Hi! I'm having problems with USART Interrupts. The program will transmit the data received after the interrupt occurs, but the PIC is not responding on receiving data. I configured the following registers for USART RX in interrupt as mentioned in the data sheet: INTCON RCON PIR1 IPR1 PIE1 RCSTA SPBRG TXSTA What do you think i miss? And/or what do you think i should try or check? thanks! Karlo |
PIC USART Interrupt
Started by ●February 17, 2004
Reply by ●February 17, 20042004-02-17
I think that you should try to send some code of what are you doing, so
we can see something (or at least try to) BRGS Mauricio D. Jancic -- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 7.0.211 / Virus Database: 261.9.4 - Release Date: 16/02/2004 |