
Free RTOS Source code for LPC2129

Started by abhilash krishna March 6, 2010
Hi Friends,
I am new to this groups.I trying to learn RTOS program.So please help how to start to writting program for LPC2129.If u have any source code please forward to this mail.

Thaks & Regards
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An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 11:47 AM, abhilash krishna wrote:

> Hi Friends,
> I am new to this groups.I trying to learn RTOS program.So
> please help how to start to writting program for LPC2129.If u have any
> source code please forward to this mail.

Check these:

http://jcwren.com/arm/ or http://code.google.com/p/blueboard-lpc214x/

By the way any specific reason for selecting LPC2129 apart from CAN
interface? But for the CAN interface and lesser RAM and Flash its similar to
LPC2148. LPC2148 on the other hand has USB

Warm regards
NGX Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
abhilash krishna schrieb:
> I am new to this groups.I trying to learn RTOS program.So please help how to start to writting program for LPC2129.If u have any source code please forward to this mail.

Please use your favorite web-search (Google ?). On my PC I have at least
10 "free" different RTOS.
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