
VLF transmitter w/ morse code ID: Final version

Started by Mike Staines February 17, 2011
Well... I finally finished my first MSP430 project, a VLF (Very Low
Frequency) transmitter with built-in morse code identifier. This allows
anyone to generate a signal in the U. S. "license-free" radio spectrum
between 160 and 190 KHz using only the Launchpad.

It allows you to configure settings using a (I think) clever menu system
with the S2 pushbutton as the only input device to select between 3
different frequencies and 3 different morse code speeds.

I do have a couple of other features to add but the basic program is

The extensively commented source code is available at

This is only my 5th C program so it is functional but not very elegant.

Once again (and for the last time 8-) I must thank Old Cow Yellow for his
original code to set up the timers (which I am still deciphering) and his
input and support. He is why communities like this work.

I would be interested in hearing from any hams, "lowfers" or others
interested in radio transmitters that decide to make their own exciter.


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

Hi MikeI am a SWL from India (appearing for ham exam in april!) You program is very useful for me!I just got my Launchpad on this monday! Can i have detailed circuit diagram of this project.And one suggestion can we make a Morse code decoder using launchpad? 

Suyog Vyawahare +919987135236

--- On Thu, 17/2/11, Mike Staines wrote:

From: Mike Staines
Subject: [msp430] VLF transmitter w/ morse code ID: Final version
To: m...
Date: Thursday, 17 February, 2011, 9:54 AM


Well... I finally finished my first MSP430 project, a VLF (Very Low

Frequency) transmitter with built-in morse code identifier. This allows

anyone to generate a signal in the U. S. "license-free" radio spectrum

between 160 and 190 KHz using only the Launchpad.

It allows you to configure settings using a (I think) clever menu system

with the S2 pushbutton as the only input device to select between 3

different frequencies and 3 different morse code speeds.

I do have a couple of other features to add but the basic program is


The extensively commented source code is available at


This is only my 5th C program so it is functional but not very elegant.

Once again (and for the last time 8-) I must thank Old Cow Yellow for his

original code to set up the timers (which I am still deciphering) and his

input and support. He is why communities like this work.

I would be interested in hearing from any hams, "lowfers" or others

interested in radio transmitters that decide to make their own exciter.

