
File system for internal flash msp430x1611

Started by Waqaas Munawar November 19, 2008
Hi guys,
Can any one suggest me an off the shelf file system which can be used
on internal flash of msp430F1611(internal flashHk).
I plan to specify some portion of it with some thing like
const char harddisk[16k];

and then start my file space at first byte of this harddisk.
Any suggestions in this regard ....


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

> Can any one suggest me an off the shelf file system which can be used
> on internal flash of msp430F1611(internal flashHk).
> I plan to specify some portion of it with some thing like
> const char harddisk[16k];
> and then start my file space at first byte of this harddisk.
> Any suggestions in this regard ....

Hi Waqaas!

Power Pac from IAR system provides a real file system that can be used
with any device. You have to provide the low-level functions yourself,
so you can access the internal flash or an external one.

The demo version of Power Pac does not allow you to have more than one
file open at the same time, but at least it allows you to try it out.
If you don't need a full file system, then why use a file system at all?
You simply might need to define a number of big variables, like:

const char my_file1[] = "The content of a...";
const char my_file2[] = "The content of another...";

It all depends on if you need to modify the content, and if that should
be done from within the application or from an external location. Also,
could the size of the "files" change over time, or could you get by with
a fixed size for each "file".

-- Anders Lindgren, IAR Systems
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this posting are strictly my own and
not necessarily those of my employer.

> Can any one suggest me an off the shelf file system which can be used
> on internal flash of msp430F1611(internal flashHk).
> I plan to specify some portion of it with some thing like
> const char harddisk[16k];

Hi Waqaas,

See posting 37021.


If your needs are very simple, this wear-leveling approach described in
our MSP430 RF book can probably work for you. It can easily be
expanded to a larger amount of main flash instead of the info flash as
shown in the book.

In general, though, we advise our customers to not use internal flash
on the MSP430 for generic data storage, and instead to use an external
serial flash chip. Many on this group will strongly disagree, however.

HCC-Embedded sell a commercial file system (TINY) which can be used on the
internal flash of an MSP430. The file system is designed failsafe, safe from
unexpected reset, and can be provided as a working project for many MSP430s.
Please see www.hcc-embedded.com for further

Dave Hughes



From: m... [mailto:m...] On Behalf Of
Tom Baugh
Sent: 20 November 2008 14:32
To: m...
Subject: [msp430] Re: File system for internal flash msp430x1611

> Can any one suggest me an off the shelf file system which can be used
> on internal flash of msp430F1611(internal flashHk).
> I plan to specify some portion of it with some thing like
> const char harddisk[16k];

Hi Waqaas,

See posting 37021.


If your needs are very simple, this wear-leveling approach described in
our MSP430 RF book can probably work for you. It can easily be
expanded to a larger amount of main flash instead of the info flash as
shown in the book.

In general, though, we advise our customers to not use internal flash
on the MSP430 for generic data storage, and instead to use an external
serial flash chip. Many on this group will strongly disagree, however.



Can you please elaborate your rational for not recommending the use of internal flash of the MSP430 for generic data storage?

This is very commonly done especially in data logging apps and I'm curious what issues you see with this.

Perhaps there is something that TI can do to make this better in the future?

Best regards,


Steven Dunbar
Analog/RF Field Applications
Rocky Mountain Region
Texas Instruments

From: m... [mailto:m...] On Behalf Of Tom Baugh
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 6:32 AM
To: m...
Subject: [msp430] Re: File system for internal flash msp430x1611
> Can any one suggest me an off the shelf file system which can be used
> on internal flash of msp430F1611(internal flashHk).
> I plan to specify some portion of it with some thing like
> const char harddisk[16k];

Hi Waqaas,

See posting 37021.


If your needs are very simple, this wear-leveling approach described in
our MSP430 RF book can probably work for you. It can easily be
expanded to a larger amount of main flash instead of the info flash as
shown in the book.

In general, though, we advise our customers to not use internal flash
on the MSP430 for generic data storage, and instead to use an external
serial flash chip. Many on this group will strongly disagree, however.


Hi Steve,

> Can you please elaborate your rational for not recommending the use
of internal flash of the MSP430 for generic data storage?

Thanks for asking. There are lots of previous postings about this
topic and our recommendations, and the resulting arguments thereunto
pertaining ;-) We're about to release a new book that goes into more

> This is very commonly done especially in data logging apps and I'm
curious what issues you see with this.

For the moment, until this next book is out, the main reason I would
cite for NOT using an external flash is cost. If your application
can bear the cost, I would do so and avoid any complications involved
with using the internal flash for generic storage. Of course, any
estimate of cost would have to include the support and maintenance of
a product over its lifetime. The rest of the rationale will be in
the next book.

> Perhaps there is something that TI can do to make this better in
the future?

Sure! Stop selling your chip into applications for which it is ill-
suited ;-) LOL. Actually, you don't really have to stop trying, the
market will take care of that! I get a little chuckle each time I'm
asked to explain our point of view, which has more MSP430
applications behind it than most people with a TI ID. The great
thing about the marketplace is that I don't have to be convincing, I
just have to be right!

TI does have some great analog and power parts though, most of which
are truly in a class by themselves. I would stay focused on that.
