Memfault Beyond the Launch

Problems with UART

Started by elsaximena May 26, 2005

I am programming with a MAVRIC II that uses the ATMEGA 128 but I connect 
GP2D12 infrarred sensor to the UART and I use the hyperterminal for see th
output of the sensor but the only thing that I receive was:

What can I do??? The same thing happened with the srf04 ultrasoni

I appreciate any help


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In article <WLidnbyCU_msTAjfRVn_vA@giganews.com>, elsaximena 
<xrodriguezp@etb.net.co> writes
>HI... > >I am programming with a MAVRIC II that uses the ATMEGA 128 but I >connect a >GP2D12 infrarred sensor to the UART and I use the hyperterminal for see >the >output of the sensor but the only thing that I receive was: >&#4294967295;&#4294967295;@}@@wp@}@pNstr@&#4294967295;&#4294967295;&#4294967295;&#4294967295;&#4294967295;xw@&#4294967295;&#4294967295;&#4294967295;&#4294967295;&#4294967295; > >What can I do??? The same thing happened with the srf04 ultrasonic >sensor!!! >
either a) the baud rate is not correct or b) one end is set to 8 bit and one is set to 9 bit -- Tim Mitchell
On Thu, 26 May 2005 08:37:53 -0500, elsaximena <xrodriguezp@etb.net.co> 

> [...] but I connect a > GP2D12 infrarred sensor to the UART and I use the hyperterminal for see > the > output of the sensor [...]
GP2D12 produces analog signal. You probably need to connect it to one of ADC inputs? Vadim

Memfault Beyond the Launch