Imagine Conference

A Launchpad "project"

Started by old_cow_yellow January 29, 2011

I did some crazy little thing with the Launchpad. I wish you could take a look at it. You can access this zip file at the URL:

I "claim" that there is a "compiler" in it to compile source code into pseudo op-code. I also "claim" that there is an "interpreter" in it to execute the pseudo op-code. I even "claim" that there is an "anti-compiler" in it to translate the pseudo op-code back to source code.

It is not BASIC, it is not FORTH, it does not even know how to add 1 to 1. It is a cow of another color.


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:23:06 -0000, you wrote:

> I did some crazy little thing with the Launchpad. I wish you
> could take a look at it. You can access this zip file at the
> URL:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/msp430/files/LaunchPad/ACOAC.zip
> I "claim" that there is a "compiler" in it to compile source
> code into pseudo op-code. I also "claim" that there is an
> "interpreter" in it to execute the pseudo op-code. I even
> "claim" that there is an "anti-compiler" in it to translate
> the pseudo op-code back to source code.
> It is not BASIC, it is not FORTH, it does not even know how
> to add 1 to 1. It is a cow of another color.

I took a look at the documentation. I think I get what it
does do. Looks like some fun, so I'll try it with some
random piezo (I gather a two-wire type which usually have a
circuit built into them rather than the simple three wire
ones with feedback that don't have a circuit.)

The parser looks prosaic and I can see how it may fit inside
the memory available on those small parts.


That will be great.

The piezo I got from Radio Shack is just a piece of ceramic with two wires. It cost ~$3 and is in stock in most of their stores.


--- In m..., Jon Kirwan wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:23:06 -0000, you wrote:
> > I did some crazy little thing with the Launchpad. I wish you
> > could take a look at it. You can access this zip file at the
> > URL:
> >
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/msp430/files/LaunchPad/ACOAC.zip
> >
> > I "claim" that there is a "compiler" in it to compile source
> > code into pseudo op-code. I also "claim" that there is an
> > "interpreter" in it to execute the pseudo op-code. I even
> > "claim" that there is an "anti-compiler" in it to translate
> > the pseudo op-code back to source code.
> >
> > It is not BASIC, it is not FORTH, it does not even know how
> > to add 1 to 1. It is a cow of another color.
> I took a look at the documentation. I think I get what it
> does do. Looks like some fun, so I'll try it with some
> random piezo (I gather a two-wire type which usually have a
> circuit built into them rather than the simple three wire
> ones with feedback that don't have a circuit.)
> The parser looks prosaic and I can see how it may fit inside
> the memory available on those small parts.
> Jon

It also works fine with a small PC-type speaker (mine says 3 ohms). I
put a 1k trimpot in series with it for a volume control.

Interesting CL (castanet language!), OCY.

I trust it's OK if I subvert your UART routines for a little project
I'm working on (and will give back!).


On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 5:18 PM, old_cow_yellow
> Jon,
> That will be great.
> The piezo I got from Radio Shack is just a piece of ceramic with two wires. It cost ~$3 and is in stock in most of their stores.
> --OCY
> --- In m..., Jon Kirwan wrote:
>> On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:23:06 -0000, you wrote:
>> > I did some crazy little thing with the Launchpad. I wish you
>> > could take a look at it. You can access this zip file at the
>> > URL:
>> >
>> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/msp430/files/LaunchPad/ACOAC.zip
>> >
>> > I "claim" that there is a "compiler" in it to compile source
>> > code into pseudo op-code. I also "claim" that there is an
>> > "interpreter" in it to execute the pseudo op-code. I even
>> > "claim" that there is an "anti-compiler" in it to translate
>> > the pseudo op-code back to source code.
>> >
>> > It is not BASIC, it is not FORTH, it does not even know how
>> > to add 1 to 1. It is a cow of another color.
>> I took a look at the documentation. I think I get what it
>> does do. Looks like some fun, so I'll try it with some
>> random piezo (I gather a two-wire type which usually have a
>> circuit built into them rather than the simple three wire
>> ones with feedback that don't have a circuit.)
>> The parser looks prosaic and I can see how it may fit inside
>> the memory available on those small parts.
>> Jon
hello, my name julius from indonesia
i got problem in building pulseoximeter using msp 430fg437pn
can you help me to build this?
i need support and your guidance
i've build the pulseoxi but still not working
i need your help
please reply me soon

2011/1/30 old_cow_yellow

> Jon,
> I did some crazy little thing with the Launchpad. I wish you could take a
> look at it. You can access this zip file at the URL:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/msp430/files/LaunchPad/ACOAC.zip
> I "claim" that there is a "compiler" in it to compile source code into
> pseudo op-code. I also "claim" that there is an "interpreter" in it to
> execute the pseudo op-code. I even "claim" that there is an "anti-compiler"
> in it to translate the pseudo op-code back to source code.
> It is not BASIC, it is not FORTH, it does not even know how to add 1 to 1.
> It is a cow of another color.
> --OCY

hello, my name julius from indonesia
i got problem in building pulseoximeter using msp 430fg437pn
can you help me to build this?
i need support and your guidance
i've build the pulseoxi but still not working
i need your help
please reply me soon

2011/1/30 John Porubek

> It also works fine with a small PC-type speaker (mine says 3 ohms). I
> put a 1k trimpot in series with it for a volume control.
> Interesting CL (castanet language!), OCY.
> I trust it's OK if I subvert your UART routines for a little project
> I'm working on (and will give back!).
> --John
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 5:18 PM, old_cow_yellow
> wrote:
> > Jon,
> >
> > That will be great.
> >
> > The piezo I got from Radio Shack is just a piece of ceramic with two
> wires. It cost ~$3 and is in stock in most of their stores.
> >
> > --OCY
> >
> > --- In m..., Jon Kirwan wrote:
> >>
> >> On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:23:06 -0000, you wrote:
> >>
> >> > I did some crazy little thing with the Launchpad. I wish you
> >> > could take a look at it. You can access this zip file at the
> >> > URL:
> >> >
> >> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/msp430/files/LaunchPad/ACOAC.zip
> >> >
> >> > I "claim" that there is a "compiler" in it to compile source
> >> > code into pseudo op-code. I also "claim" that there is an
> >> > "interpreter" in it to execute the pseudo op-code. I even
> >> > "claim" that there is an "anti-compiler" in it to translate
> >> > the pseudo op-code back to source code.
> >> >
> >> > It is not BASIC, it is not FORTH, it does not even know how
> >> > to add 1 to 1. It is a cow of another color.
> >>
> >> I took a look at the documentation. I think I get what it
> >> does do. Looks like some fun, so I'll try it with some
> >> random piezo (I gather a two-wire type which usually have a
> >> circuit built into them rather than the simple three wire
> >> ones with feedback that don't have a circuit.)
> >>
> >> The parser looks prosaic and I can see how it may fit inside
> >> the memory available on those small parts.
> >>
> >> Jon
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
hello, my name julius from indonesia
i got problem in building pulseoximeter using msp 430fg437pn
can you help me to build this?
i need support and your guidance
i've build the pulseoxi but still not working
i need your help
please reply me soon

2011/1/30 Jon Kirwan

> On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:23:06 -0000, you wrote:
> > I did some crazy little thing with the Launchpad. I wish you
> > could take a look at it. You can access this zip file at the
> > URL:
> >
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/msp430/files/LaunchPad/ACOAC.zip
> >
> > I "claim" that there is a "compiler" in it to compile source
> > code into pseudo op-code. I also "claim" that there is an
> > "interpreter" in it to execute the pseudo op-code. I even
> > "claim" that there is an "anti-compiler" in it to translate
> > the pseudo op-code back to source code.
> >
> > It is not BASIC, it is not FORTH, it does not even know how
> > to add 1 to 1. It is a cow of another color.
> I took a look at the documentation. I think I get what it
> does do. Looks like some fun, so I'll try it with some
> random piezo (I gather a two-wire type which usually have a
> circuit built into them rather than the simple three wire
> ones with feedback that don't have a circuit.)
> The parser looks prosaic and I can see how it may fit inside
> the memory available on those small parts.
> Jon

Imagine Conference