Memfault Beyond the Launch

CrossWorks for MSP430 v1.2 RC5

Started by Paul Curtis January 5, 2004
Kris et al,

> All Opts ON, and Cross Calling Maximum :          
>            19,504 bytes
> All Opts ON, and Cross Calling Standard :                     
>              19,510 bytes

> The only down point I think is the long linking
time for 
> maximum opt, but since that's only for release code, it seems 
> non-intrusive.

After liberal snipping... The difference between Maximum and Standard
isn't very big on this test.  In fact, it's not really very big at all
(3 instructions out of 9755 insns) at 0.03%.  I sometimes wish I hadn't
added Maximum as it's just too darn slow and perhaps it should have been
called "Benchmark Mode" as that's what prompted the drive to
reduce code
size.  However, we should have also improved execution speed for this
release too.

For the next point release, I'm working on speeding up cross jumping and
tail merging, which are now slower than cross calling for some programs.

I'd recommend that users stick to Cross Calling set to Standard in
Release mode, it's the most useful setting.

Paul Curtis, Rowley Associates Ltd http://www.rowley.co.uk
CrossWorks for MSP430 and ARM processors 

Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

Memfault Beyond the Launch