Hi, some newbie questions... I want to use the ADC10 on an EMG-signal sampled at 1kHz, but find it abit confusing which register settings need to be done regarding selecting analog input. I want to use P2.0 (A0) as analog input channel, is it correct to set the INCH0 in ADC10CTL1, and ADC10AE0 in ADC10AE and in addition set P2SEL |= 0x01 and P2DIR &= ~0x01 (details, details...)? What is the function of the ADC10AE register? In the user's guide, it says that ADC10AE should be disabled to eliminate parasitic current occuring on the digital CMOS port when an analog signal is applied, but shouldn't the input port buffer of A0 be enabled since I'm using it? And, (this is not strictly an MSP430 question, but figured I'd try my luck ;) how do I estimate the external resistance Rs when determining Tsample when I have an LPfilter of ~0.5kHz (using the INA321 or OPA336) and an amplifier (also INA321) in addition to capacitors and resistors on the line on A0? Last, is it possible to keep the CPU in LPM3 (with only ACLK active) while performing ADC and using the DTC to transfer data and have a comparator-function (realized in SW) going? Or will some interrupts force it into higher power modes? (think I read it somewhere in the user's guide) This was a bit much, hope at least some of it is understandable! VERY thankful for any response! Cheers, lady_k

MSP430F1121 ADC10
Started by ●April 26, 2004