
interfacing tmp175 (beginner)

Started by Bin Huy April 14, 2008

Below is the code to interface with the tmp175 that I've got from TI
website. I have run it and seen the LED was On with temperature > 28C
so I assume everything is working fine.
Anyone know how to monitor the exact temperature from this ?
Is this code sufficient ? Thanks

// MSP-FET430P140 Demo - SMBus Master Interface to SMBus Slave TMP175
// Description: I2C/SMBus interface to TMP175 temperature sensor in
9-bit mode.
// TimerA0 CCR0 interrupt is used as a wake up and to read
// the TMP175 temperatre register. If the temperature is greater than
// P1.0 is set, else reset. CPU is normally off and used only during
// P2.0 is used for responding to the ALERT response from the Slave
// A Slave Alert Response is sent by the master and TMP175 puts its
// on the bus.
// ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = TACLK = I2CIN = DCO~ 800k
// //* MSP430F169 Device Required *//
// /|\
// /|\ /|\ | /|\
// | TMP175 10k 10K 10k MSP430F169
// | ------- | | | -----------------
// +--|Vcc SDA|<-|---+---|->|P3.1 P1.0|--->LED
// | | | | | |
// +-|A2,A1,A0| | | | |
// | | ALERT|--|-------+->|P2.0 |
// +--|Vss SCL|<-+----------|P3.3 |
// \|/ ------- | |
// H. Grewal
// Texas Instruments Inc.
// Feb 2005
// Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.21A

typedef enum {
SMBS_MISC = (unsigned char) 0x48,
SMBS_DEVICE_DFLT = (unsigned char) 0x61,
SMBS_ALERT_RESPONSE = (unsigned char) 0x0C,
SMBS_HOST = (unsigned char) 0x08,
SMBS_10BIT_ADD = (unsigned char) 0x78,
SMBS_DFLT_ADD = (unsigned char) 0x37,
SMBS_ACCESS_HOST = (unsigned char) 0x28,
SMBS_CBUS = (unsigned char) 0x01,
SMBS_GCAL = (unsigned char) 0x00

void SMBS_Init (SMBS_Address_t Add_Param,unsigned char Slave_Add);
void setupTMP175 (void);
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog
P1DIR |= 0xFF; // Set P1.0 to output
// unused ports to output
P3DIR = 0xFF;
P3SEL |= 0x0A; // Assign I2C pins to module
P4DIR = 0xFF;
P5DIR = 0xFF;
P6DIR = 0xFF;
SMBS_Init (SMBS_MISC,0x48); // Slave address
configured as 48h
P2DIR = 0xFE; // set P2.0 to input
P2IES = 0x01; // Interrupt edge select
for push buttons
P2IFG = 0; // Clear pending P2 interrupts
P2IE = 0x01; // Enable P2.0 interrupt

CCTL0 = CCIE; // CCR0 interrupt enabled
TACTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_2; // SMCLK, continuous mode

_BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM0 w/ interrupt
void SMBS_Init (SMBS_Address_t Add_Param,unsigned char Slave_Add)
U0CTL |= I2C + SYNC; // Recommended init procedure
U0CTL &= ~I2CEN; // Recommended init procedure
I2CNDAT = 0x01; // Read one byte
U0CTL |= I2CEN; // Enable I2C
if (Add_Param == SMBS_MISC)
I2CSA = Slave_Add; // Slave Address is 048h
I2CSA = (unsigned char) Add_Param ;

U0CTL |= I2CEN; // Enable I2C

void setupTMP175(void)
I2CNDAT = 0x02;
U0CTL |= MST; // Master mode
I2CTCTL |= I2CSTT+I2CSTP+I2CTRX; // Initiate transfer
while ((I2CIFG & TXRDYIFG) == 0); // Wait for transmitter to
be ready
I2CDRB = 0x03; // Load Pointer
while ((I2CIFG & TXRDYIFG) == 0); // Wait for transmitter to
be ready
I2CDRB = 0x18; // Load T(high) register
while ((I2CTCTL & I2CSTP) == 0x02); // Check STP condition

U0CTL |= MST; // Master mode
I2CTCTL |= I2CSTT+I2CSTP+I2CTRX; // Initiate transfer
while ((I2CIFG & TXRDYIFG) == 0); // Wait for transmitter to
be ready
I2CDRB = 0x01; // Load Pointer
register--Config reg
while ((I2CIFG & TXRDYIFG) == 0); // Wait for transmitter to
be ready
I2CDRB = 0x02; // Load Configuration
register--TM mode
while ((I2CTCTL & I2CSTP) == 0x02); // Check STP condition

I2CNDAT = 0x01;
U0CTL |= MST; // Master mode
I2CTCTL |= I2CSTT+I2CSTP+I2CTRX; // Initiate transfer
while ((I2CIFG & TXRDYIFG) == 0); // Wait for transmitter to
be ready
I2CDRB = 0x00; // Load Pointer
register--Temp Reg
while ((I2CTCTL & I2CSTP) == 0x02); // Check STP condition
I2CTCTL &= ~I2CTRX; // Master receiver
// Timer A0 interrupt service routine
#pragma vector=TIMERA0_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A (void)
if (I2CDRB > 0x20) P1OUT |= 0x01; // LED on
else P1OUT &= ~0x01; // LED off
U0CTL |= MST; // Master
I2CTCTL |= I2CSTT + I2CSTP; // Read, ST, SP (clears MST)
#pragma vector=PORT2_VECTOR
__interrupt void p2_isr(void)
P2IFG = 0;
I2CSA = 0x0C; // SMBus Alert response
U0CTL |= MST; // Master
I2CTCTL |= I2CSTT + I2CSTP; // Read, ST, SP (clears MST)
while ((I2CTCTL & I2CSTP) == 0x02); // If Stop generated
I2CSA = 0x48; // Slave Address

Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430