
Infineon TRICORE TC1766 example for ADC conversion??

Started by skysurf December 26, 2007

I just received a starterboard for the Infineon TC1766 Tricore
microcontroller (Triboard).  I am trying to setup the ADC converter on the
micro to run some adc conversions, however there are no examples on how to
configure the micro for ADC conversions.  Would anyone know where I can
get an example of ADC implementation for the Tricore??  I would appreciate
annyy help!!!!  Thanks!!

On Dec 26 2007, 2:54 pm, "skysurf" <rawat.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, > > I just received a starterboard for the Infineon TC1766Tricore > microcontroller (Triboard). I am trying to setup the ADC converter on the > micro to run some adc conversions, however there are no examples on how to > configure the micro for ADC conversions. Would anyone know where I can > get an example of ADC implementation for theTricore?? I would appreciate > annyy help!!!! Thanks!!
Hello and welcome to the select group of TriCore programmers! :-) The easiest way to get started with setting up the chip is to use Infineon's DAvE software (Digital Application virtual Engineer) - have a look on www.infineon.com/dave . Make sure you download the DIP (support) file for the TC1766. The code this generates is compatible with the Tasking and Gnu environments - which are you using? If you get stuck using DAvE, let me know and I can send you an example project which works. Happy TriCoreing! Cheers Richard _________________ --- Richard Gledhill Embedded Design Engineer Hitex UK www.hitex.co.uk ** Anything posted by me here is my own personal opinion and does NOT (necessarily!) represent the opinions of Hitex UK! **
I am working on TC1766B microcontroller,
can any one send me the codes for controlling
the erasing and flashing operations for TC1766B


Gaurav Dubey 
gauravdubey4 wrote:
> Hello, > I am working on TC1766B microcontroller, > can any one send me the codes for controlling > the erasing and flashing operations for TC1766B >
Grab the TC1766 User Manual off Infineon's site. All you need is there (it's what I used to write a flash driver for the TC1796).