Memfault Beyond the Launch

Hello, I must be going . . .

Started by bwil...@gmail.com March 22, 2014
You have missed the point. The MSP430 is not for teaching how to use microcontrollers, the point is for engineers to develop products that take advantage of the ultra low power consumption, stability and flexibility.

If you want to learn Arduino, feel free, but no one is ever building one into anything that is designed for mass production. For that, you need the chip to be small, reliable, cheap, flexible, and based on a set of professional development tools and debugging capabilities.

Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

[msp430] An existing poll has been modified, check it out.
Enter your vote now! https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/msp430/polls/poll/3198421
What platform do you use for development?
Created by: pkjohnston
1. Windows VM hosted on OS X https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/msp430/polls/poll/3198421#22189904 (added by: distantship101 . September 8, 2014)


Memfault Beyond the Launch