
William COTTON (@wyzarddoc)

EET 1978 computer applications to process control, Arm / fpga research and one off end product solutions

Re: Counting clock cycles

Reply posted 8 years ago (04/19/2017)
Best way to count clock cycles is a dual channel oscilloscope. You can not use a processor of any kind to both generate a signal and count clock cycles since the...

Re: Hardware encryption IC.

Reply posted 8 years ago (03/17/2017)
You might consider one of the fpga chips for a truly unbreakable encription. You would just wire from your micro controller in parallel to the fpga then out to the...
Hi Again;After spending some time with the Arduino Mega I would suggest using the Beaglebone Black and a TFT touchscreen display or interface a Android tablet for...
Hi;Before spending money on a development board buy an arduino mega and learn how to program. There have been many projects similar to what your proposing look up...

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