
Richard Tomkins (@rtomkins)

technology consultant, web development, technical writer, photographer, training

Re: Funny or Not Funny?

Reply posted 4 years ago (02/13/2020)
Every time someone/comedian thinks about this kind of humour, stop, would you tell a joke about 911 in person to the surviving members of a persons family. NOPE!As...

Re: How to get the IR Remote Control Protocol ?

Reply posted 5 years ago (09/27/2019)
Some super information here.Moons ago I had stumbled across something, and just tracked it down.The infrared remote database, irdb.

Re: Hall sensor Pattern

Reply posted 5 years ago (07/19/2019)
Interestingly, I got the mail today, and the latest edition of Circuit Cellar was in there.Part 1 of a multipart article about creating a VFD (Variable Frequency...

Re: What do *you* call "Deeply Embedded"

Reply posted 5 years ago (06/21/2019)
This digikey explanation seems to fit the bill for me.

Re: Choice of microcontroller for a project

Reply posted 5 years ago (05/14/2019)
A majority of compilers for MCU's appear to be derivations of gcc. I have tried the PLAY versions of Keil and IAR and was not overly enamored with their use or results.Atollic...

Re: How does an embedded system OS work? LPC3250 ARM9

Reply posted 5 years ago (05/11/2019)
I truly appreciate what you are asking.I know you are on a journey, the same journey I was on a few years ago.I was struggling with how the USB code got executed...

Re: Choice of microcontroller for a project

Reply posted 5 years ago (05/11/2019)
Assuming that your effort is to learn, then I want to suggest that ST Microelectronics has an excellent ecosystem waiting for you.The STM32 MCU's come in a broad...

Re: MT9D111 camera defected pixels problem

Reply posted 5 years ago (05/03/2019)
I see the upper and lower anomalies in the image that you speak of. I found the data sheet for this camera here.Page 36, says, The sensor core pixel array is configured...

Re: Low level programming

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/03/2018)
First, my qualifier. I love free shit!STMicroelectronics makes a number of low cost modules called Discovery Boards. I have some experience working with a number...

Re: Cooperative scheduling

Reply posted 6 years ago (06/04/2018)
Although the name is Windows, Windows NT is a newly architected system. Some of the foundations within Windows NT are from RSX-11M and VMS. Dave Cutler left DEC...

Re: Cooperative scheduling

Reply posted 6 years ago (06/01/2018)
I am so happy that you brought up the first Apple OS that ran on Motorola 68000 series processors. At times, they were miserable.That being said, had Apple had complete...

Re: RTOS vs Bare-Metal

Reply posted 6 years ago (04/30/2018)
Do not use an Operating System when everything that needs to be done can be done synchronously. Use an Operating System when you need to do things asynchronously.A...
Most of AccuRadio World Music Listener's Top 100 at very low volume is good background while programming.There are some interesting modern takes on traditional music...

Re: Long Range Low Power networking

Reply posted 6 years ago (03/25/2018)
We're using two  STMicroelectronics STM32L0 Discovery kit LoRa operating in OTAA using the LoRaWAN software expansion for STM32Cube (UM2073) code.We're using a...

Re: Free and Open Source Software for Embedded Systems

Reply posted 6 years ago (02/01/2018)
Atollic was recently purchased by ST Microelectronics and the full version is now free to users of STM32 devices.I suspect that in the near future there is going...

Re: Long Range Low Power networking

Reply posted 7 years ago (12/12/2017)
Many thanks for the information.I continue reading and exploring technologies and hope to update my original note here sometime this week.

Re: Long Range Low Power networking

Reply posted 7 years ago (12/05/2017)
Lot's of reading and many late nights later, the following PDF from Microchip, presented in 2015 gives a good overview of LoRaWAN.Getting Up and Running with LoRaWAN™...

Long Range Low Power networking

New thread started 7 years ago
I started to read about The Things Network, which led me to LoRaWAN and then Link Labs and their Symphony product cropped up on the RADAR.Golly, there seems to be...

Re: Help with reverse polarity(strange) SMA connector

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/23/2017)
This may be contrarian, but I like the design of the part that you received in comparison to the standard design.The connector on the module has no moving parts...

Re: Estimate battery run-time in real-time

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/09/2017)

Re: What is a Bootloader and when do you need one?

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/02/2017)
What is a Bootloader?A program that loads an operating system when a computer is turned on.That's it.Now, a modern bootloader for a modern MCU, may incorporate a...

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