Forums Search for: AT90S2313
Using shift registers 74hc595,74hc164,74hc165
inHi Is anyone have a routines to shift-out data to a 74hc595. Or shift- in to a 74hc164 or 74hc165. I want to use 3 wire method with the ...
Hi Is anyone have a routines to shift-out data to a 74hc595. Or shift- in to a 74hc164 or 74hc165. I want to use 3 wire method with the AT90S2313 AVR. I'm using AVRAssembler. Maybe you can post to files area. Thank you Don
Saving in EEPROM without corruption?
inI have a circuit using an AT90S2313 working on a very noisy environment and subject to program 'crashes' sometimes. The Watchdog is...
I have a circuit using an AT90S2313 working on a very noisy environment and subject to program 'crashes' sometimes. The Watchdog is very efficient recovering from crashes, but I'm having a corruption on the EEPROM contents. What is the best method of saving some bytes (2) in the internal EEPROM and getting them back without corruption? Is there some sort
Can't get first C prgm working on Atmel AT90S2313. Help pls....
inAll, This is my first attempt at using C and using the AVR platform. I used the Codevision AVR C compiler to automatically produce the...
All, This is my first attempt at using C and using the AVR platform. I used the Codevision AVR C compiler to automatically produce the code below (as I have got a long road ahead of me before I can produce my own code from scratch). The code is supposed to light an LED when the corresponding push button in pushed. Problem is that the high order LED (
inHi, I made a small piece of assembler code long ago for the at90s2313.. and compiled without any problems in Avrstudio. This time I made...
Hi, I made a small piece of assembler code long ago for the at90s2313.. and compiled without any problems in Avrstudio. This time I made some changes for atmega48. I included the file, changed the code and also changed platform and device in avrstudio however I get "error: Operand 2 out of range: 0x69" ; cli in r16,EICRA; ;;;$3f no problem EICRA=$69... External in...