricks but there are issues to be aware of. The reason for the
linker errors are due to some .C files including other .C files
(please see point 7 below).

I am not making my CCE port available because it would look silly
putting up a port when TI will be doing this anyway and because I
don't want to waste time fretting over licence issues.

Issues to be aware of (not necessarily all of them) and some
specific porting actions I carried out are:

1) CCE does not automatically initialise uninitialised global
variables and variable arrays to 0. I initialised arrays connStruct,
sInFrameQ and sOutFrameQ to 0 in functions with memset. For global
integers just add "=0" before ";".

2) CCE does not allow unnamed unions (unnamed unions and structures
are not part of the C standard). This means the union in the typedef
for connInfo_t in nwk.h has to be changed and adjustments need to be
made in the source code (simply clean and build to locate where after
changing the union).

3) Add in somewhere (such as bsp_msp430_defs.h)

and in bsp_msp430_defs.h change

#define __bsp_ISR_FUNCTION__(f,v) void f(void); void f(void) /*
stub, not implemented */
#define __bsp_ISR_FUNCTION__(f,v) __interrupt void f(void); \
v(f) \
__interrupt void f(void)

4) In bsp_msp430_defs.h change accordingly:
#error "ERROR: Support for Code Composer is not yet available."
#include /* need generic support as in #include

5) I found the easiest way to deal with smpl_config.dat and
smpl_nwk_config.dat was to convert them to include files

6) I copied in the Components directory into the project directory
and added in a bunch of #include search paths in project 'Tool
Settings' 'General Options'. The ones I added in specific to
SimpliciTI are
..\Components\simpliciti\Network Applications

7) Exclude any .C files any deeper than 2 directories from being
built because any that need to be built are included in other C
files. For boards and radios I am not using I found it easier just to
delete the appropriate directories
John Heenan

--- In m..., "dasgnudas" wrote:
> Hello MSP430 Developers,
> are there any new issues regarding this topic?
> I tried to change and run the example code available for IAR to CCE,
> but except a bunch of linker errors and unreferenced identifiers
> nothing worked out...
> Can someone help me/us out or provide further informations?
> Best regrads,
> Mitch
> --- In m..., Meuse Nogueira wrote:
> >
> > Dear MSP430 group,
> >
> > I am working in a Sensor Network applying the low
> > power and low cost Texas platform (msp430
> > microntroller + CC1100 transiver +SimpliTI protocol),
> > and a made an investment on the CodeComposer
> > Profissinal. Unfortunately, the SimpliciTI package is
> > being avalaible from Texas only on IAR IDE. Anyone
> > knows some SimpliciTI package to CodeComposer
> > Essential? Or even, how to porting from IAR to Code
> > Composer? I am thank you for any suggestion.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Meuse
> >
> >
> >
> > --------
> > Prof. Meuse Nogueira de Oliveira Junior, PhD
> > Department Chief
> > Department Of Electro-Electronic and Information Systems (DAES)
> > at Federal Center of Technological Education of Pernambuco State
> (CEFET-PE) - Brazil
> > --------